Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Religious Pedophiles - Is The Pope Above The Law?


thinkingblue says: If anyone can put a pen to the Catholic Church leaders' (especially the Pope) atrocious oath of silence, to not expose the (PEDOPHILIA) scourge, and in unequivocal language that leaves no latitude for rebuttal, John Cory can.

In this article (below) he tells
the side of the victim; the young children who had no authority to go to, no protector to save them and no voice to tell about the silent suffering they had to tolerate during the dark minutes, hours, days of torment they endured while in their early years of life… (in HELL!)

Hell is a place, that the very institute of which their parents had thrust them into, to learn how to stay out of, when their lives on Earth had ceased (
Catholic Belief System). Please read his words they will cause
you to feel the pain of the victims, not the so called excuses from the perpetrators. The sorrow of this story is intense beyond words!

Click for article

Pope Benedict XVI attends Palm
Sunday Mass at the Vatican, 03/28/10. (photo: Getty Images)

A Personal Issue, The Catholic Church Scandal
By John Cory, Reader Supported News
28 March 2010

My views on child abuse and child
molestation are harsh and unforgiving and forged by the fires
of my own childhood. I give no quarter on this issue.

I have no kind words or forgiving thoughts for the Catholic
hierarchy or their enablers, which brings me to Bill
Donohue's article on the CNN Opinion web site. You can read
what he says here but I'll give you my version:

Child abuse and molestation is bad but this stuff happened a
long time ago and times were different then and besides
everyone does it including churches, schools, businesses and
even the Jews. This is all about picking on the Catholic
Church for headlines.

Mr. Donohue - you are performing a cheap parlor trick of
turning the Catholic Church into the victim here and frankly,
it is disgusting. The victims are at the center of this
issue, not you and your Catholic ego.

This is not an attack on the Catholic Church. It is about
holding the men accountable who lead the Church. And that
includes the Pope.

In the wonderful novel "The Kite Runner" by Khaled
Hosseini, Baba tells his son Amir: "There is only one
sin and that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of
theft... When you kill a man, you steal a life. When you tell
a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth."

Men, not God, not Church, stole innocence and trust, privacy
and possession of one's body and spirit. Can there be a more
heinous crime?

While you dress your Cardinals and Pope in fine linens and
moral rectitude, the molested cover themselves in revulsion
and self-loathing believing they did something to cause this

While you parade about with burning incense and wafers of
contrition the raped and battered wander in doubt and
confusion as to how God let this happen.

While you sprinkle the Water of Oblivion and chant sacred
liturgies the true victims suffer the holy trinity of abuse,
alienation and abandonment.

How dare you cloak the Church in victimhood.

Should the deaf children thank God that they were not able to
hear their rapist's grunts and gasps of pleasure at

Should the molested thank God that they eventually became old
enough to no longer be attractive to priests? Or should they
have prayed for faster transfers?

Should the abused take comfort in the knowledge that it was
only a few "bad apples" in the Church and they were
just "unfortunate" to be among the chosen prey?

What you defend is not the Church but the silence of power,
the sin of willful ignorance and the sin of omission by those
who turned a blind eye to the torture and horror at the hands
of God's devoted servants.

What you defend is the murder of the soul.

The first day of abuse becomes an eternity of pain and
despair and night becomes a never-ending reel that assaults
the senses. The smell and feel of sin forever burned into the
brain haunting the heart and soul.

I don't know how to explain this horror in a way to make you

I can tell you that abuse smells like Old Spice and Vaseline
Hair Tonic wafting in the air with each blow. I can tell you
that abuse tastes like oatmeal on a dishrag in my mouth to
keep me from screaming. I can tell you that abuse burns like
a tub of scalding water boiling away my sins and it stings
like the slice of a knife to bleed out that evil blood inside
of me. I can tell you that the sound of abuse is an icy echo:
I'm only doing this because I love you. If you were good, you
wouldn't make me do this.

There is not a bonfire in Hell big enough for the souls of
these people to burn in as far as I am concerned. And the
statute of limitations should match the term of punishment
and damnation - eternity.

The perpetrators stole innocence and purity, trust and love,
and beautiful childhood souls like they were nothing more
than trinkets of idol pleasure.

But the greatest theft came from the Cardinals and Bishops
and authorities. They stole in silence just like a thief in
the night. They were soundless accomplices to the murder of

They stole truth from those who needed its protection most.
They stole the right to be heard and to be believed. They
stole love and hope and the sanctity of the church.

They stole God.

To defend any of this is to steal the last vestige of dignity
and honor and justice from those who deserve it most.

There is only one sin and that is theft.

Thou shalt not steal.


I found this next article while searching this subject on the
Internet. It is so good, I am printing it here in its



Pedophiles, who prefer child sexual partners within their own
family, are said to be “INCESTUOUS”. From the
Compton’s Encyclopedia: Pedophilia is the sexual abuse
of children which often involves parents, siblings, or other
family members in forbidden relationships--children are
exposed to sensations and practices that they are not quite
mature enough to understand. The types of abuse may range
from fondling to rape, and kidnap victims are often molested
before they are killed. Others may be the objects of
pedophiles (adults who prefer child partners). Sexually
abused children who try to break the pattern by running away
may be lured into street crime or exploited in child
prostitution and pornography rings. I believe publications)
make light of this horrible, tragic, deviant sexual practice.
Such attitudes are as if Pedophilia is so horrible, that it
should be “swept under the rug” or better yet, not
spoken about. Such is the power of important sexual deviants
(high in church and political circles), as to make the
subject taboo to the general public.There should always be
grave concern about Pedophiles in our Society because it
destroys the innocence of children; thereby negatively
affecting their lives and of those of many other innocent
people. I have written this paper in the hope of alerting
more people to the problem, and its ramifications. Perhaps by
opening a dialogue (blog- if you like) we may together find
ways to help stem this cancer in our society and morality.
Just who are Pedophiles?

1.PEDOPHILES are men / women who have strong sexual
inclination (lust) toward boys, or girls. They believe there
is nothing wrong with their sexual inclinations, and see them
as normal, and feel misunderstood by Society (sort of like
druggies). I have come to believe they are born this way
(hardwired for children), and cannot be dissuaded or changed
by persuasion, or the love of God.

2.PEDOPHILES are young adults, adult, middle-aged and old men
(and women). They exist in all races and walks of life, poor,
rich, uneducated, highly educated - it makes no difference!
More often than not, they are very intelligent and cunning.
They truly are the moral “wolves” in society, and
have been so since time immemorial. Pedophile Clerics are
truly:“wolves in sheep’s clothing”

3. PEDOPHILES often seek jobs, or professions, that will put
them in close contact with young children (a pool of
victims), and a position of authority, to facilitate carrying
out their perverse designs and sexual fantasies. They may, or
may not act out such fantasies, but they have a
“deviant” mentality and perverse sexual fantasies

MOTHERS, because they irreversibly damage the psyche of their
victims within their own family, often for many generations
yet to come, and usually destroy family unity. AS SUCH

victims to protect their own freedom to satisfy their sexual
fantasies again. Clearly, THEY ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS KIND,
and should be identified, and removed from society as soon as

6. PEDOPHILES cannot be dissuaded or persuaded to change
their sexual inclinations by Psychiatric therapy or by
counseling intervention. Not even for the love or fear of
God! The problem is, they do not acknowledge being deviant,
or damaging to their victims - even when their victims are
babies! Pedophiles are full of fantasies in which they see
themselves as Teachers and Masters for a new generation.
Damn! Please excuse my indignation. One avenue that has been
used is chemical castration (periodic injections through
court action), or the use of Anti-Depressants such as Zoloft,
and other (SSRIs) - by counseling persuasion, since they
greatly reduce sexual urge (libido). Wish we had a drug like
it to reduce the addictive cravings of druggies.

8. PEDOPHILES are often aided and abetted by the silence of
family members and others who know of their
actions/inclinations. In most cases of incest, the mother
knows, and keeps silence. Considering the consequences of her
silence toward the family, she is equally guilty. No one who
“Knows” should be silent! A mother’s prime
directive as a parent, is to protect her children; not the
reputation of an incestuous father – that, is his


1. GIRLS WHO ARE VICTIMS OF INCEST beginning in childhood
will frequently suffer from frigidity (inability to have
pleasurable intimate sexual relations with men) resulting
from deep-seated feelings of guilt related to sex. Such women
feel they must “submit to sex in marriage; this normally
has a chilling effect on marital relations, since the husband
may misconstrue the wife’s attitude for lack of love, or
dissatisfaction with his sexual performance. Left
unrecognized, this problem often results in divorce, and
eventual breakup of the family. The victim strangely, usually
has no memory of the events, let alone the cause of her
problems (she thinks it is all natural, and every
child’s experience) until late in life; Then, she begins
to experience troubling Flashbacks about her childhood and
realizes, at first with apprehension; then with disgust, and
finally with anger, that she was abused as a child for the
sexual gratification of a grownup in her family. Frequently,
feelings of guilt and low self-esteem ensue; this can and
should be treated by counseling to help the victim
internalize the fact that she was a child victim of a
Perverse Pedophile (one who acts out his sexual fantasies),
through no fault of her own. Psychotherapy or counseling are
lengthy, expensive, and (unfortunately) infrequently

pedophile, also suffer feelings of guilt and low self-esteem
that can be highly self-destructive. Such feelings, if left
untreated, can lead to promiscuity, prostitution, drug abuse,
self-abuse, and even suicide; Victims should be treated by
counseling to help the victim internalize the fact that he or
she was a child victim of a pedophile, through no fault of
hers. The most important things a caring parent can do, is to
recognize the signs/symptoms of sexual abuse, seek treatment,
and expose the pedophile. The signs and symptoms of sexual
abuse in children need exploration, but often include:
moroseness (quietness), sadness, desires to be alone, lack of
playfulness, and distrust of adults.


implications/ramifications, deeply affects our life and
Society at large; hence the need to look for ways to combat
the problem.

2. EDUCATE PARENTS about Pedophilia and its consequences, and
how to teach their children regarding “Nasty”

3. EXPLORE WAYS to help individual victims.

4. EXPLORE WAYS to identify pedophiles during the hiring-in
process for "child vulnerable" positions such as:
teachers, school bus drivers, Boy Scout leaders, Clergy,
Summer Camp Leaders, Day Care Center Workers, etc. This could be done by "peter-meter" devices, or by observing
reaction to naked child photos/art. Employers often require
drug use tests legally, don't they? It is time for preemptive
action. Society cannot continue to allow "wolves/coyotes
in the hen house". The toll in destroyed lives is too
high! I look forward to your constructive suggestions: legal,
legislative (at different levels of government) important
hiring places, etc. to fight this worldwide scourge on

P.S. I am not looking for excuses/apologies from Pedophiles.
I know they see themselves in a special light: “Nobody
loves children the way we do”…We thank God for


RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Watch Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important petition "demand question time"
(of our political leaders)

We really need more dialog from those at the top...

The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads,
while we continue to watch THE


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We Did It! Be A Part of American History!

Be A Part of American History

Click to add your name!

I am so glad that I have lived long enough to see health care
become a right not a privilege. I spent my whole life
experiencing the misery, people suffer living in a nation
that does not believe it is responsible for its citizens'
health care. Too many of us have suffered and died just
because we were either born into or through no fault of our
own, found ourselves in a low income status. I saw it happen
in my own family; My mother who was age 56 when she died of
cancer due to not having enough money to take advantage of
our superb medical system. She was a nonentity and this
happens to young and old. What a disgrace! Now at long last
we have opened the door (albeit just a crack) to make health
care in our country a right. Thank you President Barack
Obama, you have done what no president before you could or
even cared to do. I am sending a contribution of $25 to this
cause and will wear the health care tee shirt that comes with
that small offering, proudly. thinkingblue


The New American Way - Blind
Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry

March 20, 2010

Thom Hartmann Weighs In On
Teabaggers' Scorn and Disrespect For Man With Parkinson's



I stumbled upon the Thom Hartmann Show on Free Speech TV a
few months back. Since I had heard of Mr. Hartmann on Air
America but really never tuned in I allowed this channel to
remain for awhile so I could see what Thom had to say. Ive
been hooked ever since. Not in the sense that the followers
of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are HOOKED by: Blind
Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry; Im captivated by Thom
Hartmanns ideas and beliefs because of my desire for
knowledge. This man has so much knowledge you have to wonder
how he can retain it all. He takes phone calls then supports
the callers questions or statements with his voluminous
experience and perception. Many times he will get a question
or suggestion and you can almost see the wheels go to work
inside his head, admitting he may not know too much on the
subject but will look into it.

Hes also not afraid to admit hes wrong unlike the hate
mongers on the right. The Becks and Limbaughs (et al) are so
sure they know it ALL, they would never back down or act
human with a simple I have no knowledge of that, or maybe a I
will research that Not these right-wing-nuts, It's always I
KNOW and YOU DON'T! jingle all the way.

If the right-winded jerks on the right just played their
audience (for their listening and viewing pleasure) and that
was all there was to it (Like an evening spent laughing at a
comedian in some night club, then you go home) there would be
no problem. But their devotees get so riled by the constant
baneful and deadly rhetoric that spews from their TVs or
radios that their newly found hatefulness spills out onto the
streets and they group together and slap a label on
themselves like TEABAGGER (thinking somehow they are aligning
with the Boston Tea Party patriots). Now armed with this talk
radio/ TV hatred theyre out for blood and anyone on the left
is their target, whether it be a Parkinson diseased man or a
small boy who just lost his mother to a disease because she
had no health insurance. The rest is TEABAG history!
thinkingblue aka thethinkingblue


15 Executives Who Get Paid Millions To Deny You Health Care

The business model of American health insurers is basically:
try to get healthy customers as clients, and then resist as
long as possible when it comes to paying out claims.

Thats actually not an indictment or a criticism.

Its just the way our system works, and its screwed up.

Whatever you feel about Obamacare (HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM),
you probably think our current system needs reform in some

MEET THEM HERE: http://www.businessinsider.com/here-a...


Limbaugh pulled something out of his
BUTT...AGAIN! Now he's moving to Costa Rica

March 10, 2010

Hate radio host Rush Limbaugh has been one of
health care reforms most vociferous opponents, warning that
[h]uman beings will die earlier than normal under the freedom
killing and life threatening ... Hate radio host Rush
Limbaugh has been one of health care reforms most vociferous
opponents, warning that [h]uman beings will die earlier than
normal under the freedom killing and life threatening plan,
and calling for it to be aborted. Yesterday, Limbaugh put his
money where his mouth is, saying that if health care passes
and all his fears are realized, hell leave the country:
CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go
for health care yourself? And the second part of that is,
what would happen to the doctors, do they have to participate
in the federal program, or could they opt out of it? [...]
LIMBAUGH: My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK,
doctors have opted out. And once theyve opted, they cant see
anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the
exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients
that will pay them a retainer and itll be a very small
practice. I dont know if thats been outlawed in the Senate
bill. I dont know. Ill just tell you this, if this passes and
its five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented
— I am leaving the country. Ill go to Costa Rica.


The Fight Against Death From A
Voice Of Reason

October 08, 2009

October 7 Keith Olbermann Comment
about Health Care Reform. It's the fight against death.

Keith Olbermann's special comment of October 7 got personal.
He experienced firsthand and personally the broken system we
call Health Care. The difficulties he went through with his
ailing Father were unexpected to Keith even though he was
well aware of others' (especially those without insurance)
suffering under this system. But he had money, isn't that
enough in Capitalistic America to protect you from becoming a
victim of the Health and Insurance Industrys gluttony?

Yes indeed, as Olbermann earnestly commented, money had saved
his father from needless suffering and loss of dignity. This
made Keith even more compassionate to the plight of those who
have no leverage. His money did afford some of the best
attention by medical personnel thus making him even more
aware of, how those with no health insurance must endure the
lack of self-respect to which a society without
responsiveness will put them through.

Having empathy and concern for others can be a misfortune
because there is so little one can do to help the forgotten
ones. That's the way the Insurance Industry would like those
who can't afford their high premiums to become... FORGOTTEN.

It's only people with a platform such as Mr. Olbermann, who
can bring to light the outrageous greed in this country where
bottom-line is more revered than humaneness. I guess if they
could just get rid of those who can't line their pockets,
they would do so but since we are a nation of laws all they
can do is lie, mislead and spend exuberant amounts of money
lobbying their status quo.

Thank all that is good, for Keith Olbermann, he is the
guiding light to benevolent thinking of which we all,
Conservatives and Liberals alike, can follow, if you happen
to possess a heart. He truly is A VOICE OF REASON.

The video will give you some of the highlights of Keith
Obermann's hour long commentary on Health Care Reform.

You can view the whole segment here:


Rep. Alan Grayson
D-Fla, A Voice Of Reason

October 3, 2009

Florida Representative Alan Grayson
speaks for all of us who believe the Republicans are only
responsive to Corporate Interests. They have shown time and
again that "We The People" do not matter. Our only
function is to keep the corporate world lucrative. The Health
Care Reform debacle has exposed their greed to everyone
except those who follow their creed, those who have been
indoctrinated to blindly accept anything they have to offer
as genuine and in their best interests; no questions are
allowed. I swear the Republican Party and Religion are one
and the same. thinkingblue


America - The
Greatest Show On Earth

September 16, 2009

Bill Moyers offers a PULL NO PUNCHES
explanation on why our country is... THE GREATEST



August 24, 2009

The debate over health care reform
has gone viral. It's as though some kind of celestial dust
has floated down from the furthest corners of outer-space and
infected so many of our brains. When you see and hear people
who look like you and talk somewhat like you go, completely
berserk and make no-nada- squat sense at all, you want to
scream at the top of your lungs "BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY,
FAST!" and get transported to a safer more logical

But alas, that can only happen in science fiction (so far)
and we are stuck here to share the breathing space with some
pretty frightening characters, now called Townhallers. I went
into the Urban Dictionary to see if this word has
unofficially been dubbed a new urban utterance in our English
Language and this is what I found:

Townhaller - One who is easily turned against the
establishment through fear mongering and partisan rhetoric,
who attends political gatherings not for the purpose of
discussion, but disruption. Townhallers may become violent if
discouraged from interrupting productive or informative
debate and discussion. These townhallers will believe
anything, as long as Sarah Palin posts it on her twitter

Hopefully, when a Health Care Reform Bill is eventually
signed, we will all be able to calm down. That is until the
Limbaugh's and Fox (YOU CALL THAT NEWS?) people churn up some
other reason for their viewers/listeners to go bonkers and
make total and complete asses out of themselves. Then a new
urban word will appear to describe such people or events.

I put together this video to try and make sense out of the
senselessness that is going on at the Town hall meetings to
discuss Health Care Reform. Featuring Rachel Maddow's voice
of reason. I swear if it weren't for people like Rachel we
would all lose our minds. thethinkingblue


Mobs, Bullies and Fascists 101

August 15, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is the personification
of a bully and a tyrant. He incites people to form mobs and
do his dictate. I hope everyone will someday realize that
Rush Limbaugh is not to be respected he should not be
worshiped but abandoned and scorned.

There is only one reason for the fomenting of hatred in the
Rush Limbaugh world and that is to rake in the dough. And
goddammit lots and lots of moola go into Limbaugh's back
pockets. The reason for this, well it's not rocket science?
The whatfor is all around us... It's because there are too
many weak-minded people in our midst. They may work hard and
try to play by the rules; the trouble is they are too willing
to obey those who scare the BEJESUS out of them.

I admit life is an eerie and hair-raising experience. Theres
danger and peril all around waiting to pounce on any innocent
who happens to wonder by. But we can't live our lives in a
constant state of fear. We must venture out and take our
chances in order to survive.

The shock-jocks like Limbaugh are out there in the shadows of
their microphones waiting to make an attack on the innate
fears of the populous. They exaggerate, amplify, blow out of
proportion and hyperbolize everything and I mean EVERYTHING
that may cause apprehension amongst those who are unaware of
what the radio host real motive is (make ada BIG BUCKS!). In
other words they prey upon the gullible for gain.

I wish these vulnerable people could become informed the old
fashion way by reading and inquiring the many information
outlets available (legitimate newspapers and educational
library books) but that's too difficult for them, plus they
may be too worn-out from the hard lives they are forced to
lead, due to lack of information and education. It's just too
easy to click a knob on the old TV or radio and tune into the
shows that dumb down their audiences. Also, the Limbaugh's
give them a punching bag to direct their pant-up anger at.
Its not only sad, its criminal. But we do live in a free
country and because of that, we all possess the freedom to be
irresponsible and that definitely is so irresponsible. Below
is a video I made from the information I gathered from the
Media Matters and Our Future websites. Thank goodness for
sites like Media Matters and Our Future who inform and
educate us on the misinformation floated out there by
Right-Wing zealots who stand behind and protect big corporate
interests. thinkingblue.blogspot.com


Town Hall Madness

August 12, 2009

More Republican dittoheads sent out by their leaders (GOP,
Limbaugh, Rightwing organizations and Fox News) to disrupt
the town hall meetings on the health care debate.

This town hall madness does not make any sense at all. These
people are an embarrassment to all America, acting like a
bunch of undisciplined children. Displaying anger against
something that is in their own best interest just for the
spite of it and I will do anything within my power (making
videos, giving a dollar a day to the cause and posting on
facebook) to expose their insanity just like they will do
anything to expose their hatred towards our ELECTED

Gun Toting Townhaller on Obama Route Calls For Blood

A gun toting and displaying man waiting on the route
President Obama will be taking to a town hall is carrying a
sign calling for blood.

The sign states:

"Time to Water the tree of Liberty."

That's what the sign says-- a fragment of a quote from Thomas
Jefferson. The total quote reads,

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time
with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural

This was written in a letter from Jefferson to William
Stephens Smith, November 13, 1787

The sign is clearly a reference to spilling blood. Tie that
together with a gunman openly displaying his gun on the path
President Obama will be taking to his town hall and you have
to wonder about the local lawmen who are allowing this

Is this a test the NRA has put in place? Is it simply another
ratcheting up of the tension and anger around health care? Is
it simply a hyper-macho protester showing off his phallic

Gun rights do not extend to brandishing guns in the presence
of the president. Any fool who choses to do so should lose
his gun ownership privileges.

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of
OpEdNews.com, President of Futurehealth, Inc, more...)



August 10, 2009

Keith Olbermann's special comment discusses
the bigotry that is coming from the GOP base and how they are
capitalizing on it to stop Health Care Reform.

The Republican Party has been using mob scenes for some time
now... There was the 2000 election when they brought in their
thugs to stop the recount. Then again during election times,
especially the McCain/Palin rallies. Mob mentality was in
vogue during that conservative get-togetherness. Palin, along
with her talk radio groupies would tell their base anything,
short of go out and lynch the opposition, to rile their
followers into a hateful bunch of bigots.

Now again, they are at it with their dusting off of the ugly
mob crowds and sending them out to descend upon democratic
town hall meetings. These people (MOBS) are blatantly hateful
and law abiding citizens don't know what to make of their
anger... and that's exactly how they win. So many people
believe they are just a crazy fringe and laugh them off while
they grow just like the movie blob and cover the land with
gooey, sticky, nasty hostility...

The main problem with normal, regular people is, they don't
realize how many stupid, crazy people live in this country...
When one of the stupids get wind of what the other stupids
are doing they jump out of their boring lives and join the
mob band-wagon. I sure hope the DNC does not turn its head
away from this GOP MOB ploy... these agitated nuts are out
for blood.

Wow, Paul Krugman is another TELL IT LIKE IT IS... It's not
health care reform these nutbags (as in teabag) are upset
over... It's the fact that we have a black president... I'm
telling you America's bigotry is alive and well. Here's the
link to Paul Krugman's article:
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/07/opi... thinkingblue

What the hell is the problem here? Including a public option
would save billions of dollars, but Congress cant come to an
agreement? Do they think we're all stupid? Oh yes, right,
it's better to be subjected to skyrocketing health care
costs, driven by the high costs of administering private
plans? Yup, no competition is what Democracy is all about.

I hope everyone will feel the passion and hop on board for
your 04.16 cent 1000 mile ride to a more efficient Health
Care Industry and one that matches the other industrialized
nations who have less money than our America but have a
Health Care System that puts ours to shame.

I just donated a dollar a day till health care reform gets
passed. (Small price to pay for something so immensely
important. Just one dollar in a 24 hour Earth rotation.)

(The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 25,000
miles. The Earth rotates in about 24 hours. Therefore, if you
were to hang above the surface of the Earth at the equator
without moving, you would see 25,000 miles pass by in 24
hours, at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 1000 miles per
hour.) That's a little over 4 cents to travel over 1000 miles, in an
hour. Pretty good bargain if you ask me. And if it shows the
insatiably greedy insurance companies that "we the
people" mean business and will not settle for anything
less than a passage of a public option in this Health Care
Reform, debate (and it will represent an even more cost
efficient effect over the years of one's life


Why don't "R" People like
Single Payer Health Care?

May 13, 2009

My (thinkingblue) submission to PUT SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE

I am so dismayed by what is happening (or not happening) in our
country about health care reform. Hasn't this important issue sat
on the back burner for far too long? Single Payer Health Care
(Medicare) is the only insurance program that can reach ALL THE
PEOPLE not just the ones who were lucky enough to be born to a
family who could afford giving their offspring the tools to earn
a LIVING WAGE. These are hard times but for low income people
there is nothing new here. Hard Times is a lifestyle.

President Bush once told us we already have a form of socialized
medicine it's called the EMERGENCY ROOM. What a cruel and LET EM
EAT CAKE statement that was. Exclusion from a decent life because
your income isn't enough to allow you the basic needs of life
should have been buried in the past long ago. Yet here we are
2009 and there are many people, too many, who are deprived from
having the peace of mind knowing, they and their

families are covered in case of a real Emergency. Must I live the
rest of my days in a sad, angry state because I care about those
who cant afford good health care? If we dont give a damn about
our neighbors plight, we as a country will never survive; history
has proved this over and over. Theres a Youtube entry that says
it all. Please Sign petition




I get so confused, I listen to the "R" pundits on TV
and I think to myself... Why are people believing them? They make
no sense at all! I came across an article in Common Dreams and
I've come to the conclusion that only a small percentage of the
"R" people are listening and believing them. I feel
better now. I just could not imagine that people were that
delusional, not today after Obama's election. Why would our
fellow Americans go so totally against their own self-interest or
against the interests of their peers when it makes so much sense
to not only love thy neighbor but also help thy neighbor...? I'm
talking about single payer health insurance... That's right
Medicare for all who want it or more importantly Need it. Anyway,
my apologies to the "R" people and thanks to the
article entitled: Standing Against Single Payer



RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays
on 'Fear'

Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

Robes For SCOTUS

sign this very important petition "demand question

(of our political leaders)

We really need more dialog from those at the top...

The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO"

any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads,
while we continue to watch THE




Sunday, March 21, 2010

The New American Way - Blind Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry

The New American Way - Blind Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry

Read about the French Experiment here:
Shock as Reality Show Invites Contestants to Kill

Thom Hartmann Weighs In On Teabaggers' Scorn and Disrespect For Man With Parkinson's Disease


I stumbled upon the Thom Hartmann Show on Free Speech TV a few months back. Since I had heard of Mr. Hartmann on Air America but really never tuned in… I allowed this channel to remain for awhile so I could see what Thom had to say.

I’ve been hooked ever since. Not in the sense that the followers of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are HOOKED by: Blind Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry; I’m captivated by Thom Hartmann’s ideas and beliefs because of my desire for knowledge. This man has so much knowledge you have to wonder how he can retain it all. He takes phone calls then supports the callers’ questions or statements with his voluminous experience and perception. Many times he will get a question or suggestion and you can almost see the wheels go to work inside his head, admitting he may not know too much on the subject but will look into it.

He’s also not afraid to admit he’s wrong unlike the hate mongers on the right. The Becks and Limbaughs (et al) are so sure they know it ALL, they would never back down or act human with a simple “I have no knowledge of that”, or maybe a “I will research that” Not these right-wing-nuts, It’s always “I KNOW and YOU DON’T!” jingle all the way.

If the right-winded jerks on the right just played their audience (for their listening and viewing pleasure) and that was all there was to it… (Like an evening spent laughing at a comedian in some night club, then you go home) there would be no problem. But their devotees get so riled by the constant baneful and deadly rhetoric that spews from their TVs or radios that their newly found hatefulness spills out onto the streets and they group together and slap a label on themselves like… TEABAGGER (thinking somehow they are aligning with the Boston Tea Party patriots). Now armed with this talk radio/ TV hatred they’re out for blood and anyone on the left is their target, whether it be a Parkinson diseased man or a small boy who just lost his mother to a disease because she had no health insurance. The rest is TEABAG history! thinkingblue aka thethinkingblue

Raucous, ugly buildup to House
health care vote

By ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer Alan Fram, Associated
Press Writer

Sat Mar 20, 9:20 pm ET

WASHINGTON – House Democrats heard it all Saturday
— words of inspiration from President Barack Obama and
raucous chants of protests from demonstrators. And at times
it was flat-out ugly, including some racial epithets aimed at
black members of Congress.

Most of the day's important work leading up to Sunday's
historic vote on health care was being done behind closed
doors. Democratic leaders cajoled, bargained and did what
they could to nail down the votes they will need to finally
push Obama's health care overhaul bill through the House.

But much else about the day was noisy, emotional and right
out in the open. After more than a year debating the capstone
of Obama's domestic agenda and just hours to go before the
showdown vote, there was little holding back.

The tone was set outside the Capitol. Clogging the sidewalks
and streets of Capitol Hill were at least hundreds — no
official estimate was yet available — of loud, furious
protesters, many of them tea party opponents of the health
care overhaul.

Rallies outside the Capitol are typically orderly, with
speeches and well-behaved crowds. Saturday's was different,
with anger-fueled demonstrators surrounding members of
Congress who walked by, yelling at them.

"Kill the bill," the largely middle-aged crowd
shouted, surging toward lawmakers who crossed the street
between their office buildings and the Capitol. MORE HERE

Associated Press writers Charles Babington and Christine
Simmons contributed to this report.


15 Executives Who Get Paid Millions
To Deny You Health Care Coverage
The business model of American health insurers is basically: try to get healthy customers as clients, and then resist as long as possible when it comes to paying out claims.

That’s actually not an indictment or a criticism.

It’s just the way our system works, and its screwed up.

Whatever you feel about Obamacare (HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM), you probably think our current system needs reform in some sense.


RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

Angry White Man - The bigoted past of Ron Paul.

New Robes For SCOTUS

Sign this very important petition "demand question time"

(of our political leaders)

We really need more dialog from those at the top...

The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads,
while we continue to watch THE




Thursday, March 18, 2010

Puns, Puns, Puns Everyone Loves Puns

can make you laugh, puns can make you think and puns can make you
groan... Here's a few puns I've gathered from the Internet. I
hope they can make you laugh, think and groan up a storm.

Alfred Hitchcock on puns
interviewed by Dick Cavett in 1972

I thought I saw an eye doctor on
an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian

A rubber band pistol was confiscated from
algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll
still be stationery.

A grenade thrown into a kitchen in
France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to
a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he
was, a nurse said 'No change yet.'

The man who survived mustard gas and pepper
spray is now a seasoned veteran. When cannibals ate a missionary,
they got a taste of religion.

Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe


Visual Pun








If a person
spouts bad puns all day long, what should happen to him.

He should get
Capital Pun...ishment!

A pun, or
paronomasia, is a form of word play that deliberately exploits an
ambiguity between similar-sounding words for humorous or
rhetorical effect. Such ambiguity may arise from the intentional
misuse of homophonical, homographical, homonymic, polysemic,
metonymic, or metaphorical language.

By definition, puns must be deliberate; an involuntary
substitution of similar words is called a malapropism.

Samuel Johnson disparagingly referred to punning as "the
lowest form of humour". Punning has been used by writers
such as Alexander Pope, James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, William
Shakespeare (who is estimated to have used over 3,000 puns in his
plays), John Donne, and Lewis Carroll.

"A good pun may be admitted among the smaller excellencies
of lively conversation."

**James Boswell**

"Hanging is too good for a
man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted."
— Fred Allen

(Quoted: pun on "quartered", an old form of capital

"Immanuel doesn't pun; he
Kant." — Oscar Wilde

(Kant: play on "can't", in the name of philosopher
Immanuel Kant)

"A man sent a list of ten
puns to a friend, hoping at least one would make him laugh.

No pun in ten did.

(A play on the phrase no pun intended, used after somebody
unintentionally makes a pun.)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Texas School Board to Drop Truth From Text Books

"Inherit The Wind."

U.S. history textbooks could soon be flavored heavily
with Texas conservatism

The nation’s public school curriculum may be in for a
Texas-sized overhaul, if the Lone Star state’s
influential recommendations for changes to social studies,
economics and history textbooks are fully ratified later this
spring. Last Friday, in a 10-to-5 vote split right down party
lines, the Texas State Board of Education approved some
controversial right-leaning alterations to what most students
in the state—and by extension, in much of the rest of
the country—will be studying as received historical and
social-scientific wisdom. After a public comment period, the
board will vote on final recommendations in May.

Don McElroy, who leads the board’s powerful seven-member
social conservative bloc, explained that the measure is a way
of "adding balance" in the classroom, since
"academia is skewed too far to the left." And the
board's critics have labeled the move an attempt by political
"extremists" to "promote their ideology."

The revised standards have far-reaching implications because
Texas is a huge market leader in the school-textbook
industry. The enormous print run for Texas textbooks leaves
most districts in other states adopting the same course
materials, so that the Texas School Board effectively spells
out requirements for 80 percent of the nation’s textbook
market. That means, for instance, that schools in
left-leaning states like Oregon and Vermont could soon be
teaching from textbooks that are short on references to Ted
Kennedy but long on references to conservative activist
Phyllis Schlafly.

Here are some of the other signal shifts that the Texas Board
endorsed last Friday:


Texas School Board to Drop Truth From Text Books

Don McElroy, who leads the board’s powerful seven-member social conservative bloc, explained that the measure is a way of "adding balance" in the classroom, since "academia is skewed too far to the left." And the board's critics have labeled the move an attempt by political "extremists" to "promote their ideology."

The above statement is so bizarre and chilling; it belongs in RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT!

Since when did truth become a left leaning object? These charlatans, who call themselves a School Board of Education, embody anything but EDUCATION!

A dictionary defines EDUCATION as: the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually
for mature life.

Is teaching misinformation, and omitting important historical events (and people) in order to achieve the indoctrination of our children to a one-sided political and religious perspective, a way to a more mature society?
I think not but hey, Vladimir Putin is doing the same thing, with the ordering of a series of new "patriotic" textbooks of Russian history. (Read Below)

Critics are accusing President Vladimir Putin's government of a Soviet-style rewriting of Russian history with a series of new "patriotic" textbooks
to be unveiled in the new school year.

New laws passed this summer have given the government sweeping powers over which textbooks will be used in schools. Teachers and other critics

have voiced concerns that this will allow the government to force the use of a single, approved book in each subject - essentially a return to Soviet practice.

Mr Putin has complained that the negative view of the Soviet past in current history textbooks is down to the fact that the authors received foreign grants to write them.

Now, the Kremlin claims it wants to change that situation and a recommissioning of Russia's history textbooks is under way. A handbook
for teachers, on the basis of which a future textbook for students could be written, is called The Modern History of Russia, 1945-2006. Only one of the authors is a professional historian. The book calls Joseph Stalin a "contradictory" figure, and states that while some people consider him evil, others recognise him as a "hero" for his role in the Great Patriotic War (the Second World War) and his territorial expansion.

Jumping jehosaphat! It looks as though the Texas school board is emulating The Soviet Union! Those Commies! thinkingblue

PS: Also read: How a group of radical Texas conservatives is rewriting YOUR kids’ textbooks

Right Wing Nuts Rewriting Textbooks For Schools!

RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Watch Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important petition "demand question time"

(of our political leaders)

We really need more dialog from those at the top...

The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads, while we continue to watch THE




Saturday, March 13, 2010

Public Enemy Number One - Chase Bank USA

I wrote the following email to Chase Bank USA upon realizing they had upped my APR rate from 12.24% to 24.24% for NO reason except greed!

I just checked my account on line and I could not believe my
eyes (I am sure you heard that before) ... You Banksters
raised my APR from 12.24percent (January 2010 statement)

to a whopping 24.24percent (February statement) ... WHY?

Why did you almost double the finance fee on my account?

Never mind, I know why!! It s not a punishment towards one
insignificant customer (you remember those games you played,
punishing anyone monetarily who missed a day, on their
payment cycle or went over their credit limit), it is just a
token of your GREED. Well THANK YOU; I will not be using my
Chase credit card very often and if I do... I will not carry
a balance. I know you do not give a hoot about what I think
because I was able to pay my balance off. It’s your
other customers, (I’m sure you did not just pick on me)
who are not so fortunate and have to pay the collusion,
flimflam fees you are now charging, (whenever it TICKLES your
fancy) families who are struggling to make ends meet... They
are the reason I am sending this email your way... Oh yes, I
know you also do not give a rats patootie about them or my
opinion? SO BE IT! But it is so sad, nevertheless!

Carolyn S

PS: Please contact me if I did not read the statement
correctly? I noticed that January statement reads, FINANCE
CHARGES and February statement reads, INTEREST CHARGES? Is
there a difference or is it just another devious trick?

This is what I received back:

Dear Carolyn S:

Thank you for contacting Chase about the Annual Percentage
Rate (APR) for account ending in **.

As stated in your Cardmember Agreement, the terms associated
with your account may be changed in accordance with
applicable law. We will notify you of the change in writing.

Our business practices are continuously reviewed to ensure we
provide valued services and remain competitive in our business.

While reviewing your records, I found a change in terms
notice was sent to you on 11/24/09. At this time, I am unable
to return your account to its previous terms.

The Card Act, which took effect in February 2010, requires
banks to change certain terminology that has been used in the
past. The word "interest" is now required wording.

If you have any further questions, please reply using the
Secure Message Center.

Thank you,

Paul Bonti
Email Customer Service Representative

Account is owned by Chase Bank USA, N.A. and may be
serviced by its affiliates.


This was my finale reply:

"While reviewing your records, I found a change in terms
notice was sent to you on 11/24/09. At this time, I am unable
to return your account to its previous terms."

In response to the above paragraph in the “form
letter” (a standardized letter that can be sent to any
number of persons, occasionally personalized by inserting the
name of each recipient in the salutation.) you emailed me…

This is my reply:

At this time I am also” unable” to return to my
"belief" that Chase, was a reasonable and fair
banking institution...

So THANKS FOR NOTHING! I will not be using my Chase credit
card very often and if I do... I will not carry a balance. I
hope you will enjoy getting your new 24.24%
"INTEREST" (The word now used by Banksters,
replacing the old abbreviated word “APR” Annual
Percentage Rate) on a big fat ZERO balance!

If you have any further questions, please reply using the
Secure Message Center.

Thank you,

Carolyn S
An Extremely Disgruntled Chase Bank USA, Customer

Post Script:

In the past my family has paid thousands upon thousands of dollars
in interest fees. The credit card companies were able to get
away with so much using devious methods and tricks that the
government allotted them, by their “laissez-faire”
financial attitude. (An economic doctrine that opposes
governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond
the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate
according to its own economic laws.)

Through the many years of raising 3 children, with both parents working, we were barely able to keep one foot in front of the other. Then when my husband’s company wanted to get rid of all their
older workers they offered him a retirement package which he
had to take or risk not being able to find a position in
another state, within this National Company. Since we were
still carrying a debt balance and since the job he found
after retirement was one forth the compensation of his old
one, we in our finale work years, could not make ends meet.
We were forced to go bankrupt or lose our home.

All this happened almost ten years ago and had nothing to do with
Chase Bankster. We have since recovered our good credit
standing and our FICO score keeps rising.

This country has slowly slid into an uncaring and totally unequal
culture. Largely because of the greed from those who govern
at the top. Everyone is complaining but for the most part
their complaints are not directed at the ones who have caused
this downward trend. Too many people believe that it's the
poor not the rich who are responsible for this dilemma. They
have been indoctrinated by “Newspeak” or “Rovespeak” ballyhooed by some government officials, to direct their frustrations towards those who have the Least Voice. All of us, in the end, will lose if
this downward spiral is not reversed. thinkingblue

I sent all of the above to this Internet website: COMPLAINTS ABOUT CHASE CREDIT CARDS

RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Watch Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important petition "demand question
time" (of our political leaders)
We really need more dialog from those at the top...
The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads,
while we continue to watch THE




Friday, March 12, 2010

US Doctors Over Testing, Over Treating & Under Sympathetic

USA Doctors

Over Testing, Over Treating & Under Sympathetic


Another study proving Doctors are over testing and over prescribing. NO SHIT!

These studies pop up now and then but nothing happens to change the nefarious doctoring methods here in the good ole US of A. Maybe for a short period but then it’s business as usual.

I remember a time when pediatricians’ handed out prescriptions for antibiotics to every child with a case of the sniffles. As a young mother I was led to believe that if I didn’t give my child this “miracle” drug they would surely die. My kids had this potion pumping through their veins at least 2 or 3 times a year. Then, sometime later, it was found that this over treating was causing the antibiotics not to be so ANTI anymore and bacterials were turning into HULKS, so it stopped! Nice, after I raised my kids on the stuff! I’m so cynical now, that I BELIEVE ‘NUTTIN HONEY’!

BTW, to you teabaggers bellowing "HANDS OFF MY HEALTHCARE!". What healthcare? Oh, you mean the one that uses your body as a guinea pig to increase “THEIR” wealth? thinkingblue

Experts say US doctors overtesting, overtreating

By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer Lindsey Tanner,

CHICAGO – Too much cancer screening, too many heart
tests, too many cesarean sections. A spate of recent reports
suggest that too many Americans — maybe even President
Barack Obama — are being overtreated.

Is it doctors practicing defensive medicine? Or are patients
so accustomed to a culture of medical technology that they
insist on extensive tests and treatments?

A combination of both is at work, but now new evidence and
guidelines are recommending a step back and more thorough
doctor-patient conversations about risks and benefits.

As a medical journal editorial said this week about Obama's
recent checkup, Americans including the commander in chief
need to realize that "more care is not necessarily
better care."

Obama's exam included prostate cancer screening and a virtual
colonoscopy. The PSA test for prostate cancer is not
routinely recommended for any age and colon screening is not
routinely recommended for patients younger than 50. Obama is


On the Net:

The National Institutes of Health: http://bit.ly/a8c7P0

The American Cancer Society: http://bit.ly/9w0fli

Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making: http://www.informedmedicaldecisions.org

RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays
on 'Fear'

Watch Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important petition "demand question
time" (of our political leaders)

We really need more dialog from those at the top...
The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads,
while we continue to watch THE THEATER OF THE ABSURD!!!
