Yes, there are two Americas’ Virginia, they exist as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. One tolerant and broadminded, the other intolerant and narrow-minded! Sincerely, thinkingblue, from the TOLERANT AND BROADMINDED USA PS: Joe (You Lie) Wilson, et al reside in the other America!
The New American Way - Blind Ignorance and Hate Filled BigotryRead about the French Experiment here:Shock as Reality Show Invites Contestants to KillThom Hartmann Weighs In On Teabaggers' Scorn and Disrespect For Man With Parkinson's Disease stumbled upon the Thom Hartmann Show on Free Speech TV a few months back. Since I had heard of Mr. Hartmann on Air America but really never tuned in… I allowed this channel to remain for awhile so I could see what Thom had to say.I’ve been hooked ever since. Not in the sense that the followers of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are HOOKED by: Blind Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry; I’m captivated by Thom Hartmann’s ideas and beliefs because of my desire for knowledge. This man has so much knowledge you have to wonder how he can retain it all. He takes phone calls then supports the callers’ questions or statements with his voluminous experience and perception. Many times he will get a question or suggestion and you can almost see the wheels go to work inside his head, admitting he may not know too much on the subject but will look into it.He’s also not afraid to admit he’s wrong unlike the hate mongers on the right. The Becks and Limbaughs (et al) are so sure they know it ALL, they would never back down or act human with a simple “I have no knowledge of that”, or maybe a “I will research that” Not these right-wing-nuts, It’s always “I KNOW and YOU DON’T!” jingle all the way.If the right-winded jerks on the right just played their audience (for their listening and viewing pleasure) and that was all there was to it… (Like an evening spent laughing at a comedian in some night club, then you go home) there would be no problem. But their devotees get so riled by the constant baneful and deadly rhetoric that spews from their TVs or radios that their newly found hatefulness spills out onto the streets and they group together and slap a label on themselves like… TEABAGGER (thinking somehow they are aligning with the Boston Tea Party patriots). Now armed with this talk radio/ TV hatred they’re out for blood and anyone on the left is their target, whether it be a Parkinson diseased man or a small boy who just lost his mother to a disease because she had no health insurance. The rest is TEABAG history! thinkingblue aka thethinkingblueRaucous, ugly buildup to Househealth care voteBy ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer Alan Fram, AssociatedPress WriterSat Mar 20, 9:20 pm ETWASHINGTON – House Democrats heard it all Saturday— words of inspiration from President Barack Obama andraucous chants of protests from demonstrators. And at timesit was flat-out ugly, including some racial epithets aimed atblack members of Congress.Most of the day's important work leading up to Sunday'shistoric vote on health care was being done behind closeddoors. Democratic leaders cajoled, bargained and did whatthey could to nail down the votes they will need to finallypush Obama's health care overhaul bill through the House.But much else about the day was noisy, emotional and rightout in the open. After more than a year debating the capstoneof Obama's domestic agenda and just hours to go before theshowdown vote, there was little holding back.The tone was set outside the Capitol. Clogging the sidewalksand streets of Capitol Hill were at least hundreds — noofficial estimate was yet available — of loud, furiousprotesters, many of them tea party opponents of the healthcare overhaul.Rallies outside the Capitol are typically orderly, withspeeches and well-behaved crowds. Saturday's was different,with anger-fueled demonstrators surrounding members ofCongress who walked by, yelling at them."Kill the bill," the largely middle-aged crowdshouted, surging toward lawmakers who crossed the streetbetween their office buildings and the Capitol. MORE HEREAssociated Press writers Charles Babington and ChristineSimmons contributed to this report.---------------15 Executives Who Get Paid MillionsTo Deny You Health Care CoverageThe business model of American health insurers is basically: try to get healthy customers as clients, and then resist as long as possible when it comes to paying out claims.That’s actually not an indictment or a criticism.It’s just the way our system works, and its screwed up.Whatever you feel about Obamacare (HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM), you probably think our current system needs reform in some sense.MEET THEM HERE
The New American Way - Blind Ignorance and Hate Filled Bigotry
Raucous, ugly buildup to Househealth care voteBy ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer Alan Fram, AssociatedPress WriterSat Mar 20, 9:20 pm ETWASHINGTON – House Democrats heard it all Saturday— words of inspiration from President Barack Obama andraucous chants of protests from demonstrators. And at timesit was flat-out ugly, including some racial epithets aimed atblack members of Congress.Most of the day's important work leading up to Sunday'shistoric vote on health care was being done behind closeddoors. Democratic leaders cajoled, bargained and did whatthey could to nail down the votes they will need to finallypush Obama's health care overhaul bill through the House.But much else about the day was noisy, emotional and rightout in the open. After more than a year debating the capstoneof Obama's domestic agenda and just hours to go before theshowdown vote, there was little holding back.The tone was set outside the Capitol. Clogging the sidewalksand streets of Capitol Hill were at least hundreds — noofficial estimate was yet available — of loud, furiousprotesters, many of them tea party opponents of the healthcare overhaul.Rallies outside the Capitol are typically orderly, withspeeches and well-behaved crowds. Saturday's was different,with anger-fueled demonstrators surrounding members ofCongress who walked by, yelling at them."Kill the bill," the largely middle-aged crowdshouted, surging toward lawmakers who crossed the streetbetween their office buildings and the Capitol. MORE HEREAssociated Press writers Charles Babington and ChristineSimmons contributed to this report.
15 Executives Who Get Paid MillionsTo Deny You Health Care CoverageThe business model of American health insurers is basically: try to get healthy customers as clients, and then resist as long as possible when it comes to paying out claims.
It’s just the way our system works, and its screwed up.
Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV
Angry White Man - The bigoted past of Ron Paul.
New Robes For SCOTUS
Sign this very important petition "demand question time"(of our political leaders) HERE...We really need more dialog from those at the top...The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hidebehind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue
Let's keep our heads,while we continue to watch THETHEATER OF THE ABSURD!!!"A SEARCH FOR TRUTH WILL FIND INJUSTICE."thinkingblue
posted by thinkingblue at 6:55 AM
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Yes, there are two Americas’ Virginia, they exist as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. One tolerant and free-thinking, the other intolerant and close-minded! Sincerely, thinkingblue, from the TOLERANT AND FREE-THINKING USA PS: Joe (You Lie) Wilson, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh et al reside in the intolerant America!
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