Saturday, March 13, 2010

Public Enemy Number One - Chase Bank USA

I wrote the following email to Chase Bank USA upon realizing they had upped my APR rate from 12.24% to 24.24% for NO reason except greed!

I just checked my account on line and I could not believe my
eyes (I am sure you heard that before) ... You Banksters
raised my APR from 12.24percent (January 2010 statement)

to a whopping 24.24percent (February statement) ... WHY?

Why did you almost double the finance fee on my account?

Never mind, I know why!! It s not a punishment towards one
insignificant customer (you remember those games you played,
punishing anyone monetarily who missed a day, on their
payment cycle or went over their credit limit), it is just a
token of your GREED. Well THANK YOU; I will not be using my
Chase credit card very often and if I do... I will not carry
a balance. I know you do not give a hoot about what I think
because I was able to pay my balance off. It’s your
other customers, (I’m sure you did not just pick on me)
who are not so fortunate and have to pay the collusion,
flimflam fees you are now charging, (whenever it TICKLES your
fancy) families who are struggling to make ends meet... They
are the reason I am sending this email your way... Oh yes, I
know you also do not give a rats patootie about them or my
opinion? SO BE IT! But it is so sad, nevertheless!

Carolyn S

PS: Please contact me if I did not read the statement
correctly? I noticed that January statement reads, FINANCE
CHARGES and February statement reads, INTEREST CHARGES? Is
there a difference or is it just another devious trick?

This is what I received back:

Dear Carolyn S:

Thank you for contacting Chase about the Annual Percentage
Rate (APR) for account ending in **.

As stated in your Cardmember Agreement, the terms associated
with your account may be changed in accordance with
applicable law. We will notify you of the change in writing.

Our business practices are continuously reviewed to ensure we
provide valued services and remain competitive in our business.

While reviewing your records, I found a change in terms
notice was sent to you on 11/24/09. At this time, I am unable
to return your account to its previous terms.

The Card Act, which took effect in February 2010, requires
banks to change certain terminology that has been used in the
past. The word "interest" is now required wording.

If you have any further questions, please reply using the
Secure Message Center.

Thank you,

Paul Bonti
Email Customer Service Representative

Account is owned by Chase Bank USA, N.A. and may be
serviced by its affiliates.


This was my finale reply:

"While reviewing your records, I found a change in terms
notice was sent to you on 11/24/09. At this time, I am unable
to return your account to its previous terms."

In response to the above paragraph in the “form
letter” (a standardized letter that can be sent to any
number of persons, occasionally personalized by inserting the
name of each recipient in the salutation.) you emailed me…

This is my reply:

At this time I am also” unable” to return to my
"belief" that Chase, was a reasonable and fair
banking institution...

So THANKS FOR NOTHING! I will not be using my Chase credit
card very often and if I do... I will not carry a balance. I
hope you will enjoy getting your new 24.24%
"INTEREST" (The word now used by Banksters,
replacing the old abbreviated word “APR” Annual
Percentage Rate) on a big fat ZERO balance!

If you have any further questions, please reply using the
Secure Message Center.

Thank you,

Carolyn S
An Extremely Disgruntled Chase Bank USA, Customer

Post Script:

In the past my family has paid thousands upon thousands of dollars
in interest fees. The credit card companies were able to get
away with so much using devious methods and tricks that the
government allotted them, by their “laissez-faire”
financial attitude. (An economic doctrine that opposes
governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond
the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate
according to its own economic laws.)

Through the many years of raising 3 children, with both parents working, we were barely able to keep one foot in front of the other. Then when my husband’s company wanted to get rid of all their
older workers they offered him a retirement package which he
had to take or risk not being able to find a position in
another state, within this National Company. Since we were
still carrying a debt balance and since the job he found
after retirement was one forth the compensation of his old
one, we in our finale work years, could not make ends meet.
We were forced to go bankrupt or lose our home.

All this happened almost ten years ago and had nothing to do with
Chase Bankster. We have since recovered our good credit
standing and our FICO score keeps rising.

This country has slowly slid into an uncaring and totally unequal
culture. Largely because of the greed from those who govern
at the top. Everyone is complaining but for the most part
their complaints are not directed at the ones who have caused
this downward trend. Too many people believe that it's the
poor not the rich who are responsible for this dilemma. They
have been indoctrinated by “Newspeak” or “Rovespeak” ballyhooed by some government officials, to direct their frustrations towards those who have the Least Voice. All of us, in the end, will lose if
this downward spiral is not reversed. thinkingblue

I sent all of the above to this Internet website: COMPLAINTS ABOUT CHASE CREDIT CARDS

RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Watch Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important petition "demand question
time" (of our political leaders)
We really need more dialog from those at the top...
The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide
behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads,
while we continue to watch THE


