Is Dick Cheney mean or is he a Psychopath?
Ed Schultz said "I think that Dick Cheney wants this country to get hit again for political gain,” I (thinkingblue) felt he had something there and made this video
John McCain, on FACE THE NATION, stated this about Ed Schultz "And when extreme talk show hosts say that he (Cheney) wants another attack on the United States, I think that's shameful."
SHAMEFUL, what does he think about what Cheney is doing...? Oh don't tell me, I know, McCain thinks Cheney is PATRIOTIC, what else. Ed Schultz believes Cheney is MEAN and that is why he is acting the way he is "acting" ... After reading the Delancey Place blog about Psychopaths, I thought.... Hmmmm, maybe it's not meanness that motivates Cheney, maybe he is just the run of the mill Psychopath... Waddauthink, does the shoe fit?
Also view video here along with the Delancey Place blog on Psychopaths: Thanks, thinkingblue
Is Dick Cheney mean, or is he a psychopath? You be the judge.
Delancey Place, today's excerpt - PSYCHOPATHS

In today's excerpt--psychopaths. Eric Harris, leader of the duo that carried out the
Columbine massacre, was a psychopath:
"Eric Harris was neither normal nor insane. Psychopathy (si-COP-uh-thee) represents a third
category. Psychopathic brains don't function like those in either of the other groups, but they are consistently similar to one another. Eric killed for two reasons: to demonstrate his superiority and to enjoy it.
"To a psychopath, both motives make sense. Psychopaths ... can torture and mutilate their
victims with about the same sense of concern that we feel when we carve a turkey for
Thanksgiving dinner.' ...
"Psychopaths have likely plagued mankind since the beginning, but they are still poorly
understood. In the 1800s, as the fledgling field of psychology began classifying mental
disorders, one group refused to fit. Every known psychosis was marked by a failure of
reasoning or a debilitating ailment: paralyzing fear, hallucinations, voices, phobias, and
so on. In 1885, the term psychopath was introduced to describe vicious human predators who
were not deranged, delusional, or depressed. They just enjoyed being bad.
"Psychopaths are distinguished by two characteristics. The first is a ruthless disregard for others: they will defraud, maim, or kill for the most trivial personal gain. The second is an astonishing gift for disguising the first. It's the deception that makes them so dangerous. You never see him coming. (It's usually a him--more than 80 percent are male.)
Don't look for the oddball creeping you out. Psychopaths don't act like Hannibal Lecter or
Norman Bates. They come off like Hugh Grant, in his most adorable role. ...
"Psychopaths take great personal pride in their deceptions and extract tremendous joy from
them. Lies become the psychopath's occupation, and when the truth will work, they lie for
sport. 'I like to con people,' one subject told a researcher during an extended interview.
'I'm conning you right now.' Lying for amusement is so profound in psychopaths, it stands out as their signature characteristic. 'Duping delight,' psychologist Paul Ekman dubbed it.
"Symptoms appear so early, and so often in stable homes with normal siblings, that the
condition seems to be inborn. Most parents report having been aware of disturbing signs before the child entered kindergarten. Dr. Robert Hare described a five-year-old girl repeatedly attempting to flush her kitten down the toilet. 'I caught her just as she was about to try again,' the mother said. 'She seemed quite unconcerned, maybe a bit angry-- about being found out.' When the woman told her husband, the girl calmly denied the whole thing. Shame did not register; neither did fear. Psychopaths are not individuals losing touch with those emotions. They never developed them from the start. ...
"Researchers are still just beginning to understand psychopaths, but they believe psychopaths crave the emotional responses they lack. They are nearly always thrill seekers.
They love roller coasters and hang gliding, and they seek out high-anxiety occupations, like ER tech, bond trader, or Marine. Crime, danger, impoverishment, death--any sort of risk will help. They chase new sources of excitement because it is so difficult for them to sustain.
"They rarely stick with a career; they get bored. Even as career criminals, psychopaths
underperform. They 'lack clear goals and objectives, getting involved in a wide variety of
opportunistic offenses, rather than specializing the way typical career criminals do,' Dr. Hervey Cleckley wrote. They make careless mistakes and pass up stunning opportunities, because they lose interest. They perform spectacularly in short bursts--a few weeks, a few months, a yearlong big con--then walk away. ...
"Rare killer psychopaths nearly always get bored with murder, too. When they slit a throat,
their pulse races, but it falls just as fast. It stays down--no more joy from cutting throats for a while; that thrill has already been spent."
Dave Cullen, Columbine, Hachette Book Group, Copyright 2009 by Dave Cullen, pp. 239-244.
ugly head again?
motive on why he is dissing Obama. Read Below:
The OpEd: Ed Schultz asks:
Why is anyone still listening to Dick Cheney?
Big Eddie says Dick Cheney is nothing but a trash talking coward from the sideline.
Sen. Pat Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee would like to get Dick Cheney to come testify under oath so they can ask him some questions.
President Obama has left the door open to investigate interrogation abuses. We'll tell you what it means.
A Government of Monsters
Before I do some economics posts, I think I ought to say
something about the torture memos — namely, that
there is now no way to view the people who ruled us these
past 8 years as anything but monsters. We had all these
rationalizations of torture over the ticking clock and
all that — then we learn, for example, that Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in one month.
Scott Horton States:
Monsters, yes. More precisely, war criminals. And they
hold fast to the propriety of using the rack and
thumbscrews. But were supposed to forget about it and
just move on. The answer is: truth out first.
Accountability measures second. We still have a very long
way to go on the first score.

Let's keep our heads, while we continue to watch THE