America's Shame - Death Penalty

Yes, there are two Americas’ Virginia, they exist as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. One tolerant and broadminded, the other intolerant and narrow-minded! Sincerely, thinkingblue, from the TOLERANT AND BROADMINDED USA PS: Joe (You Lie) Wilson, et al reside in the other America!
“Look, Maurice, I don’t want you out there hungry on the nights I don’t see you, so this is what we can do. I can either give you some money for the week–and you’ll have to be really careful about how you spend it–or when you come over on Monday night we can go to the supermarket and I can buy all the things you like to eat and make you lunch for the week. I’ll leave it with the doormen, and you can pick it up on the way to school.”Maurice looked at me and asked me a question.“If you make me lunch,” he said, “will you put it in a brown paper bag?”I didn’t really understand the question. “Do you want it in a brown paper bag?” I asked. “Or how would you prefer it?”“Miss Laura,” he said, “I don’t want your money. I want my lunch in a brown paper bag.”“Okay, sure. But why do you want it in a bag?”“Because when I see kids come to school with their lunch in a paper bag, that means someone cares about them. Miss Laura, can I please have my lunch in a paper bag?”Paul Ryan and Cliven Bundy Birds of a Feather...If it weren't for the ignorant, there would be no GOP! thinkingblue
Cliven Bundy's an Old-Fashioned Racist – And He's Not Alone
By Jimmy Williams
When I hear white people talk about race, I get a little clammy. When I hear Cliven Bundy talk about race, I get really pissed off. This “tea party” favorite, an American grandfather who’s a rancher with a very loyal family, seems to have bared his soul for the press. He likes the bully pulpit that comes from being a “taker,” a freeloader, a tax evader. He’s a man who doesn’t recognize the U.S. government in any way shape fashion or form. He’s also a man who said this, as reported by the New York Times:“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”The “negro?” Picking cotton? Seriously? Who the hell is this guy? Let me tell you who Cliven Bundy is. He’s a bigot who believes in “freedom.” In case it’s lost on you, Bundy is the ultimate government subsidy. He believes in feeding his cattle for free. He doesn’t believe he owes federal taxes. He doesn’t believe in the rule of federal law. Bundy is purely and simply a common criminal who deserves to go to jail.MORE AT THIS LINK
More Links on this UNBELIEVABLE STORY:Charges Against Cecily McMillanExcerpt: Occupy participant Cecily McMillan is being prosecuted for felony police assault and may face up to 7 years in prison. In reality, it is the NYPD that should be on trial for their assault on McMillan. The trial has already been delayed because of the credibility of the arresting officer, however, New York City should review the case and drop all charges against McMillan.
The Outrageous Trial of Cecily McMillanExcerpt: Two years ago, a young activist named Cecily McMillan attended a protest at Zuccotti Park marking the six-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. When police moved in to clear the demonstrators, a cop roughly grabbed her breast—photos show an ugly bruise—and she ended up being injured so badly that she had a seizure and ended up in the hospital. In a just world, she would be getting restitution from the City. Instead, in a grotesque act of prosecutorial overreach, she’s currently on trial for assault and facing up to seven years in prison.
Reclaim Democracy!Excerpt: Introduction to Corporate Personhood
Our Bill of Rights was the result of tremendous efforts to institutionalize and protect the rights of human beings. It strengthened the premise of our Constitution: that the people are the root of all power and authority for government. This vision has made our Constitution and government a model emulated in many nations.
But corporate lawyers (acting as both attorneys and judges) subverted our Bill of Rights in the late 1800's by establishing the doctrine of “corporate personhood” — the claim that corporations were intended to fully enjoy the legal status and protections created for human beings.
The growing movement to hunt souls in Muslim lands-by missionaries who often pass as aid workers, teachers, or business owners-has raised hackles outside the evangelical world. Missionaries themselves acknowledge that their work endangers the lives of converts, and critics charge that it disrupts the delivery of humanitarian aid and fuels resentment of Westerners during one of the most dangerous moments in recent history. But to those at the heart of the movement, including Rick Love's students, any damage done by their work is outweighed by the importance of their mission: to wipe out Islam. "I believe it's a false religion, and I'd like to see it be gone," says Kim McHugh, a 36-year-old CIU student who is training to convert Iranian refugees in Turkey. Her husband Brent agrees. "If they don't have a chance to experience Jesus," he says, "they're going to hell."
More at this link:
How blind and ignorant those who think their belief system should rule people so they go around the world trying to convert whole populations... What a foolish and intolerant mindset these people have been brainwashed into... I heard Liam Neeson during an interview claim an objective adoration of the Islamic religion. It seems it is not any more or less violent than so many other religious beliefs. If only human beings would start to THINK for themselves, the world that human beings coexist in, might not be so cruel. thinkingblue
Hollywood veteran Liam Neeson says he wants to be Muslim
On filming in Istanbul, Neeson told the Sun: “The call to prayer happens five times a day, and for the first week, it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit, and it’s the most beautiful, beautiful thing… There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning, and it really makes me think about becoming a Muslim.” Click here
This might seem odd, given that Islam’s image is that of not just of a violent faith, especially since the Sept. 11 attacks, but also of a “regressive” system at clash with modernity and everything that falls within the framework of political liberalism.
Mr. Neeson’s spiritual tryst with Islam set off global attention, with its wide coverage from the Irish Central magazine to the Huffington Post.
The image of Islam as a violent faith did not begin with 9/11. It took roots in the western world ever since the Crusades, even though Christianity had a worse record of tolerance at the time.
The continuing hostility among many Muslims towards western values, which appear to them as emblems of hegemony, explains why prejudices against Islam seemed to have stuck on. The global jihad has of course reinforced the idea of Islam as an abetter of violence.
Some Muslims have undoubtedly taken to violence, just like many others across all religions.
Hilter killed six million Jews. Certainly more than a million died under the ruthless orders of Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge party in the latter half of the 1970s. Stalin, Mao and Hideki Tojo, Japan’s 40th Prime Minister who triggered the Pearl harbour bombings, all have the blood of millions on their hands. From Rwanda to Dafur, violence has wiped out whole populations.
Religious prejudice, nationalism, racism, cults and ideologies have motivated abominable mass extermination right from ancient times down to the 1400 years we call the “modern era”.
In the Old Testament, Deuteronomy has often proclaimed violence: “But thou shalt utterly destroy them – the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites – as the LORD your God has commanded you” (20:17).
Long before the Holocaust unfolded, Jews faced two expulsions from Rome itself. (Blood and Soil A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur, Yale 2007).
We are currently in a phase of intermittent violent history where Islam has been linked to violence. Even so, viewed as a political system, it has claimed far fewer lives than the World Wars or Communism itself.
So, the whole point is, we need a balanced view of Islam to be able to put the so-called “Islamic terror” in perspective.
Mr Neeson’s views on Islam prove that it will take a little more effort to understand Islam and what it is all about. More at this link: