Donald Trump Spilled the GOP Beans (Again)

Dear Carolyn (aka thinkingblue),The latest firestorm started by a certain Republican presidential candidate swirls around the suggestion the women should be "punished" for illegal abortions.But first, since we are on the subject of choice, why not request one of our "Rape Is NO Choice" bumper stickers. You can have one of these, or any of our other progressive policy advocacy bumper stickers, for no charge, not even shipping, just by submitting this page.Rape Is NO Choice bumper stickers:, just so we are clear, our own position is that, from a secular, legal standpoint, "right" to an independent life begins when an embryo has developed to the point where it can survive apart from the womb. That was the holding of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade, and that principle remains sound today.There are people who have religious beliefs that differ from that, and they are perfectly free to practice what they preach in their OWN personal lives. What they do NOT have a right to do is impose their religious dogma by force of secular law on people of other religions or non-believers.ALERT!!! HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENT FOLLOWS!! NOT OUR POSITION!!
Some scream that abortion is murder. Oh, really? Then why are these same fanatics not calling for the death penalty(which they love so much in other contexts)for the women who make these difficult private, still legal, decisions? For argument's sake, how is it that the women are not themselves accessories at a minimum to this "murder?"-- END HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENT --And what of the doctors? The religious fanatics certainly have no problem calling for the murder of the doctors. Where is their right to life when performing a legal medical procedure? Last time we checked nobody was running promotional ads, "Ask your doctor if abortion is right for you." Bandit doctors are not roaming the streets hunting for pregnant women to grab and commit an abortion crime upon.How remarkable, therefore, that in response to Trump's logical (off the top of his head as always) admission, that presuming abortion was illegal there should be punishment for the woman as well, that the ENTIRE pro-lifer right wing came down on him like an avalanche of holy bricks, so much so he was force to repudiate the whole concept almost immediately.The woman is a victim too they profess. Right on that ... the long standing victim of THEIR religious fundamentalism.How pathetically hypocritical does it have to get?Either abortion is murder or else it is not. If anybody, anywhere, anytime, committed anything even remotely resembling murder in THIS country (foreign countries excluded), these same blood thirsty zealots would be shouting for retribution against anyone involved any way. In FACT, there HAVE been proposals made in various state legislatures to punish women who have abortions, or even miscarriage, and some have actually passed already.They just don't have the courage of their convictions to publicly admit what they actually believe. Their true doctrinaire agenda is held in the strictest secrecy from the rest us who don't hear the same dog whistles.Trump's sin from their standpoint is that he spilt the beans.And that is the most compelling reason why NONE of these people should be allowed anywhere near an offical position in our government. Their only problem with Sharia law controlling our government, another of their favorite paranoid pinatas, is the text of the book, not the character or the degree. We oppose ALL establishment of religion by government, one of the most basic foundations of our constitution.In the meantime, with the nomination on the Democratic side still very much in the air, now is also the time to pick up a bumper sticker bulk pack for the candidate you like best, to really demonstrate your support.Bulk "Money Out, BERNIE In!" Stickers: "She's For Us" Stickers: contribution ever required for single bumper sticker requests if you don't have one. Of course if you can make a donation of any amount, this is what makes it possible for us to send free stickers (upwards of 15,000 so far) to anyone who cannot make a contribution right now:Your Choice bumper stickers: bulk packs of the new Bernie campaign buttons are here, all as nominal as possible:Bulk "Money Out, BERNIE In!" Buttons: may forward this message to any friends who would find it important.