Monday, June 29, 2015

SCOTUS Rules Thumbs Up on Painful Execution

It looks as though SCOTUS put their THUMBS UP on LET 'EM DIE an excruciating death. Talk about a death panel... I guess Murder by Government will continue... Why not Murder by NRA is legal so what else is new in the Republican Land of Corporate Personhood where money trumps mercy. thinkingblue
Excerpt: Gladiators: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
The sweat soaked gladiator looks up to the editor who will make the call--cut the throat of his downed opponent or let him live. The crowd yells and makes dramatic hand gestures, trying to sway the stony-faced editor.
"Mitte!" (Let him go!) scream some.
"Iugula" (Kill him!) roar others.
The editor extends his hand and dramatically lifts his thumb. Will the downed gladiator live or die?
Most Americans say, "He will live!" After all, the thumbs-up sign is a positive thing. It's how we encourage our friends and silently show approval. But to the ancient Romans, a thumbs up mimicked the upward thrust of a sword through the heart. It meant, kill.
A thumbs-down meant "put your sword down."  From This Site:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Comment: NRA's Despicable Grasp On America

Bruce Lindner on Facebook

Thank you Bruce, you said what I feel so perceptibly.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Republicans Cry, Climate Change Hoax, While Another Mass Extinction Begins

Yet, the Republicans still are trying to tell us NOT TO WORRY, that Climate Change is a HOAX... Unfortunately many listen but with the Pope on the side of Common Sense, maybe, if not America, other world nations will take heed and learn from the Science and make major changes to assure that Sapiens will survive Climate Change Catastrophes, human beings have help create, at least until the next millennium… Allowing us the time to get some of our species setup on another planet.

Another Republican Hoax - The Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism
Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism - Krystie Yandoli