Yes, there are two Americas’ Virginia, they exist as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. One tolerant and broadminded, the other intolerant and narrow-minded!
Sincerely, thinkingblue, from the TOLERANT AND BROADMINDED USA
PS: Joe (You Lie) Wilson, et al reside in the other America!
When I get a Forward that tries to represent The Truth and is nowhere near it, like this one called NEW IMMIGRANTS that has been circling the Internet since 2006... I can't help but debunk it through facts and maybe get one person, who is silly enough to believe these circulating bags of nonsense, to stop and maybe THINK for a change. thinkingblue
(The more it changes, the more it’s the same thing.)
I received a Forward entitled “New Immigrants”, composed by a, Rosemary Laponta. I looked it up on Snopes and found some interesting information about it. thinkingblue
My response to the New Immigrants forward: Hi {Friend}, Thanks for the forward but it is the same ole, same ole Bull Crapperoni, usually circulated by ignoramuses who wouldn't know a History Book From a Comic Book. Who also are inclined to be very intolerant of anyone different from their own TEABAG SELVES. Thanks, {Your Friend}
I like Ernie Lujan'ssentiment and agree with it... TEAR DOWN THE STATUE OF LADY LIBERTY(That welcomes people from other lands) IF YOU BELIEVE WE NEED TO BUILD A FENCE (To keep people from other lands OUT!)... We are long overdue for a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill but the Party of NO tells us IT'S NOT TIME... instead they encourage a fence to keep people from entering our country... As usual THE PARTY OF NO makes no sense at all. thinkingblue
I have long felt that the "Tea Party" (that suddenly rose up and tried to plump up its feathers to appear legitimate) was all foam and no beer. Watching them, in action is like watching a choreographed wrestling match in which you are fully aware that the slams, jabs and smashes are all fake! But for the people within this so called “Party” their actions aren’t forged or concocted, well not totally, it is their anger and bigotry that motivates them and that is very real (even though they are not fully aware of it ).
Most of these people have been indoctrinated (or raised) to believe that someone is responsible for their unhappiness and that 'someone' has to be tangible or reachable, in other words Flesh and Blood in their face. Who better to serve as their battering ram then people who look, speak and act differently than they do...
This (Tea Bag) group is so easily persuadable and that is why the Republican Party (which includes Fox News, Right-wing Talk Radio and Sarah Palin) embraces them. Hate is a powerful tool to ‘divide and conquer’ and from the get-go the far right fringe elements, who lust for power, have been using it. It’s a damn pity that a voice of reason, (like Rachel Maddow's) can’t get through to the Tea Baggers (wake them the hell up) by telling them, they are all just pawns for the Big Gamers whose only desire is for absolute power and all that comes with it, (wealth, wars and brutality) to become a reality. thinkingblue
PS: Read Howard Fineman's (another voice of reason) opinion, it truly says it all!
First watch Rand Paul on the Rachel Maddow show
Rand Paul: Ideological Purist or Just Another Right Wing Bigot?
As a longtime libertarian, he espouses the view that personal freedom should supersede all government intervention. Neighborhood associations should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race, he has written, and private businesses ought to be able to refuse service to anyone they wish. Under this philosophy, the punishment for a lunch counter that refuses to seat black customers would be public shunning, not a court order.
It is a theory of liberty with roots in Americas creation, but the succeeding centuries have shown how ineffective it was in promoting a civil society. The freedom of a few people to discriminate meant generations of less freedom for large groups of others.
It was only government power that ended slavery and abolished Jim Crow, neither of which would have been eliminated by a purely free market. It was government that rescued the economy from the Depression and promoted safety and equality in the workplace. --- Rand Paul: Ideological Purist or Just Another Right Wing Bigot?
"Rand Paul is promoting a narrow and rigid ideology and has repeatedly rejected a fundamental provision of the Civil Rights Act.
He is focused on the Tea Party whereas I am running to be a senator for all the people of Kentucky, who are really hurting right now.
No matter how he tries to spin to the contrary, the fact is that Paul's ideology has dangerous consequences for working families, veterans, students, the disabled, and those without a voice in the halls of power. Kentucky voters have a choice between Rand Paul's ideology and our campaign to create jobs, cut the deficit, and bring accountability to Wall Street and Washington.
We are reaching out to Democrats, Independents and Republicans across Kentucky to ask them to join our campaign and stand up for Kentucky families." KY-SEN candidate **JACK CONWAY**
THIS SAYS IT ALL! "Voting for Rand Paul and getting to know him may be two different things. For better or for worse, he's property of the GOP." RSN - Full Post Posted Thursday, May 20, 2010 10:43 AM
If Americans think of Kentucky at all, they tend not to regard it as part of the Deep South on racial matters: no history of water cannons fired at civil-rights demonstrators; the kind of place that gave the world a proud and defiant Muhammad Ali, not a brutal and racist Bull Connor.
But there is another Kentucky, one I witnessed as a reporter starting out there when court-ordered busing began in the 1970s. It is a border state with a comparatively tiny black population, and which, as a result, is way behind the times in accommodating itself to the racial realities of modern America.
There was little violence when busing started, but there were Klan rallies and smoldering anger along Dixie Highway and a Republican Party ready to rise on those emotions.
Some of that old-time, race-based attitude—a Kentucky mix of romantic benevolence and cruel disdain (immortalized in D. W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation)—has seeped into the groundwater of the Tea Party. I attended one of its first rallies, in Louisville more than a year ago, and I saw on the ground some of the anti-busing elements of old there.
If Dr. Rand Paul doesn't immediately apologize for holding his victory rally at a private club—and doesn't
Politics operates serendipitously in America, thank goodness. One little slip can open the door to a wider, even profound discussion. The Tea Party has rocketed to prominence with a seething anti-federal message: that Washington is spending too much, controlling too much, and taxing too much, and is doing it unconstitutionally.
But the other side of that age-old American argument is that our federal government is the protector of rights and freedom, including the freedom to be treated universally as a human being.
Tea Party philosophy runs smack into the wall of rights the Constitution creates, and if Paul doesn't want to recognize that, he will turn the entire election into a referendum on racial discrimination.
We fought a war 150 years ago about that. Paul wasn't born in Kentucky, but he should know the local history. Brother fought brother; both Lincoln and Davis were born in the state; Kentucky's government was Union, but many of its citizens were rebels.
That war is over. It's not in anyone's interest—especially Paul's—to revive it.
Please sign this very important petition "demand question time" (of our political leaders) HERE...
We really need more dialog from those at the top... The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue
The Senate resumes debate today on the Wall Street reform bill, having late last Thursday rejected probably the most important measure proposed to reduce Wall Street power, strengthen financial stability and fortify our democracy: breaking up the banks.
By a 33-61 vote, the Senate defeated the Brown-Kaufman amendment, which would have forced the largest banks to get smaller. Three Republicans, including Richard Shelby, the ranking member of the Banking Committee, joined 30 Democrats in supporting the measure.
This was a very big deal loss. But things aren’t over by any means.
There are many important things still up for grabs in the Senate bill — controlling derivatives, strengthening and protecting the consumer financial protection bureau, eliminating a global deregulatory scheme on insurance issues, and much more.
One vital measure would reduce bank size indirectly, while also restraining the Wall Street speculative impulse. An amendment proposed by Senators Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, and Carl Levin, D-Michigan, would implement the “Volcker Rule” — the proposal from former Federal Reserve Chair Paul Volcker to keep commercial banks out of speculative investing. The Merkley-Levin amendment would eliminate loopholes in the Senate Wall Street reform bill, and ensure commercial banks stop betting on the equity, bond and derivatives markets. It would prevent banks from running their own hedge funds. It would make large, non-bank financial companies hold more capital against the risk of loss on speculative bets. And it would prohibit Goldman Sachs-style conflicts of interest, with firms betting against securities they sold to clients.
Merkley-Levin would force commercial banks to sell off their internal betting divisions, and to re-focus on core banking functions. It would make banks be banks.
If enough people weigh in right now, this far-reaching amendment may meet a better fate than Brown-Kaufman. Go here for talking points, and a “citizen whip chart,” where you can enter information about what your senator says he or she is planning to do on this vital matter.
Although the defeat of Brown-Kaufman was crushing, it was nonetheless an indicator of the strength of the populist call to break up the banks and reduce Wall Street power. A sign of Wall Street’s ongoing dominance on Capitol Hill had been its success in defining the call to “break up the banks” as outside the bounds of legitimate debate. Wall Street succeeded in the House, which did not seriously consider proposals to break up the banks. But it could not block the issue from an airing in the Senate; and once aired, the break-up-the-banks proposal gained substantial support, notwithstanding opposition from the White House and the chair of the Banking Committee, Chris Dodd.
The defeat of Brown-Kaufman does not mean the issue will go away. Wall Street hopes that it will be able to weather the storm from this round of legislation, and escape further scrutiny and control. But as the recent Securities and Exchange Commission charges against Goldman Sachs reveal, there are still a lot of buried bodies to be uncovered. The growing tide of scandal may well lead to subsequent rounds of reform, with momentum building to break up the banks that are clinging desperately to their hold on Capitol Hill.
In the meantime, opportunities for real reform remain on the table right now. A host of named and anonymous industry lobbyists recently admitted to the Washington Post that they fear they are losing control of the Senate debate. “You’ve got an environment, six months before an election, where politicians are acting like politicians,” Sam Geduldig, a financial lobbyist and former Republican staffer, told the Post. “They are viewing any vote as a potential campaign ad. And that might not be good for any of us.”
Well, not good for any of the industry lobbyists, perhaps. But ideal for democracy, and the democratic imperative to exert control over Wall Street.
Robert Weissman is president of Public Citizen. ---
Also, as the lobbyists and politicians POSITION themselves to win at all costs, our democracy takes a-bruisen and becomes weaker. It's amazing how these people in control who happen to be Americans themselves cannot see through their own greedy eyes WTF they are doing.
All of us must be vigilant, don't allow them to pull the fuzzy warm blanket of lies over our eyes again, forever to keep us in the dark. Become enlightened read, >read, >read, >read, sign petitions and call >your representatives' to tell them; “IT'S OVER, WE'VE GOTTEN WISE TO YOU AND YOUR GREEDY ANTICS. DO WHAT’S BEST FOR OUR DEMOCRACY OR YOU WILL NOT GET MY VOTE AND YOU WILL BE THE LOSER!” One little vote that's all we have but together we can make a difference with that one little vote. thinkingblue
The other day on the Rachel Maddow Show (MSNBC)... Rachel took her viewers into the dark history of past oil spills. I had no idea there were so many. Where was I, while the oil companies were busy drilling and spilling? Ms Maddow does our country a great service by reminding us how negligent Big Corporations have become since deregulation has been used so frequently in a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch ours." While the politicians and the corporate world are busy scratching for scratch… Earth, our one and only home, takes all kinds of abuse so these scratchers can continue to make as much money as possible without little regard for us or our home, the planet Earth. Please watch these videos and become enlightened via the Rachel Maddow Show. thinkingblue
In, my humble opinion regulations or the lack there of, is totally responsible for this disastrous and inexcusable spewing of petroleum (uncontrollably) into the ocean, threatening a part of Earth’s wildlife and beauty for many years to come.
Sad has become too insignificant a word to chronicle what will happen next. thinkingblue
I was wondering what our life in America would be like if Republicans Ruled (absolute power)... Scary thought! In my GOOGLE RESEARCHING I came upon this blog who must have been wondering the same thing and came up with some suggestions. You can read all about it here: BLUE HEART OF DIXIE Or below. thinkingblue --- Let's pretend that the American people simply lose their collective minds, and completely hand over control of the US Government to Republicans. I'm talking 90-95 seats in the Senate, 90-95% of the seats in the House. Oh, and they would also need to control state legislatures in at least 36 states. Yes, that's an obscene majority that would not happen in reality, but IF it did happen, what would be the consequences? What would be the wet dream of Hannity, Faux News, Rush, the Tea Baggers, and all other "conservatives"? My take is based off all the crap we hear on talk radio, as well as the GOP platform, along with arguments I've had over the years with Republicans.
With this kind of majority, the Constitution could be amended at will. Here are the changes to look for:
Amendment XVI (Income Tax) - REPEALED
Amendment XVII (Direct election of Senators) - REPEALED. This would put us back to the system where state legislatures elected Senators.
AMENDMENT: Presidential Candidates must provide any evidence demanded by a member of the Electoral College as to qualifications for holding the Office of President. (sop to the birthers)
AMENDMENT: Human Life Amendment, which will give the status of personhood and US citizenship from the moment of conception. (Bye, bye Roe, hello rusty coat hangers!)
AMENDMENT: Balanced Budgeet Amendment, requiring balanced budgets every year but with a 75% vote required to waive this requirement in times of war ONLY (this is for you, Tea Baggers!)
AMENDMENT: Will require that the Constitution be interpreted using word definitions in place at the time of adoption. (Originalist dream... anything the founders could not have forseen in 1787 will be unconstitutional without amendment. Amendments will be interpreted only as they might have been understood at adoption. That means the 14th amendment can only be looked at through the lens of 1868.)
AMENDMENT: Federal Marriage Amendment that will adopt language of "Super DOMA" amendments of states banning same-sex marriage AND any benefits resembling marriage for same-sex couples nationwide. Amendment will also clearly undo any marriages that have already occurred.
AMENDMENT: Citizenship granted only at birth for children whose parents are already citizens.
AMENDMENT: Stating that the United States is based on Judeo-Christian tradition and values, and to protect our freedoms, no law may controvene that tradition.
With their reconfiguring of the US Constitution finished, the GOP will then turn its eye on laws and agencies they hate.
Social Security Act - REPEALED (not in one swift act, but those not already on Social Security at time of passage will not have it available. They'll let seniors currently in the system stay in it until they die off.)
Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Education - ABOLISHED completely. All other departments, except Defense, will be seriously scaled down to about 10-20% current size.
Food and Drug Act - REPEALED. Oversight of food and drug production only hampers business and increases prices, after all. Caveat emptor bitches!
Health Reform - REPEALED. Whatever the Dems may pass this year will be repealed in its entirety. In its stead, the GOP will institute its "reforms": a) allow interstate sales of insurance (helps companies make more profit in low-cost areas by charging everyone as if they lived in NYC), b) BAN all medical lawsuits except in cases of gross negligence (to be fair, actual negliance could also be used, which is a lower threshhold), and that would be about it. Medicare/Medicaid REPEALED, although people currently in the system will be allowed to stay in until they die or are no longer eligible.
Immigration Reform - Build a fortified wall on the Mexican border. Order all people deported to their country of origin who cannot provide absolute proof of legal residency. Legal residency will have an English fluency requirement. All government communications will be in English only without any translation provided. All illegal immigrants will be banned from any public service whatsoever, including schools and hospitals, even emergency rooms.
Labor - All pro-labor laws and regulations will be REPEALED. The United States will become a "right to work" nation with the minimum wage also ABOLISHED.
Education - States will be mandated to provide vouchers, although there will be no requirement that private schools accept any children they don't want to accept, and will be free to charge any amount they wish above the voucher limit, which the parents must pay or their children will not be allowed to attend. Teachers unions ABOLISHED and BANNED.
Taxes - All income and inheritance taxes are REPEALED. Capital Gains Tax also repealed. Everything replaced with a 23% national sales tax.
Environment - Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, etc all REPEALED. EPA ABOSLISHED. All regulations repealed; they only interfere with private enterprise anyway.
Voter Reform: All "motor voter" laws REPEALED. Only people who prove that they have paid federal taxes may vote. No one on public assistance may vote until they are off public assistance. Felons banned from voting for life. Absolute proof of citizenship required to be shown before voting.
These are the top initiatives I believe would be swifly enacted with a GOP dominance of our government. I'm sure it would make the tea-baggers and other frothing conservatives very happy to see all these policies enacted. However, as we have seen time and again with legislation, unintended consequences would be a bitch. This America is not one that I would recognize, and if the people of this country approved of such changes, I would no longer feel welcome in my own country. I'd have two choices before me in such a scenario: join an armed rebellion to allow more liberal states to secede, or find another country in which to live. Neither option is palatable for me.
I hope this horror scenario will inspire you to not sit on your hands this year. We need to RETURN to the polls, no matter how disappointed we may be in this Congress and President Obama. It's important to remember that even with our large majorities, the Republicans have been dedicated to obstruction and forcing failure on all of our initiatives. We Democrats certainly have played our part in helping them out, but we've never been a party like the GOP that has sought to impose the absolute iron discipline on all of our members. It leads to problems, but I prefer it over the command and control style of the Republicans.
Thanks "Blue Heart of Dixie" for this insightful but very alarming view of what American life would be like if...
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Do you feel the problem with the oil spill comes from drilling off shore or the regulations surrounding drilling off shore?
Hmmm, interesting question. Let me try to put on an objective thinking cap. It is not an easy task to decipher the happenings within a capitalist economic system. Making money or a “living” (the word used for the middle-class) is the main component in capitalism, so needless to say, supply and demand (i.e. supply=what is produced and demand=wages in workers pockets) is the rule. Since “drilling” (what is produced) for oil is considered just your average, ordinary business enterprise, the drilling in and of itself, cannot be considered the culprit. (Why we need drilling for oil is because oil had become the chosen poison for the energy needs of human consumption. That’s a whole different subject)
Any endeavor that humans indulge in to make $$$, needs regulation in order to protect society from fraudulent business practices (like dumping toxic refuse in our water supplies). When Reaganomics became popular, the ascent of deregulation and the descent of organized unions (protections) occurred, (allowing for more money to be made by CEO’s and stockholders) so a look the other way practice took effect.
Therefore, my humble opinion would be that regulations or the lack there of, is totally responsible for this disastrous and inexcusable spewing of petroleum (uncontrollably) into the ocean, threatening a part of Earth’s wildlife and beauty for many years to come.
Sad has become too insignificant a word to chronicle what will happen next. thinkingblue
Yes, there are two Americas’ Virginia, they exist as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. One tolerant and
free-thinking, the other intolerant and close-minded!
Sincerely, thinkingblue, from the TOLERANT AND FREE-THINKING USA
PS: Joe (You Lie) Wilson, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh et al reside in the intolerant America!