Saturday, October 30, 2010

DST Ends More Darkness Begins

Extending daylight could boost health, helpplanet

I have always hated when Daylight Savings Time ended, marking the beginning of cold weather and worse the beginning of the 5:00 shadow of gloom. Like a lot of people I need sun to maintain some level of sanity pure and simple. But year after year we must endure the end of October, beginning of November melancholy because we have no say in it.

I stumbled across this article which appears to be in agreement
with me but on a scientific level. Maybe the time has come to end
turning back the clocks come the season of Halloween (Isn't it
ironic that earlier darkness befalls around Halloween?), allowing
us one more full hour of precious light. thinkingblue


For 2010, the ‘Daylight Saving Time’ (DST) for

Americans and Canadians is set to end on November 7. DST is
the practice of going fast forward in time. Do not get
flummoxed, clocks in US and Canada are advanced temporarily
so that afternoons get a larger share of daylight and the
mornings get way less. DST is an energy conservation exercise
where usually, clocks are advanced by about an hour at the
onset of spring and are then adjusted backward when fall approaches.

(You can fall back to regular time, labeled as "Standard Time" on November 7, 2010)


The Republican "LEMON PLEDGE"

Latest from the Science Front By The Esteemed And Revered

Test Your Religious Knowledge

Hold on to your hats while you watch an interview with some of
Glenn Beck's Followers.

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Watch A Fracking Mess 'GASLAND' here


RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important
petition "demand question time" (of our political
We really need more dialog from those at the top... The
Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind
"NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Let's keep our heads, while we continue


Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Do Americans Have Amnesia At Election Time

Why Do Americans Have Amnesia At Election Time

The Way We Forget
Sunday 17 October 2010
by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

This country of ours has a monstrous capacity to forget. We
are able to forget - if we ever knew - what happened two
hundred years ago, one hundred years ago, fifty years ago,
ten years ago. Worse, we are able to forget what happened one
year ago, last month, last week, and even yesterday. We
forget, we ignore, we refuse to know, and in our deliberate
ignorance are found the seeds of further destruction, widely
sown and also to be forgotten.

It has been made far too clear that our national amnesia
certainly extends over the last two years. After an era of
Republican rule that saw vast economic collapse, the
abrogation of basic rights, the trashing of Constitutional
law, two decade-long wars that still have no end in sight, a
catastrophic terrorist attack that could have been prevented,
the virtual annihilation of a major American city that could
have been prevented, and the theft and waste of trillions of
dollars, every available poll appears to indicate that the
American people have already forgotten all about it, and are
perfectly ready to let the wolves back inside the fence. MORE HERE

It’s not just that Americans can so easily forget, they also have priority defaults.
TOO MANY, have a one tract way of thinking that determines their
reality. TOO MANY, have been indoctrinated into believing that
one particular political party is good for the nation even though
this party has almost destroyed our Nation. What an easy job for
the leaders of that party, they throw out the red-meat of fear
and hate to their followers and capture their lack of reality
based knowledge, hook, line and sinker, which, without a doubt,
makes these followers vote against their own best interests.

If you don't believe this just read some of the "Republican Pillars Of
Society" rhetoric ...

Sen. Tom Coburn's macabre
warning to seniors that if health care reform gets
implemented they were going to "die sooner"...

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun's comments that the health
bill would make insurance cards as "worthless as the
Confederate dollar." (Just for good measure Broun
characterized the push for reform as a "War of Yankee Aggression.")

Rush Limbaugh - “Have you ever noticed how all
composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

Glenn Beck, on President Obama - ''This president I
think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who
has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white
culture....I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm
saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.''

Sarah Palin, in a message posted on Facebook about Obama's
health care - "The America I know and love is not
one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will
have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his
bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of
their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are
worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil...

- Pat Robertson - "Feminism encourages women to leave
their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft,
destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."

There is so much hate and fear spewing from the lips of
Republicans that it's impossible to cover it all. So IMAO it's
not just that Americans can so easily forget (especially those
who call themselves right-wing) they can't seem to throw off the
shackles of indoctrination soooo therefore their party can do no
wrong even when the wrong they’ve done has been devastating!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chilean Miners Were Rescued But The Truth Remains Entombed

Chilean Miners Were Rescued But The Truth Remains Entombed

I watched Chris Matthews’ of Hardball Fame while he reported
on the beginning Rescue Operations of the Chilean Miners, until
it had gotten so laden with gobbledygook that I couldn’t
take it any longer and turned the channel. When Matthews
(trying so hard to fill time) started in with a spiel about how
the miners came from generational mining families and even went
so far as to say something like… These miners come from
families with a long tradition of mine work. It’s in their
blood, handed down from father to son (paraphrasing)… Actual
quote below:

MATTHEWS: “Let‘s talk

about the culture of the miner. You know, I grew up
with it only in the movies, basically, “How Green Was My
Valley” and the guys, the old Welsh coal miners going
underground in terrible conditions. And today, of
course, still in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, you‘ve got
that tradition of guys going down there, coming up with their
faces covered with soot and having to take a shower, and
obviously, that bonding that goes on. But the guts it
takes just to go down there every morning with your lunch
bucket and your light on your helmet—what is that
about? Is it a certain kind of person? Is it
inherited from father and son, the guts that it takes to be a
working guy a mile or so beneath the surface of the earth 40
hours week?”

All I could manage to mumble, before I turned to something more
interesting like an “All in the Family” rerun was…
Holy baloney, where is this man coming from? These miners are
down deep in the Earth digging for metals to help make the rich,
richer… BECAUSE... It’s a damn job and they do it to
put food on their family table. They risk their lives because the
Chilean government is in cahoots with the corporate world and
allow (with little or no regulation) the corporatehoodlums
to get away with unsafe practices so they can accumulate more
wealth and more power. (sound familiar?)

Today I came across this article (Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued) which begins with:

The rescue of 33 miners in Chile is an extraordinary drama filled with pathos and heroism. It is also a media windfall for the Chilean government, whose every beneficence is recorded by a forest of cameras. One cannot fail to be impressed. However, like all great media events, it is a facade.

The accident that trapped the miners is
not unusual in Chile and is the inevitable consequence of a
ruthless economic system that has barely changed since the
dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Copper is Chile's
gold, and the frequency of mining disasters keeps pace with
prices and profits. There are, on average, 39 fatal accidents
every year in Chile's privatized mines. The San Jose mine,
where the trapped men work, became so unsafe in 2007 it had
to be closed - but not for long. On 30 July last, a labor
department report warned again of "serious safety
deficiencies," but the minister took no action. Six days
later, the men were entombed.

What a world we live in where truth is chewed up, spit out and swept
under the proverbial carpet so that those at the top of the heap
can stay up there and paint reality any which way they wish;
while those who live at the bottom, in a real world of
victimhood, are subjugated by those who hold all the keys.

If you would rather read some bitter truth instead of being spoon-feed
sugarcoated BS by the media, read the rest of this startling
HERE. thinkingblue

PS: I am thrilled that the miners were rescued, one of my favorite
fables is
THE ONE LITTLE STARFISH story, which goes something like this:

One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted
beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and
thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster
was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.

Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked,
"Little boy, what are you doing?"

The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to
save these starfish, sir."

The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are
thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference
can you make?"

Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man
and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said,
"It will make a difference to that one!"

Until our species can escape the Greed that grips it, inhumanity towards one another will sadly continue.


The Republican "LEMON PLEDGE"

Latest from the Science Front By The Esteemed And Revered

Test Your Religious Knowledge

Hold on to your hats while you watch an interview with some of
Glenn Beck's Followers.

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Watch A Fracking Mess 'GASLAND' here


RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important
petition "demand question time" (of our political
We really need more dialog from those at the top... The
Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind
"NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Let's keep our heads, while we continue


Thursday, October 07, 2010

Ahhh, a return to the Good Old Days


Libertarian Utopia

For sure the USA is being possessed by devils... and these devils are all inside a little cabal called THE TEA PARTY... It would not be so bad if they would just stay to themselves but NOOOOOOOOOOO, they have to try and make us all adhere to their insane schemes. I thought when George Dubya Bush was no longer at the helm; it would mean a return to sanity... SANITY? I don't even know the meaning of that word anymore. Firefighters watching someone's house burn down because he didn't pay the city $75???

What's next, COPS STANDING AROUND, NOT LIFTING A FINGER WHILE WATCHING SOMEONE BEING MURDERED... I can hear their voices now... "Hey, what can I do, the victim didn't pay his $75 protection fee to the city?" Sounds like a return to yesteryear’s EXTORTION PLOTS.

– 1920's - 1940's Street gangs would threaten to burn down a shopkeeper's store if he didn't pay them a certain number of dollars every week. Store owners would usually come up with the cash because mob gangs were fat, hulking, unbelievably ugly men who had divots the size of peach pits in their face. Each gang owned a particular "turf," a section of the city that contained all the abandoned warehouses along the coastline. Coastline property was highly prized back then, as it allowed easy access to dump dead bodies … From this site:

Ahhh, a return to the good old days! thinkingblue

PS: Most of the time, THE GOOD OLE DAYS, were usually not so good and quite scary. But today I don't know what's worse THE EVIL DAYS OF YESTERYEAR or TODAY'S CLOUDS OF TWISTED TEABAG ABSURDITY...?


Ayn Rand Conservatism at Work -- Firefighters Let Family's House Burn Down Because Owner Didn't Pay $75 Fee

By Joshua Holland, AlterNet

Posted on October 4, 2010, Printed on October 7, 2010

Thanks to 30 years of right-wing demagoguery about the evils of “collectivism” and the perfidy of “big government” -- and a bruising recession that’s devastated state and local budgets -- we’re getting a peek at a dystopian nightmare that may be in our not-too-distant future. It’s a picture of a society in which “rugged individualism” run amok means every man for himself.

Call it Ayn Rand’s stark, anti-governmental dream come true, a vision that last week turned into a nightmare for Gene Cranick, a rurual homeowner in Obion County, Tennessee. Cranick hadn’t forked over $75 for the subscription fire protection service offered to the county’s rural residents, so when firefighters came out to the scene, they just stood there, with their equipment on the trucks, while Cranick’s house burned to the ground. According to the local NBC TV affiliate, Cranick “said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn't do anything to stop his house from burning.”

The fire chief could have made an exception on the spot, but refused to do so. Pressed by the local NBC news team for an explanation, Mayor David Crocker said, “if homeowners don't pay, they're out of luck.” MORE HERE


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Am I My Brother's Keeper?


House Burns To Ground Over $75.

No pay, no spray: Firefighters let home burn

With all that you hear today from the Tea Party, about Pulling Up Your Own Bootstraps and Government should not be involved with citizen Safety Nets, etc., etc., etc., it kind of makes you feel like we’ve all been kidnapped and taken to a faraway place called The Land Of LA LA, doesn’t it? I wonder what will happen to all those who clamor “if you're not tough enough or smart enough to make it by yourself... YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN BUDDY...” (From This Site) when someday they will need to retire because they are too old or too sick to work? Will they regret their LUNACY? You bet your Pea-Picken Life, they will!

Here's a video of the Keith Olbermann interview with Gene Cranick victim of a horrible rural policy within the South Fulton Fire Department, that orders firefighters to watch a home burn to the ground if the homeowner didn’t pay a $75 city fee ... I guess the new Tea Party chant will become "BURN BABY BURN!"
Hmmm, where have I heard that before? thinkingblue


The below statement was on the Fulton City Fire Department's

Mission Statement

"The mission of the South Fulton Fire Department is to protect the lives and property of its citizens..."

A saying from the Bible's story of Cain and Abel. After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother's keeper?”

Cain's words have come to symbolize people's unwillingness to accept responsibility for the welfare of their fellows — their “brothers” in the extended sense of the term. The tradition of Judaism and Christianity is that people do have this responsibility. (See Good Samaritan, Love thy neighbor as thyself)



The Republican "LEMON PLEDGE"

Latest from the Science Front By The Esteemed And Revered

Test Your Religious Knowledge

Hold on to your hats while you watch an interview with some of
Glenn Beck's Followers.

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Watch A Fracking Mess 'GASLAND' here


RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important
petition "demand question time" (of our political
HERE..We really need more dialog from those at the top... The
Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind
"NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Let's keep our heads, while we continue


Monday, October 04, 2010

One Nation Rally - What A Genuine Rally Looks Like!

Highlights From The 'One Nation

Rally' in Washington DC

October 2, 2010

Here's what a genuine rally looks like.

Please watch this video and witness what a real genuine rally looks like. A rally round the working man. Not a rally for Bigotry, for War and for Corporate Interests. The first thing you will notice is, that the crowds consists of all people not just those of European descent. Another difference from the Tea Party rally is the tone, it is one of common sense and sanity. I feel proud when I see courageous souls cheering for the common, hard working everyday folk and I feel proud to belong to a mindset of reason.

The Tea Party makes no sense at all when they applaud Corporate Interests and clamor, down with the safety nets for those of us (including most who call themselves Tea Partiers) living on the edge.

Take a moment or two and view the determination of a people who care, not only for themselves, but for all human beings. A far cry from the Glenn Beck assemblage, FOR SURE! thinkingblue

You've got to read this one next
The Republican "LEMON PLEDGE"

Latest from the Science Front

By The Esteemed And Revered

Test Your Religious Knowledge

Hold on to your hats while you watch an interview with some of
Glenn Beck's Followers.

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.

Watch A Fracking Mess 'GASLAND' here


RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important
petition "demand question time" (of our political
We really need more dialog from those at the top... The
Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind
"NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Let's keep our heads, while we continue


Sunday, October 03, 2010

Are you smarter than an Atheist?

Are you smarter than an Atheist?

Here's a challenge for you on a Sunday Morning... How will you fair? I
consider myself A-theist and did manage to score a 23... So I
fall into the category of Atheists, Agnostics, Jews and Mormons
who seem to get the highest scores in the Pew Forum on Religion
and Public Life. thinkingblue

PS: To all those out there who consider themselves "religious" and
claim the USA was founded on "Christianity" yet scored
less than 16; you might want to get yourself a little education
on the religions of the world, it may help you understand your
own and our country just a little better.

Are you smarter than an atheist? A religious quiz

Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups in a 32-question survey of religious knowledge by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. On average, Americans got 16 of the 32 questions correct. Atheists and agnostics got an average of 20.9 correct answers. Jews (20.5)and Mormons (20.3). Protestants got 16 correct answers on average, while Catholics got 14.7 questions right.How will you do on the quiz? Write down your answers as you go.

32. When does the Jewish Sabbath begin?

A) Friday

B) Saturday

C) Sunday

D) Don't know

31. What is Ramadan?

A) The Hindu festival of lights

B) A Jewish day of atonement

C) The Islamic holy month

D) Don't know

30. Do you happen to know which of these
is the king of gods in ancient Greek mythology?

A) Zeus

B) Mars

C) Apollo

D) Don't know

29. Which of these religions aims at nirvana, the state of being free from suffering?

A) Islam

B) Buddhism

C) Hinduism

D) Don't know

28. In which religion are Vishnu and Shiva central figures?

A) Islam

B) Hinduism

C) Taoism

D) Don't know

27. What is an atheist?

A) Someone who believes in God

B) Someone who does NOT believe in God

C) Someone who is unsure whether God exists

D) Don't know

26. What is an agnostic?

A) Someone who believes in God

B) Someone who does NOT believe in God

C) Someone who is unsure whether God exists

D) Don't know

25. Where, according to the Bible, was Jesus born?

A) Bethlehem

B) Jericho

C) Jerusalem

D) Nazareth

E) Don’t know

24. When was the Mormon religion founded?

A) Before the year 1200 A.D.

B) Between 1200 and 1800

C) Sometime after 1800

D) Don't know

23. The Book of Mormon tells the story of Jesus Christ appearing to people in what area of the world?

A) The Americas

B) Middle East

C) Asia

D) Don't know

22. Which of the following best describes Catholic teaching about the bread and wine used for Communion?

A) The bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ

B) The bread and wine are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ

C) Other

D) Don't know

21. Which of these religious groups traditionally teaches that salvation comes through faith alone?

A) Only Protestants

B) Only Catholics

C) Both Protestants and Catholics

D) Neither Protestants nor Catholics

E) Don't know

20. Please tell me which of the following is NOT one of the Ten Commandments?

A) Do not commit adultery

B) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

C) Do not steal

D) Keep the Sabbath holy

E) All are in the Ten Commandments

F) Don't know

19. Which Bible figure is most closely associated with remaining obedient to God despite suffering?

A) Job

B) Elijah

C) Moses

D) Abraham

E) Don't know

18. Which Bible figure is most closely associated with leading the exodus from Egypt

A) Job

B) Elijah

C) Moses

D) Abraham

E) Don't know

17. Which Bible figure is most closely associated with willingness to sacrifice his son for God?

A) Job

B) Elijah

C) Moses

E) Abraham

F) Don't know

16. Would you tell me if Mother Teresa was...

A) Jewish

B) Catholic

C) Buddhist

D) Mormon

E) Hindu

F) Don't know

15. Would you tell me if the Dalai Lama is ...?

A) Catholic

B) Jewish

C) Buddhist

D) Mormon

E) Hindu

F) Don't know

14. Would you tell me if Joseph Smith was ...?

A) Catholic

B) Jewish

C) Buddhist

D) Mormon

E) Hindu

F) Don't know

13. Would you tell me if Maimonides was ... ?

A) Catholic

B) Jewish

C) Buddhist

D) Mormon

E) Hindu

F) Don't know

12. Which of the following statements best describes what the U.S. Constitution (including amendments) says about religion?

A) Christianity should be given special emphasis by the government

B) The government shall neither establish a religion nor interfere with the practice of religion

C) The Constitution does not say anything one way or the other about religion

D) Don’t know

11. According to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a public school teacher permitted to lead a class in prayer?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Don't know

10. Do you happen to know what religion most people in India consider themselves?

A) Buddhist

B) Hindu

C) Muslim

D) Christian

E) Don't know

9. According to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a public school teacher permitted to read from the Bible as an example of literature?

A) Yes

B) No

C) don't know

8. According to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a public school teacher permitted to offer a class comparing the world's religions?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Don't know

7. Do you happen to know what religion most people in Indonesia consider themselves?

A) Buddhist

B) Hindu

C) Muslim

D) Christian

E) Don't know

6. Do you happen to know what religion most people in Pakistan consider themselvers?

A) Buddhist

B) Hindu

C) Muslim

D) Christian

E) Don't know

5. What was the name of the person whose writings and actions inspired the Protestant Reformation?

A) Martin Luther

B) Thomas Aquinas

C) John Wesley

D) Don't know

4. Which one of these preachers participated in the period of religious activity known as the First Great Awakening?

A) Billy Graham

B) Jonathan Edwards

C) Charles Finney

D) Don't know

3. Do you happen to know the name of the holy book of Islam?

This is not a multiple choice question.

Write your answer down, and go to the next question.

2. What is the first book of the Bible?

These is not a multiple choice question.

Please jot your answer down and go to the next question.


1. Will you tell me the names of the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible, that is the Four Gospels?

Again, this is not a multiple choice question.

Write your answers down.

If you get all four correct, you get one point. If you get some of them wrong, give yourself a fraction of a point.


You've completed the quiz!

The correct answers are as follows:

32) A - Friday

31) C - The Islamic holy month

30) A - Zeus

29) B - Buddhism

28) B - Hinduism

27) B- Someone who does NOT believe in God

* Some might disagree with Pew's characterization of atheism and agnosticism. Strictly speaking, atheism is the belief that God
does not exist. Agnosticism, a term coined in 1869 by English
biologist T.H. Huxley, is the belief that the existence of God is

26) C - Someone who is unsure whether God exists

25) A - Bethlehem

24) C - Sometime after 1800

23) A - The Americas

22) A - The bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus Christ

21) A - Only Protestants

20) B - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

19) A - Job

18) C - Moses

17) E - Abraham

16) B -Catholic

15) C -Buddhist

14) D - Mormon

13) B - Jewish

12) B - The government shall neither establish a religion nor
interfere with the practice of religion

11) B - No

10) B - Hindu

9) A - Yes

8) A - Yes

7) C - Muslim

6) C - Muslim

5) A - Martin Luther

4) B - Jonathan Edwards

3) Quran

2) Genesis

1) Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Comedian Goofing on Religion

To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine...