Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tea Party Pot Calling The Tea Kettle Black

It pays to throw a Tea Party: Business, politics merge for leaders

Mon Apr 26, 5:05 pm ET

Whatever ultimate political effect that Tea Party
conservatism has on the country, one thing is increasingly
clear: Being a high-profile leader of the small-government
movement is very big business.

The movement's popular appeal stems from grass-roots outrage over the bailout of America's financial system, the expanded role of government, and the growing deficits. But the Tea Party has also been aggressively promoted by conservative media, political leaders and advocacy groups — and its broad appeal has blurred the distinctions among the three.

A year into this fledgling political movement's life,
reports are emerging of the huge money being made by Tea
Party leaders. Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are in front of the
pack, but a few new faces and a few old faces are also
getting into the game.


THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK - is that the pot is sooty (being placed on a fire), while the kettle is clean and shiny (being placed on coals only), and hence when the pot accuses the kettle of being black, it's the pot’s own sooty reflection that it sees: the pot {Tea Party} accuses the kettle {Obama Admin.} of a fault that only the pot has, From: wikipedia

Hypocrisy to the highest degree, the teabaggers are jumping up and down, faces red with rage and raising clenched fists at governmental spending. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they rush to donate money to this, their darling movement (cult) and buy up Tea Party goodies, as quickly as they hit the retail shelves just to hear their leaders Palin, Beck, et al, spew forth hyperbolic propaganda and lies (misleading or outright mendacity). Their motto TAKE AMERICA BACK... Yeah, back to the way it was before the Civil War. Wake up teabaggers you’re not Southern, you’re AMERICAN and the only thing the leaders of your movement are looking for is their bottom-line! thinkingblue

PS: Below, Thom Hartmann weighs in on a berserk Tea Party, Teabagger:

Tea Bagger says all Socialists are nuts except his socialism thomhartmann


PS: Below, Thom Hartmann weighs in on a berserk Tea Party, Teabagger:

Tea Bagger says all Socialists are nuts except his socialism


Below is the video in it's entirety

RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'

Watch Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV

New Robes For SCOTUS

Please sign this very important petition "demand question
time" (of our political leaders)
HERE... We really need more dialog from those at the top... The Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind "NO" any longer! thinkingblue

Click to go to MOVE TO AMEND and sing petition.


Let's keep our heads, while we continue to watch THE


