Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bailout of Frannie and Freddie - Revisited

I am posting THE INFAMOUS BAIL-OUT OF FANNIE AND FREDDIE of July 28 2008 again, due to a comment made by a Reaganite. Good Grief will not these defenders of all that's bunk, quit? Probably not, even when that type of misleading political philosophy is a proven failure they still beat the drums in its defense. Please read the comment by ANONYMOUS (it figures, they never admit to who they are) and my reply. thinkingblue

Click here to go to webpage for more RJ Matson CartoonsThe Infamous Bail-out Of Fannie and Freddie

The Republican Party has contended for some 30 years or so that anything appearing to slant towards socialism is EVIL. Feed a hungry child "NO THAT'S SOCIALISM not with my dollar you won't". Universal Health Care "NO THAT'S SOCIALIZED MEDICINE, I want no part of that. Those without insurance are lazy and have too many kids anyway, why should I care about them!"... The "R" Party's collective mantra is a loud MAKE GOVERNMENT SO SMALL YOU CAN DROWN IT IN A BATHTUB. But when it comes to Corporate bail-outs, which is another name for Corporate Socialism QUICK PULL THAT GOV-GUY OUT OF THE TUB AND APPLY Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)... It's enough to blow your mind! I've put together some TV clips and article excerpts to illustrate the hypocrisy of our government. A short saga of the U.S. Bail-out of two mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. I guess the SHOW MUST GO ON.


PS: Next time you hear an "R" person yodel "IT'S NOT OUR DUTY TO HELP THE POOR", and

to think about all the Big Bucks, Your Bucks, My Bucks, our government has spent, bailing out the many Fat Cats and see if they will then say "Socialism is a dirty word, it's EVIL!". Yeah, right, but only if you're POOR.

The Infamous Bail-out Of Fannie and Freddie


UP NOW, SCOTTIE. Thinkingblue


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Socialism has NEVER worked in the
history of time!

Socialism destroys societies commensurate to the level of
socialism infestation.

USA is still recovering from FDR folly

11:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean REAGAN YOUR GOD's folly,

9:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol...Oh yeah. Reagan is the evil
one. FDR hitched us to the Keynesian policy of deficit
spending, claiming that in order to solve the depression
the government had to amass large deficit spending for
public programs. It didn't work. WWII brought us out of
the depression. Even economists in the 1940's acknowledge
the failure of Keyne's policies. Milton Friedman
mathematically proved Keynes to be wrong.

Reagan followed Hayeks advice. Yes Reagan did run up
deficit spending, but not for public works. It was for
defense spending, specifically for technological advances
up to and including the "star wars" defense
system. The soviets, by attempting to match the defense
spending, collapsed under the economic weight of spending
so much of their GDP on military.

Different kind of deficit spending under Reagan. You will
also note that under Reagan, we were rescued from oil
rationing, economic malaise and generally ineffectual
leadership. He lowered the tax rates and under Reagan,
more regular americans became millionaires than ever
before ( I know, millionaires are horrible, darn
capilatist pigs).

The socialism that you love so much has never worked. It
didn't work in Nazi Germany. It didn't work in Lenin's
Soviet Union, it didn't work in Italy or Spain, and it
didn't work in Cuba.

As many self professed socialist thinkers acknowledge,
the danger of socialism is that it naturally trends
towards fascism and totalitarianism.

I hate people who just parrot some ignorant party line
and don't know what the hell they are talking about (and
NO iam NOT a republican).

10:10 PM

Blogger thinkingblue said...

Oh my, you Reagan (anti-everything
humane) lovers will go on and on with your repetitive
unchanging rhetoric to prove that Reagan's (and all the
other self-serving, corrupt, covetous goons in the GOP)
doctrine of delusion was (and is) the only way to fly.
Even during blatant failure you still hold fast to the
mercenary beliefs of the right-winged ones who won't bat
an eyelash for anything or anyone down and out. To me it
certainly smacks of a death wish for America. I swear you
guys or either very mindless or part of the fifth column
who’s only goal is to bring America (the part that
idealizes Democracy and the Checks and Balance System
-America’s Constitution-) down.

The fear of Fascism? The Right-Wing political dogma will
definitely lead us into that nightmare.

Reagan’s voodoo economics were scandalous; A
reversal of Robin Hood, give to the Rich and Take from
the poor ideology.

His total lack of empathy towards The Poor and Aid
victims displayed the inside workings (Bigotry) of a
pathetic little man. Remember Reagan's Cadillac Welfare
Queen? (Over a period of about five years, Reagan told
the story of the "Chicago welfare queen" who
had 80 names, 30 addresses, 12 Social Security cards, and
collected benefits for "four nonexistent deceased
husbands," bilking the government out of "over
$150,000." The real welfare recipient to whom Reagan
referred was actually convicted for using two different
aliases to collect $8,000. Reagan continued to use his
version of the story even after the press pointed out the
actual facts of the case to him.
) that he used such a prejudiced statement against black
single women at all is a testimony of his uncaring
nature… (You need only remember Bush and Katrina for
more of the GOP Jim Crowism attitude)
America has not only gotten worse off since Reagan was
elected - it damned near died under the GOP and their
outrageous "big lie" that small government and
low, low, low cut-rate taxes was the best way to run the
country. It accentuated the GOP mindset that government
is their private, personal ATM machine for the exclusive
use of the antiquated party of old rich white men. That's
why Reagan launched his 1980 presidential campaign in
Philadelphia, Miss., a town with a notorious Ku Klux Klan
history. He denounced "welfare queens"--a code
word for Blacks--for living off "government
handouts." As the AIDS epidemic began to claim tens
of thousands of lives, Reagan refused to even use the
name of the disease for six years. In fact, according to
his authorized biography, he once said, "Maybe the
Lord brought down this plague" because "illicit
sex is against the Ten Commandments."

You know what, there is no talking to those of the
neoconservative persuasion. Even if our country were
completely brutalized and bleeding, taking its last
breath you guys would be defending those ideologues who
brought it down. (Case in point i.e. NOW!)

Excerpts from:
and http://vidiotspeak.blogspot.com

From http://thinkingblue.blogspot.com


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