Richard Bruce Cheney Is NOT ABOVE THE LAW!
The law of the land is to be respected by everyone. Not just those residing on the lower rungs of the heap. We are all the same when it comes to the law (This is the essence of Democracy). When this truth is abandoned and those at the top commit transgressions, considering themselves Above The Law, (and getting away with it) they weaken Democracy to the point of collapse. Richard Bruce Cheney, is not above the law, he must be held accountable for his criminal activities or there will be another "Dick Cheney" waiting in the shadows for his chance at power and High Crimes and Misdemeanors. thinkingblue
Sign the petition
"Attorney General Holder, it is your duty to uphold the constitution and protect the rule of law. The evidence before you demands that you launch an investigation into possible crimes committed under the Bush administration and to prosecute if warranted. This investigation must not be limited to low-level foot soldiers, but should seek justice at the highest levels. Assign a prosecutor to investigate torture and do not rule out as targets architects of the Bush administration's torture program including former Vice President Dick Cheney and his legal adviser David Addington."
Start torture investigation with Cheney and Addington
Newsweek reported Saturday that Attorney General Eric Holder is considering appointing a prosecutor to investigate whether the Bush administration illegally tortured terrorism suspects.
A decision is expected in the next few weeks. Holder should investigate torture, and he should start with former Vice President Dick Cheney and his legal adviser David Addington.
Sources suggest that a Department of Justice investigation of torture -- if ordered by Holder -- is likely to focus solely on those who went beyond the legal boundaries set by the administration officials who provided a legal framework for torture -- but not the architects of the torture program themselves.
The Department of Justice and Attorney General Holder must give a prosecutor the ability to hold the torture architects responsible. Narrowly confining a torture probe to low level foot soldiers would fall short of the accountability moment required to protect our constitution from further abuse.
Attorney General Holder must assign a prosecutor to investigate torture and that investigation should start not with low level interrogators who crossed the line but at the top with torture architects Cheney and Addington.
Cheney Knew In 1994 That The Iraq War Would Be A Mistake
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