PS: There would be no Michael Savage if there were no Bush/Neo-cons!
Your recent disparaging, derogatory and thoroughly repugnant comments about Wolf Blitzer and Larry King's character has blown your cover of saneness.
SAVAGE: The reason they curry favor with the turbanned hoodlums is to
gain access to the turbanned hoodlums, domestic and foreign, for their
news shows. They need more turbanned hoodlums to build ratings.
CALLER: Yes. I agree with you, and --
SAVAGE: That's why the department store dummy named Wolf Blitzer, a Jew
who was born in Israel, will do the astonishing act of being the type that
would stick Jewish children into a gas chamber to stay alive another day.
He's probably the most despicable man in the media next to Larry King, who
takes a close runner-up by the hair of a nose. The two of them together
look like the type that would have pushed Jewish children into the oven to
stay alive one more day to entertain the Nazis.
Click here to hear it for yourself!
You need help and so does the network you represent.
Bring back sanity,
A thinking blue in the red state of Florida
Below is the Media Matters article on Savage's savage attack... at the bottom you will find email addresses in case you would like to comment on this blistering blitzkrieg by the psychotic savage, one Michael Savage! thinkingblue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Savage: CNN's Blitzer and King "would have pushed Jewish children into theoven"; "curry favor with the turbanned hoodlums"
On the August 7 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, Michael Savage declared that CNN hosts Wolf Blitzer and Larry King "look like the type that would have pushed Jewish children into the oven to stay alive one more day to entertain the Nazis." Savage remarked that Blitzer "will do the astonishing act of being the type that would stick Jewish children into a gas
chamber to stay alive another day. He's probably the most despicable man in the media next to Larry King ... a close runner-up." Savage opined: "The reason they curry favor with the turbanned hoodlums is to gain access to the turbanned hoodlums, domestic and foreign, for their news shows. They need more turbanned hoodlums to build ratings."
Savage has previously called Blitzer "the type who would have let children into the gas chamber in order to stay alive an extra day," as Media Matters for America noted. Savage has also accused Blitzer of being "anti-Semitic ... anti-Jewish, and pro-Arab" because he "doesn't want to appear too Jewish ... and too pro-Jewish." Savage also incorrectly claimed Blitzer is "Israeli originally," a claim he repeated here. Blitzer was born in Buffalo, New York, according to a September 7, 2005, article in The Hill. According to Blitzer's bio on CNN.com: "He began his career in 1972 with the Reuters News Agency in Tel Aviv. Shortly thereafter, he became a Washington, D.C., correspondent for The Jerusalem Post."
As Media Matters has also noted, Savage previously stated that "it's people like" philanthropist George Soros "who brought about the Holocaust" and labeled former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright a "brisket maker."From the August 7 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
SAVAGE: The reason they curry favor with the turbanned hoodlums is to
gain access to the turbanned hoodlums, domestic and foreign, for their news
shows. They need more turbanned hoodlums to build ratings.
CALLER: Yes. I agree with you, and --
SAVAGE: That's why the department store dummy named Wolf Blitzer, a Jewwho was born in Israel, will do the astonishing act of being the type that
would stick Jewish children into a gas chamber to stay alive another day. He's
probably the most despicable man in the media next to Larry King, who takes a
close runner-up by the hair of a nose. The two of them together look like the
type that would have pushed Jewish children into the oven to stay alive one
more day to entertain the Nazis.
Contact: Michael Savage michaelsavage@paulreveresociety.com
Contact: Talk Radio NetworkTalk Radio Network
E-mail: info@talkradionetwork.com
Talk Radio Network
P.O. Box 3755
Central Point, Oregon 97502
Phone: 541-664-8827
Fax: 541-664-6250
Contact: The Savage Nation
The Savage Nation
The Paul Revere Society
150 Shoreline Hwy, Bldge E
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Fax: 415-339-9383
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