Another Action Alert, has come my way. This one has been out there before but with all the tragedy and bloodshed ocurring in the Middle East it has been put on the back burner to stew and boil.
But the double boiler is about to blow its lid, if we continue to ignore the foreboding likelihood of our country's demise under the Bush Neo-con control. You don't have to take my word for it... just listen and watch. The signs are there, all around you! If we've had enough, then it's time to IMPEACH! thinkingblue
PS: Below is but a handful of reasons to Impeach Bush and most of his Neo-con administration, there are too many to list them all in this format. Read and decide IF YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH?
Congress Snivels While Bush Breaks Laws: This article pertains to the Bush "signing statements" well over 750 to date, which is nothing but CRIMMINALITY AT WORK! thinkingblue
Bush could bypass new torture ban
When President Bush signed the bill outlawing the torture of detainees, he quietly reserved the right to bypass the law under his powers as commander in chief. After approving the bill, Bush issued a ''signing statement" -- an official document in which a president lays out his interpretation of a new law -- declaring that he will view the interrogation limits in the context of his broader powers to protect national security. This means Bush believes he can waive the restrictions, the White House and legal specialists said.
George W. Bush's Impeachable Offenses:
President Bush defiantly admits initiating such flagrant domestic spying but contends that the Congress implicitly authorized such activities when it approved the use of force against al Qaeda and that such actions fit within his constitutional powers as commander-in-chief. But the founders never intended core principles of the Constitution to be suspended during wartime. In fact, they realized that it was in times of war and crisis that constitutional protections of the people were most at risk of usurpation by politicians, who purport to defend American freedom while actually undermining it.
George W. Bush as the New Richard M. Nixon: Both Wiretapped Illegally, and Impeachably;
Saturday, December 17,2005, in his radio broadcast, Bush admitted that the New York Times was correct - and thus conceded he had committed an impeachable offense
Cherry-picked Intelligence:
A Foreign Affairs article, that in the run-up to the war "intelligence was misused publicly [by the Bush White House] to justify decisions already made"--that is, Administration officials
selectively cited intelligence to bolster the case for war.
If you are still not convinced that the criminals, the extremists watching over our Nation are bringing us down then please read the next few articles, they are LOADED with the illegal goings-on in the Bush Neo-con administration... thinkingblue
George W. Bush Administration - Bush's Lies - Secrecy in the Bush Administration
After Neoconservatism:
By invading Iraq, the Bush administration created a self-fulfilling prophecy: Iraq has now replaced Afghanistan as a magnet, a training ground and an operational base for jihadist
terrorists, with plenty of American targets to shoot at.
The DOWNWITHTYRANNY Blogger says it all... thinkingblueDownWithTyranny!
I was so revolted by the
election-- legitimate election, no less-- of Richard Nixon that I left the country and lived overseas for nearly 7 years. Nor was I overjoyed by the advent if Ronald Reagan, not by a long shot and, frankly, I always recognized Bill Clinton as merely an infinitely more benevolent version of the same corporate tyranny that Republicans inflict on us. But not Reagan, certainly not Clinton or Bush the First, and not even Nixon (who drove me out of the country I love!) are as steeped in the kind of utter reprehensibility like the current monstrosity in the White House. I do believe no president in the history of our nation comes close to the sheer destructiveness to the national cohesion as Bush and the crew of miscreants around him. Look, if you've read Down With Tyranny you would have probably figured out I feel this way. But what's it got to do with a song that I neither wrote nor performed on?
I don't want to go down without a fight. And if we don't stand up and fight we are surely going down. Fuming and ranting to like-minded blog readers has been cathartic and rewarding in many ways-- and I like to think I played a little roll in helping uncover the Republican Culture of Corruption, at least in terms of Randy "Duke" Cunningham and Jerry Lewis. And the community DWT has formed with Firedoglake and Crooks and Liars in the shape of Blue America is barreling towards the $150,000 mark (mostly in small donations) for our list of progressive candidates. But blogging still didn't seem nearly enough in light of the depravity the Bush Regime has dragged our country through.
Today is the official "release" of a song, "Have You Had Enough," that came together very organically. Before you read the rest of this, just click here and listen to the 2:45 ditty
(no dirty words or images; I promise).
I hope you enjoyed it. Helping bring all the people who worked on it together-- the musicians Rickie Lee Jones, Tom Maxwell and Ken Mosher, Andy Paley (producer), Mike at the pressing plant, Alisse Kingsley (publicist), Bob Divney (ace promotion man), Adam Fox (graphic artist), Irwing Ornelas (MySpace designer), Jane Hamsher, Christy Hardin Smith, Pachacutec, John Amato (my Blue America partners), all the folks at Firedoglake and Down With Tyranny with great ideas and suggestions that helped turn a flicker into something real... well, it made me feel like I was actually striking a blow for freedom for the country I came back to over 25 years ago-- and with a far greater appreciation for it's character, warts and all, than I had before I left.
Every Saturday at 2 PM (Eastern time), members of the Firedoglake, Music For America and DownWithTyranny communities get together for a live blog session with a progressive candidate at Firedoglake's Blue America. On June 24th our guest was Larry Kissell, a grassroots, populist Democrat running against the ultimate rubber stamp bozo, Republican incumbent Robin Hayes. You can check out the archive of the session here.
That day over 50 members of our communities contributed around $1,500 to Larry's
campaign. The first couple dozen donors "won" Eric Clapton CDs, which I mailed out on Monday morning. A week later I got an e-mail from a community member, Tommy Yum, who identified himself as Tom Maxwell, formerly of the late, great Squirrel Nut Zippers. Tom, a North Carolinian excited about Kissell's candidacy, wanted to thank me for the Eric Clapton CD and also offer his help. This led to a discussion that went on for a week or so during which we decided that he would adapt one of his SNZ hits, "Put A Lid On It" (recognizable from the 1999 Superbowl) as a campaign song for our Blue America candidates.
Tom and his partner Ken Mosher, another former Squirrel Nut Zipper, worked on the lyrics and the 3 of us started exchanging files and e-mails every day. I loved the dynamic process and how enthusiastic and cooperative these two guys were. Before they totally finished the lyrics they asked me what I thought about finding a woman singer to trade off lines with them. Judging from the music it only took me one second-- literally-- to come up with the perfect singer: a friend who I worked with when I ran Reprise and who is a very dedicated political activist and savvy idealist, Rickie Lee Jones. Rickie was on tour at the time but we communicated by e-mail and she loved the 45 second file I sent her and agreed to do it.
After that I called producer/musician Andy Paley, an old friend. I thought of Andy because I had been so impressed with his production work on similar music for the Dick Tracy movie soundtrack on which he produced artists as diverse as Madonna, k.d. lang and Ice-T. We were doing this whole project with absolutely no money at all and Andy, like everyone else involved, was happy to help out and even got Dusty Wakeman at Mad Dog Studios to let us use his awesome and historic facility gratis.
A few days after she got back to L.A. from her tour, Rickie Lee drove over to Mad Dog. Basically she nailed it on one take. Everyone's jaw just dropped! She did a few more takes for good measure but Rickie's voice was just made for this song! The next day Tom and Ken had mixed it and sent it to me. We want to get it out to as many people as possible and, of course, we want everyone to enjoy and share the music for free. We're going to start a political action committee so we can raise some dough to make 30 second radio spots with this music for our candidates. If you want to send a check-- and even $5.00 will help-- you can make it out to Blue America and send it to P.O. Box 27201, Los Angeles, CA 90027. As soon as we get all the paperwork done with the FEC we'll get an Act Blue Page up for online donations. Meanwhile, enjoy the music and send it to everyone you know.
Please click this ACTION link to add your voice:
As a Congressman, I will not shirk away from my oath of office. Saying that includes the inherent responsibility to hold the balance of powers within their Constitutional function. It has been determined that the Executive Branch has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors" in the public eye. Through illegal wiretaps, spying on American citizens, lying to start a war, sacrificing national security in lieu of petty political revenge and criminal neglect in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the current administration has abused its privileged position for profiteering and selfish ambition.
To put it bluntly, "regime change" begins at home.
The problem we’re faced with is the Majority Party in Washington DC honestly believes they are chosen by divine providence to rule the world.
The error is clear. They have their jobs by our good graces, not the other way around. If we are to bring sobriety back to our system of government, we must first elect new leadership to lead the charge for change and hold the all of those in the administration responsible for their actions.
We have been lied to, marketed to, mislead, threatened and pick-pocketed. Every one of the principles of our constitution has been under attack, and dangerous power-grabs by petty tyrants imperil its virtue. Our children will now bear the brunt of this administration’s myopic and selfish ambition, and the very future of this American Experiment is in serious question. We must do what is necessary to save our Republic from predators who only seek riches and glory for themselves at the expense of the rest of us.
This alert is brought to you through the activism of Stacey Tallitsch, running for the U.S. House in the 1st Congressional district, and one of the leading progressive voices in the state of Louisiana. Many of you have already submitted his action page calling for the troops in Iraq to start coming home now, a policy that is more surely correct with every passing state of emergency in Baghdad.
Stacey has been running call to action radio spots in this district, calling for an end of the obstinate occupation of Iraq, a military escapade which has brought nothing but death and destruction to both their country and our own. And he has produced a new one on the impeachment issue. You can hear the new spot on this page.
thinkingblue's two cents worth:
The concept of IMPEACHMENT of G. W. Bush, has been out there before but with all the bloodshed and mayhem that is happening in the Middle East it has been put on the back burner to stew and boil. But the double boiler is about to blow its lid, if we continue to ignore the foreboding likelihood of our country's demise under the Bush, Neo-con control. You don't have to take my word for it... just listen and watch. The signs are there, all around you!
Congress Snivels While Bush Breaks Laws: This article from pertains to the Bush "signing statements" well over 750 to date. This is nothing but CRIMINALITY AT WORK!
Then there are the Lawyers who Challenge Bush... FROM THIS SITE: (Mickey Edwards Citizens, lawyers and constitutional scholars of all political stripes have reason to be concerned about President Bush's use of "signing statements," which assert his right to ignore a law and threaten the central tenet of America's system of constrained government.)
At the there are these stunning revelations:(George W. Bush's Impeachable Offenses: President Bush defiantly admits initiating such flagrant domestic spying but contends that the Congress implicitly authorized such activities when it approved the use of force against al Qaeda and that such actions fit within his constitutional powers as commander-in-chief. But the founders never intended core principles of the Constitution to be suspended during wartime. In fact, they realized that it was in times of war and crisis that constitutional protections of the people were most at risk of usurpation by politicians, who purport to defend American freedom while actually undermining it.)
In this next article from FIND LAW: reports: (George W. Bush as the New Richard M. Nixon: Both Wiretapped Illegally, and Impeachably; Saturday, December 17,2005, in his radio broadcast, Bush admitted that the New York Times was correct - and thus conceded he had committed an impeachable offense)
Also the Cherry-picking of Intelligence from this site - - states:(A Foreign Affairs article, that in the run-up to the war "intelligence was misused publicly [by the Bush White House] to justify decisions already made"--that is, Administration officials selectively cited intelligence to bolster the case for war.)
If you are still not convinced that the criminals, the extremists, watching over our Nation are bringing us down then please read the next few articles, they are LOADED with the illegal goings-on inside the Bush Neo-con administration...
George W. Bush Administration - Bush's Lies - Secrecy in the Bush Administration - Follow this path to read them for yourself:
The illegal invasion of Iraq by Bush, has made Iraq a magnet, for training jihadist terrorists! This fact alone, is an impeachable offense. What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for a point of no return? Remember, the great American experiment could end, please don't allow this to happen. Start Impeachment procedures against G. W. Bush and many of the members in his administration who have flagrantly misused their powers. Perhaps if, we the people, tell our leaders ... WE'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THE SHREDDING OF OUR CONSTITUTION, future government heads will no longer feel they do not have to account for their unlawful actions. thinkingblue
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