Presidential Grope or BEWARE OF THE BLOB

Well folks, our "perpetual pubescent president, has reached an unprecedented goal as THE UBIQUITOUS OFFICE SEXUAL HARASSER OF THE ENTIRE WORLD. He gives new meaning to the expression "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine"!

The last time some boorish clod tried to give me a back rub in the office, was in 1984 when a snot nosed creep became my boss. On his first day as STUPIDVISOR he came sneaking up on me and put his grubby hands on my back. I turned around and almost swung a fist in his face... When I saw it was THE BOSS, I said, "do you know... when you put your hands on a person who works under you... in essense, you are saying to them... YOU'RE INFERIOR TO ME...!" He looked surprised and said... sorry!
Please read, if you can stomach it, PRESIDENTIAL GROPING, below... AND PLEASE CLICK ON THEATER CURTAIN TO SEE "BEWARE OF THE BLOB!" thinkingblue
She sure doesn’t seem to happy about it to me.
Mash: At the G-8 summit, President Bush grabs German Chancellor Angela Merkel from behind and gives her a quick massage before rushing off. Chancellor Merkel is not amused.
This has been an awful trip for Bush to say the least on so many levels. Please list all the problems he has had in the comment section.
Taylor Marsh: This is why Iraq and the Middle East are in flames, and we have no credibility around the world. We have a prepubescent president in charge. It is an outrage.
Lindsay: Every woman will recognize the guy who sidles up and starts "casually" giving you a backrub without even looking at you, because he wants to preserve deniability in case you freak out. Like any practiced groper, Bush stares right past Merkel as she recoils from his touch.
Bush Gropes Germany's Merkel --updated below--President Bush took time out from the G-8 Summit to grope German Chancellor Angela Merkel. I'm not kidding. It boggles the mind.Via Mash (by the way, great get!), we get photos via a friend of his in Germany. Mash debuted his guest post on on North Korea this past Sunday, which will appear every Sunday (focusing on world foreign policy issues). He forwarded links to these pictures.
This is why Iraq and the Middle East are in flames, and we have no credibility around the world. We have a prepubescent president in charge. It is an outrage.
KDinDC offers the German translation, from the comment section: Chancellor Angela Merkel is speaking with Italy's Prime Minister Romano Prodi -- then George W. Bush comes into the hall...
Merkel converses with her neighbor at the table, does not notice how Bush is approaching from the rear ...
... suddenly the US president lays both hands on Merkel's shoulders ...
... begins his Texan one-second massage ...
... the chancellor jerks, startled, raises her hands high, does not know who has
grabbed her from behind ...
... and with an air of innocence the president after the joke navigates to his
place at the conference table. Merkel takes the surprising love attack with
humor, smiles. GREAT BIG HUH? SMILE? INNOCENCE? JOKE? MY FOOT! thinkingblue
Mash just sent me the link below from the LA Times, who offers no pictures and a
false description. Does Merkel look like she smiled? Take another look above.
Baby, that's no smile.
... Entering the meeting room, as relayed by a Russian television camera, Bush headed directly behind the chancellor, reached out and, placing both hands on the collar of her gold jacket, gave her a short massage just below the neck. She smiled...
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