David and Goliath Retold:

David and Goliath - Retold:
GOP Tea Party army had gathered for war against the women of the
land. The two armies (Anti-Choice and Pro-Choice) faced each
other, camped for battle on opposite sides of a steep gallery. A
GOP Tea Party giant measuring over nine feet tall and wearing
Senate Bill 5 upon his head came out each day for forty days,
mocking and challenging the pro-choice women to fight. His name
was Rick Perry and all the thinking women of the land were
terrified of Rick Perry and his ilk.
day, Wendy Davis was sent to the battle lines by the people to
bring back news, about what the Texas Tea Party Governor was up
to. While there, Wendy heard Perry shouting his daily
defiance and saw the great fear that stirred within Pro-Choice
supporters, amid their cries for help, she realized if SB5 was
signed into law by Perry, the measures would close almost every
abortion clinic in Texas. There was much at stake here for the
women of the land.
Wendy Davis volunteered to fight Rick Perry. Dressed in her pink
running shoes, carrying a small notebook, Wendy approached Rick.
The giant cursed at her, hurling threats and insults.
the Texas Governor moved in for the kill, (pen in hand to sign
this horrendous anti-women bill into law) Senator Wendy reached
into her bag of words and slung several at Perry's head. Finding
a hole in his head where Senate Bill 5 had been worn, the words
sank into the hole and he and his SB5 fell down on the ground.
alas, contemptible Perry was able to get to his feet and dust the
notorious anti-abortion, anti-women bill off and start the whole
WAR ON WOMEN again. thinkingblue
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