Paula Deen, Bigot of the Day!

Paula Deen is a very
selfish woman but that’s not her real sin, many in business
become hoggish and narrow. The fact that she’s affiliated
with the Democratic Party and acts like a Tea Party Bigot is
unforgiving! thinkingblue

Hey Paula, you may be a registered Democrat but yo ain’t no
Come outta the closet girl!
Come outta the closet girl!
Deen has faced extensive criticism for the high amounts of fat, salt, and sugar in her recipes. She faced particularly strong objections with the release of Lunch-Box Set, a cookbook aimed at children, with Barbara Walters saying of the book, "You tell kids to have cheesecake for breakfast. You tell them to have chocolate cake and meatloaf for lunch. And french fries. Doesn't it bother you that you're adding to this?" Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain commented in 2011 that he "would think twice before telling an already obese nation that it's OK to eat food that is killing us." On January 17, 2012, Deen announced that she had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes three years before, a disease for which a high-calorie diet is a major contributing factor. It was also disclosed that Deen is a paid spokesperson for the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, whose main export is insulin. She was called a hypocrite for continuing to promote her high-sugar diet while only disclosing her medical condition when it benefitted her in representing the drug company to market their diabetes management program.
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