Tea Party Propaganda - In A Word KNOTHEADS!
- n. a stupid person. : Don't be such a knothead!
Holy knothead Batman, it's been a long time
since I've checked in on Crooks and Liars. But that's going to
change; this website is overflowing with info on what REALLY is
going on these days within the realm of ‘Bat Shit Crazy’,
not to mention REALITY itself. Not only that, they do REAL
journalism, which is in short supply and can hardly be found
ANYWHERE. Check out the stories below and enjoy a reality check
at their website itself. http://crooksandliars.com/

CLICK HERE to see an image on this so called Tea Party, IRS fiasco.
click away just yet, here's another gem from C&L.

Ok Did
Ya Have Enough Or Do Ya Wanna See Some More?
C&L, C&L!

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