Here Lies The Voting Rights Act of 1965
May She Rest In Peace!
June 25, 2013
Let us begin with 3 BIG CHEERS for Sen. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth... Without a doubt, I am now fully aware of, why I do not like most Republican lawmakers... (Why?) Because they are a wild bunch of bullies and brutes and want everyone to adhere to their (convoluted) way of thinking whether or not it 'WILL' hurt people and help erode our freedoms just a little bit more!
When you have a (Supreme)court that has a majority (Republicans) rule, making decisions that will hurt We-The-People ensuring their clan (more like Klan as in KKK –‘Welcome to the Ku Klux Klan, Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to WHITE CHRISTIAN America!’) will always win. And with these "R"wins our Republic WILL slowly morph into one of the following:
Totalitarianism - In a totalitarian society the government holds absolute control over all aspects of the lives of its people. A set of beliefs is imposed on the people, who have to conform or face unpleasant consequences.And I am not, I repeat, I am NOT whistling Dixie. thinkingblue
Fascism - Fascism is usually headed by a dictator. It involves total government control of political, economic, cultural, religious and social activities.
Oligarchy - An oligarchy in which only a few wealthy people hold power. A republic may be an oligarchy if just a few people have the RIGHT TO VOTE.
Plutocracy - rule by the wealthy. The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to strike down a key part of the Voting Rights Act has "pushed us back into a kind of plutocracy where the rich shall inherit the earth," former U.N. Ambassador and Congressman Andrew Young says.

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