Welcome to the Cockroach Tea Party.
EXCERPT: {{legislators arguing that teenagers were not old enough to question race-sensitive topics in the classroom, -- college students aren’t old enough either.}}

OMG!!!!! Like I said… GO BACK IN TO THE WOODWORK and leave the thinking up to those who can THINK!EXCERPT: {{Their recent rap sheet includes a bill passed by the Senate that would allow doctors to withhold lifesaving information from women in order to prevent abortions, a bill that passed several procedural votes that would force all students on financial aid—except athletes—to pay at least $2,000 in tuition costs, and a bill that’s been floating around the Senate that would suspend professors for using profanity or teaching “indecent” materials in class.}}
GOOD GRIEF, when will ALL this insanity stop? thinkingblue
PS: My apologies to the cockroaches of our planet.
Another BEFUDDLE from these nincompoops that THINKING people like me, and YOU, help bring into the LIGHT OF DAY. (Cockroaches hate that!)
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Tucson's Mexican-American Studies Ban | ||||
Az. Official Considers Expanding Awful Ban on Ethnic Studies to Universities
They’re at it again.Two years ago, the Arizona state legislature passed a law that effectively banned all public K-12 schools from teaching ethnic studies, with legislators arguing that teenagers were not old enough to question race-sensitive topics in the classroom.And according to Arizona’s top education official, college students aren’t old enough either.Superintendent of Schools John Huppenthal recently said that ethnic studies programs taught at state universities are “toxic” because they teach students to resent Anglos.“I think that’s where this toxic thing starts from, the universities,” Huppenthal told Fox News. “To me, the pervasive problem was the lack of balance going on in these classes.”Huppenthal’s comments, combined with the possibility of even more government intrusion into what is taught in Arizona’s classrooms, have alarmed educators throughout the state.“It’s an affront to freedom of speech,” Antonio Estrada, the director of the Mexican American Studies program at the University of Arizona, responded to Fox. “We do not indoctrinate, we educate.”While the legislature hasn’t taken official action to extend the ban on ethnic studies to public colleges, the governing body does have a disturbing tendency to embrace the controversial.Their recent rap sheet includes a bill passed by the Senate that would allow doctors to withhold lifesaving information from women in order to prevent abortions, a bill that passed several procedural votes that would force all students on financial aid—except athletes—to pay at least $2,000 in tuition costs, and a bill that’s been floating around the Senate that would suspend professors for using profanity or teaching “indecent” materials in class. MORE HERE
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