Mobs, Bullies, Fascists 101
Mobs, Bullies and Fascists 101
MOBS BULLIES AND FASCISTS 101Rush Limbaugh is the personification of a bully and a tyrant. He incites people to form mobs and do his dictate. I hope everyone will someday realize that Rush Limbaugh is not to be respected he should not be worshiped but abandoned and scorned.
There is only one reason for the fomenting of hatred in the Rush Limbaugh world and that is to rake in the dough. And goddammit lots and lots of moola go into Limbaugh's back pockets. The reason for this, well it's not rocket science? The whatfor is all around us... It's because there are too many weak-minded people in our midst. They may work hard and try to play by the rules; the trouble is they are too willing to obey those who scare the BEJESUS out of them.
I admit life is an eerie and hair-raising experience. There’s danger and peril all around waiting to pounce on any innocent who happens to wonder by. But we can't live our lives in a constant state of fear. We must venture out and take our chances in order to survive.
The shock-jocks like Limbaugh are out there in the shadows of their microphones waiting to make an attack on the innate fears of the populous. They exaggerate, amplify, blow out of proportion and hyperbolize everything and I mean EVERYTHING that may cause apprehension amongst those who are unaware of what the radio host real motive is (make ada BIG BUCKS!). In other words they prey upon the gullible for gain.
I wish these vulnerable people could become informed the old fashion way by reading and inquiring the many information outlets available (legitimate newspapers and educational library books) but that's too difficult for them, plus they may be too worn-out from the hard lives they are forced to lead, due to lack of information and education. It's just too easy to click a knob on the old TV or radio and tune into the shows that dumb down their audiences. Also, the Limbaugh's give them a punching bag to direct their pant-up anger at. It’s not only sad, it’s criminal. But we do live in a free country and because of that, we all possess the freedom to be irresponsible and that definitely is so irresponsible. Below is a video I made from the information I gathered from the Media Matters and Our Future websites. Thank goodness for sites like Media Matters and Our Future who inform and educate us on the misinformation floated out there by Right-Wing zealots who stand behind and protect big corporate interests.
Mobs, Bullies and Fascists 101
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