One last Bill for workers, to be VETOED by Bush.
Right to the end, with economy going down the old flusher and many breadwinners out of work, to begin a long tedious quest to keep their families from homelessness and starvation; Bush and cronies at the helm, (but with a countdown) still waging the battle to keep hard working Americans from their civil rights. What the...? I had heard about Ledbetter vs. Goodyear when John McCain didn't even bother to show up for the vote, which helped it to fail in the Senate.
One thing for sure, if the McCain (ugh) Palin ticket would have won... This would be a non-issue and what is even more frightening... McCain would have stacked the court with one or two more judges who most certainly would have been against WE THE PEOPLE...
Will it ever end? I can answer that one... it's a NO BRAINER... Not if the Republicans have anything to do with it!
One thing for sure, if the McCain (ugh) Palin ticket would have won... This would be a non-issue and what is even more frightening... McCain would have stacked the court with one or two more judges who most certainly would have been against WE THE PEOPLE...
Will it ever end? I can answer that one... it's a NO BRAINER... Not if the Republicans have anything to do with it!
Seems like we need to fix this attack on civil rights, with a little common sense from the Congress of these United States.
In some cases, after initially ruling for employees, judges have reversed themselves and ruled in favor of employers. judges said they had to switch because of Supreme Court decision |
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