Let's All Wish Hertha Ayrton (Renowned Scientist) a Wonderful 162nd Birthday
Today Google honored Hertha Ayrton's entrance into existence. She, as a female human being was able to achieve recognition for her works in science, no easy task for women of the time. It's amazing how women across the globe, (especially today) are considered essential in this life, due mainly because of their reproduction capabilities. Of course, we have always known this to be true in the backward countries that cling to religious fundamentalism. But the fact that here in America, there are legislators (mostly male) still trying to keep the unenlightened, archaic laws of yesteryear alive and jam biblical writings concerning the anatomy of a women’s reproductive system, down our collective throats. (like it's the only female attribute) It is not only stupefying it’s atrocious.
Happy Birthday Dear Hertha who paved the way for women to be unafraid to show men, they can discover, contribute and THINK!

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