Low Information Voters Moving To Canada Because Of SCOTUS Decision On Affordable Healthcare Act. Yeah!

Low Information Voters... Critical Thinking? Not for these folks, as long as there are entities like Fox News, Religious Dogma and Rush Limbaugh to tell them WHAT TO THINK, the rationalizing will go on and on. thinkingblue
Low Information Voter
One who votes based on information gleaned from other low information voters, rumors, viral emails, and FOX "News". (Let us not forget the biggest LOW INFORMATION VOTER, Rush Limbaugh - but his LOW INFORMATION is for his listening audience only, you know the Ditto Heads... HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING, ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK)
Low Information Voters are skewing the electorate in favor of the corporatocracy because they don't have the curiousity or ability to research facts for themselves. Low Information Voters will vote against labor unions, in spite of the fact that the labor unions are responsible for getting them the 40 hour work week, decent wages, employer provided health insurance, vacations, lunch hours, and breaks, among other things. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=low+information+voter
---Labels: affordable health care, Canada, Costa Rico, democrats, GOP, liberal, Low Information, obamacare, politics, Rush Limbaugh, tea party, voter
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