Will The Tucson Tragedy Teach Us To Just Kind Of Get Along?
Will The Tucson Tragedy Teach Us To Just Kind Of Get Along?
The below story is a heart wrenching tale of the times we live in.
Ariz. shooting victim arrested, taken to hospital
Will there ever be an end to the sadness of January 8th 2011 when a madman bought a gun and went on a shooting rampage in Tucson Arizona? Probably, time heals all, so they say. But not for the victims; whether you believe right-wing hacks are responsible or the left-wing’s inability to put an end to the hateful rhetoric that is BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by Big Corporate- hood of the USA, the sorrow and pain lingers on.
The article tells it all. From the poor man who became a victim just because he wanted to be part of the American political fabric, so he attended a constituent meeting on that Saturday morning. To the little girl who’s innocent, young mind was filled with the enthusiasm of living in a representative democracy in which our leaders act in our interests, so that is why she was there. (She so deserved to live, starting out so young, possessing critical thinking skills that are lacking in too many of our Nation’s adults.)
Everyone sees this tragedy in different ways, some, like myself, are drawn into the complete senselessness of it and struggle to find answers as to why such a horrible event could occur.
Others want to blame something or someone which really isn’t possible. If we could point a finger and claim “THAT’S WHY IT HAPPENED!” it would be so simple. We could then eradicate the cause and it would never happen again.
But like the Wild Kingdom, there are dangers in being alive. There are predators amongst us and someone will eventually come face to face with one of them and fall victim to their psychopathic mindset.
Perhaps, changing some of our gun laws would help or maybe toning down the rhetoric of hate that fills our airwaves. I wish there were easy answers but one thing we should all note is that we as a species are sliding backward into our evolutionary past of reactionary FIGHT OR FLIGHT...
(FIGHT OR FLIGHT –noun Physiology, Psychology -. the response of the sympathetic nervous system to a stressful event, preparing the body to fight or flee, associated with the adrenal secretion of epinephrine and characterized by increased heart rate, increased blood flow *reference.com*)
due to the lack of critical thinking skills.
(Critical thinking consists of mental processes of discernment, analysis and evaluation. It includes possible processes of reflecting upon a tangible or intangible item in order to form a solid judgment that reconciles scientific evidence with common sense. In contemporary usage "critical" has a certain negative connotation that does not apply in the present case. Though the term " analysis thinking" may seem to convey the idea more accurately, critical thinking clearly involves synthesis, evaluate, and reconstruction of thinking, in addition to analysis.Critical thinkers gather information from all senses, verbal and/or written expressions, reflection, observation, experience and reasoning. Critical thinking has its basis in intellectual criteria that go beyond subject-matter divisions and which include: clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance and fairness. *reference.com*)
Maybe there is a solution, maybe if our schools would teach students to think instead of just memorize, we would then start to develop the minds of our young and stop them from emulating the adults in an endless and mindless bickering match.
Just imagine a world where, mental processes of discernment, analysis and evaluation ruled instead of mob mentality. From genius to idiot, critical thinking is possible, if taught and then maybe we could all just kind of get along. thinkingblue
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