Could the USA be "UNITED" once again?
Could the USA be "UNITED" once again?
Read this article: Left and right united in
opposition to controversial SCOTUS decision
"It seems you'd be hard-pressed to get Republicans and Democrats inside and outside of Washington to agree on anything these days, if one party publicly stated its intention to add a "puppies are adorable" (as adorable as Tinfoil Hat Bob) declaration to its platform... that other party would immediately launch a series of anti-puppy advertisements."
Excerpt came from this site:
For the past 30 or 40 years, politics in this country has been
one long lollapalooza of a fracas; causing a split right down
the middle of the Main Street voters.
It's the people who vote who count because they are the ones who
elect the leaders who are either for "WE THE
PEOPLE" or, are for "The United Corporations of
America". But now since SCOTUS ruled that Corporations
are people and because of that, can manipulate elections with
their billions of $$ in profits made off the backs of the
"WE" and can buy our politicians (like so many
pieces of candy, in a candy store) people are starting to
realize who is getting SCREWED and believe me... IT
Corporate Personhood - The Floodgates were Opened Today
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