Bishop Tobin, Self Appointed God
Bishop Tobin continues to dip his fingers and toes into the holy waters of the state. Acting as though he was god, he continues to threaten politicians who do not buckle under the pressures of his religious dogma. Not having dominance over those who have not been indoctrinated in the Catholic ideology (which must really piss this guy off) he badgers those who he can badger. Threatening them, that only he and his church can guarantee their ticket into heaven and only if they do his bidding. What total and archaic nonsense. Tobin the Thug probably would be sentencing people to the guillotine if he had been born hundreds of years ago when (in the western hemisphere) church and state were one.
Now, I am sure there are intelligent clergy among those in the hierarchy of the Catholic church who believe and teach their flock that religion and state should be separated but apparently Bishop Tobin or should I say Holiest Highness Tobin is NOT ONE OF THEM. He's just another bully in my book.
You understand, of course, that these thuggish scum would have no problem giving their blessing - their precious voodoo Communion - if these same Democratic politicians would simply sign to eliminate womens' rights to biological privacy, and then reward themselves by doodling underage interns. That's a system they can support.
Amazing. Kill the Church's tax exempt status and see how blustery they are.
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