WATERSHED, "the formation of a unity government in Iraq marks a watershed for the greater Middle East." (GWB)
Shortly after, I saw this spouting of words and spit from boy George's lips, I tuned into PBS' News Hour With Jim Lehrer. There, right on my TV screen, were several Middle Eastern scholars begging to defer, here are the remarks from a guest journalist, Nir Rosen:
MARGARET WARNER: Nir Rosen, how does it feel to you? I mean, is this a turning point? Is this a small positive step? Where would you put it on the scale?NIR ROSEN, Journalist: Well, since the occupation began, we've heard of many turning points and many milestones: the creation of the governing council; the handover of sovereignty; the variation elections; the various battles.
We've turned the point. We've broken the back, but nothing has changed. In fact, things have gotten worse.
I think this is actually a rather insignificant event, because events inside the Green Zone have no effect on the reality outside in Baghdad, where militias control the street, where there's a civil war raging, an open civil war between Sunni and Shia militias.
And this new government is not going to change that. If anything, Maliki is at least as ideologically committed to Shia power and to preventing any sort of national reconciliation, despite his overt statements to the contrary.
This is what we've mostly been getting from the news... Bush putting on his rose colored glasses and painting a visual picture that will give compliment to his miserable failures in Iraq; only if you search FREESPEACH TV or sometimes
PBS you will hear the truth behind the Bush unmitigated canards. (SAME OLE,
But yesterday, it was different, I saw a bright young college graduate who dared to speak up and give her opinion to the "business as usual" republican blowhard, John McCain, (I must interject here, I am very disappointed in McCain's growing of several faces) on another TV show 'COUNT DOWN WITH KEITH OLBERMANN'.
Hearing her reasoning and seeing her eloquent style, I suddenly felt the piercing, whispering breeze of reality trying to penetrate through the smog of gobbledygook we've been fed for the last 5 years of "ABSOLUTE CONTROL" by these "FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME" republicans. And I must tell you, IT FELT GOOD!
So today, I researched this subject on the Internet, for information on this brave girl named Jean Sarah Rohe. Since I usually start with the crooksandliar's website my search was a "PIECE OF CAKE" that I enjoyably gormandized, ravenously to put on my puny blog. So that I could perhaps, share, partake and be a party to, spreading this little anecdote far and wide... TO BRIGHTEN ONE'S DAY!
Please click on the picture below to see this young woman on Keith Olbermann's show and click the links to the HUFFINGTON BLOG to read all about it. Enjoy, thinkingblue
Many of you are aware of Jean Sarah Rohe's graduation speech which she changed after learning that John McCain's would be following hers at The New School.
She then wrote an article on the Huffington Post to explain her rationale behind her remarks. This led to McCain's staffer Mark Salter, to write a scathing article to answer her, in which he called her an idiot. Rohe then responded the following day saying: I'm sad to see that Mr. Salter intentionally misinterpreted my writing, presumably to hurt my feelings and frighten me into silence.
Jean joined Keith Olbermann to discuss what transpired.
Rohe: ...the fact that we were graduating, this
was our graduation, that this was our big day. It was much more of a stump
speech for Senator McCain and I felt that that was completely out of place
and, of course I had the privilege of knowing what the Senator was going to
say before he said it so I was prepared for that.
Peaceful at the surface and peaceful at the core,
All the joy within my heart would be so free to soar,
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star.
Don't know where we're going but I know we're going far.
We can change the universe by being who we are,
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star.
I must say, I find a few things quite amazing;
- I find the fact that McCain and Salters felt the need to attack and smear a
college student amazing.
- I find the lack of values and hypocrisy in their act amazing.
- I find Jeans poise, intelligence, and conviction amazing.
Senator McCain... Mr. Salter... you've just been smacked down by a young lady
who has far more intelligence, far more conviction to her values, and far more
grace under pressure then you both will ever have. Go pick on someone you have
a chance to bully... like some child in pre-school.
Ms. Rohe, you are truly a gem. I'd say forget about the slime balls, but,
unfortunately, in true slime fashion, they will probably try to unleash the
pundits of slime now... O'Reilly, Coulter and Limbaugh.
Take heart though... and take heed... you have a very powerful "ace" in your
hand; that you are a mere college student speaking your mind, your values, and
your convictions... and anyone who feels the need to try and run you through
the mud has no morals whatsoever. Don't be afraid to use that because they are
heartless dogs of war.
- Val, 05.22.2006
Published: May 19, 2006
NEW YORK (AP) -- Senator John McCain of Arizona received a cantankerous reception during his appearance at the New School commencement Friday, where dozens of faculty members and students turned their backs and raised signs in protest and a distinguished student speaker pointedly mocked him as he sat silently nearby.
The historically liberal university has been roiled in controversy in recent weeks over the selection of McCain, a conservative Republican and likely 2008 presidential candidate, to deliver the commencement address.
Some 1,200 students and faculty signed petitions asking the university president, former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey, to rescind the invitation. Petitioners said McCain's support for the Iraq war and opposition to gay rights and legal abortion do not keep with the prevailing views on campus.
Kerrey, a Democrat who served in the Senate with McCain and, like McCain, is a decorated Vietnam War veteran, addressed the controversy almost immediately after the 2,700
graduates and thousands of other parents and friends filed into Madison Square Garden for the ceremony.
"Sen. McCain, you have much to teach us," Kerrey said to a smattering of boos and hisses. He urged students to exercise the open-mindedness he said was at the heart of the university's progressive history.
But Kerrey's remarks were immediately overshadowed by those of Jean Sara Rohe, one of two distinguished seniors invited by the university's deans to address the graduates.
Beginning by singing a wistful folk tune calling for world peace, Rohe announced she had thrown out her prepared remarks to address the McCain controversy directly.
Read more of it at the
new york times
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