Monday, September 28, 2015

Fiorina's Biggest Lie

During the debate last week, the disgraced Hewlett-Packard CEO looked out at the millions of viewers and the biggest fib of the entire campaign season came rolling off of her tongue. She said,”“Anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’”
More At This Link:

Busted: Even FOX News Admits Carly Fiorina Lied About Planned Parenthood Video

This is so despicable it should be illegal! What a contemptible person Fiorina (Fuhrer) is, to take something so hideously edited and use the horrible lie to take down an organization (Planned Parenthood that helps low income women, children and men with health needs) in hope it will anger those who cannot or will not use common sense or critical thinking, to vote for her...

If Embedded video is not showing up, please click this link:
Lies and Deception are the enemy of the Truth. They are put forward into the minds and hearts of the people of Earth by those who rage against what is. They are spoken, propagated and acted upon by those with a vested interest in keeping the understanding of the Truth from reaching the Consciousness of each individual.
Lies and deception are insidious, for once, they have been believed and accepted by well-meaning individuals, these individuals, in their ignorance, become agents for the spread of these falsehoods. This is how lies and propaganda are spread from generation to generation. A parent is indoctrinated into the lie, and then the parent indoctrinates their children, who in turn indoctrinate their children, and so on, down through the generations.
Speaking about the most effective way to propagate the spread of lies and disinformation to as many people as possible, Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the Nazi Third Reich, stated that one should "make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." This statement clearly shows that the real goal of those who are bent on the attainment of totalitarian power is to actually control the minds and belief systems of those upon whom they impose their rule.