No Korea's Capital Punishment By Dogs

Full Story Here:
This comes at you, right out of the Dark Ages, Kim Jong-Un one very mentally sick psychopath and a serious threat to the eradication of human torture on this planet, literally threw his uncle to the dogs. This story is probably the proverbial “Tip of the Iceberg” of what this monster does to the people of North Korea, the evil he can inflict, possessing the power to point his disgusting finger, accuse someone who he believes has betrayed him (or maybe he just doesn’t like) and have him/her murdered. Which is what he so blatantly did to a North Korea executive heavyweight, who also happened to be a member of his family (and for all the world to see). One can only imagine the horrible fate that awaits the peons? A Google search on the most vicious executions throughout history gave me this website, click it if you dare:
Many of these savage executions occurred long ago, during medieval times. I speculate that if Kim Jong-Un could get his way, this horrendous human method of barbarism would become the chosen technique for Capital Punishment everywhere death sentences were legal. Just think of the kick the Tea Party leaders would get out of that. thinkingblue
PS: If you find that it’s just too hard to believe that anyone could commit such a disgusting heinous act as feeding human beings, alive, to dogs (even for Kim Jong-Un) you’re not alone. Read Below:
Did Kim Jong Un Feed His Uncle To 120 Dogs? Be Skeptical
January 03, 201412:58 PM
If you’ve done much Web surfing today you’ve probably come across a headline such as this one from NBC News:“Kim Jong Un’s executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs: report.”We’ll get to the reasons to be suspicious in a bit. First, here’s the short history of that tale about the North Korean leader and his uncle, Jang Song Thaek:On Dec. 12, the same day the world heard that Jang had just been tried and executed for alleged crimes against the state, the relatively small Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po claimed Jang had been “stripped naked and thrown into a cage” to be killed and eaten by 120 dogs.Twelve days later, The Straits Times of Singapore pointed to the story, adding that Wen Wei Po also claimed the execution by dogs had been supervised by Kim himself and witnessed by 300 senior North Korean officials.Then this week, the “month-long rumors … inexplicably re-emerged,” as Japan’s NK News says. Why now? It adds that “Christopher Green, international editor at The Daily NK warned that mainstream media organizations had a tendency to reprint sensationalist stories on North Korea with little regard for truth.”Ah, the truth. That brings us to the debunking.
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