Why Does Democratic Socialism Scare Ignorant People So?
is a brief clip from the Thom Hartmann show, which explains why
Democratic Socialism is actually a good and necessary instrument
for a free society; its true meaning has been demonized by the
right in order to allow the corporate rich to get even richer.
The misguided have been told that any form of socialism is evil
and can be compared to Nazism. Non-thinking people get very
frightened to hear this analysis and will vote against anything
they believe appears to resemble this disastrous form of
government even if it means rejecting benefits that will improve
their own well being. The Pied Piper Syndrome needs to be exposed
so these people will start to think for themselves and make it
possible for ALL the people in a commonwealth to reap the
benefits not just the few.
nation will not survive without Democratic Socialism. It's
socialism that provides a fire department and police protection
and schools to educate all children not just those born to the
well off. How about FDA, we buy food that we know is safe because
of Democratic Socialism. We take medicine and feel reassured that
we are not committing hara kiri with each swallowed dose. If we
have an emergency health episode we know a 911 call will send an
ambulance to help save our life and when we hop on a bus, hail a
cab or buy an airline ticket we feel convinced that we will be
transported from point A to point B without devastating
consequences because a Democratic Socialist Government will make
sure there is an oversight upon the transportation corporations
that will not allow them to cut corners in order to create more
profits, at our peril.
Democratic Socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives. http://www.dsausa.org/dsa.html
TO THAT! thinkinglbue
Why Does Democratic Socialism Scare Ignorant People So ? from thinkingblue on Vimeo.

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