Tucker Carlson, Enraged by flirtation... HUH?
This is so typical of Tucker. His 'Locker Room' mentality permeates throughout his whole show. Tell me, "Why the hell did they throw, Phil Donahue off and put the likes of this immature idiot on?" Could it possibly be, that the average viewer of MSNumbedBC has the same EQ (emotional intelligence) as the likes of Tucker? If they would rather watch Carlson's banal rhetoric than spend an hour of intelligent conversations and great knowledge brought forth by someone like Phil, I guess we all know the answer to that question. Yet, this sometime bow-tied, sometime neck-tied schmuck should at least, keep his spew non-violent. When he crosses the line of civility and advocates on-the-air, that gays who go into men's rest-rooms should be battered if they are construed to look at you cross-eyed, then, even those who somehow enjoy his clownish conduct should object! THEY THREW DON IMUS UNDER THE BUS FOR LESS THAN THAT, at least Imus, was just an obnoxious clod and didn't champion brutality!
MSNBC has yet to acknowledge Carlson's comments. Tucker Carlson should apologize immediately and Sign and add your comments now telling MSNBC they must state |
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