Well, Mr. President, seems to be standing alone on not wanting children to have health insurance. Almost alone, except for his staunch, true-blue disciples, who take up space, on capital hill. In fact, 159 morally bankrupt Republicans, don't mind turning their backs on the many children who may become very ill or even die because their families won't be able to carry the financial load if something medically serious happens to them. Oh, by the way, funding for the Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion, at a rate of a mere $200,000,000 A DAY! That's OK with Bushie, but allot money to help lower income families have peace of mind and this dullard of a man, we call pres. POUNDS HIS CHEST AND DECLARES HE'LL VETO IT! Sending people's children into an unnecessary war and now giving a thumbs down to bring some daylight into the lives of the financially strapped Americans, makes me wonder. Will his daddy shed some tears for his malevolent son over this one? thinkingblue
The House voted Tuesday to expand health insurance for children, but the the House voted 265-159 to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, Bush says he will veto the bill due to its cost, SCHIP is a state-federal program that provides coverage for 6.6 million children expansion would add 4 million children to the rolls The bill drew support from 45 House Republicans
The Senate appears poised to pass the SCHIP Despite the expected veto Democrats welcomed the SCHIP debate president finds himself isolated |
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