HE'S BACK... Bill Moyers on PBS
Bill Moyers Returns to Investigative Reporting With Moyers on America Airing
in October on PBS
Another must see documentary!
This time you can view it right from the comfort of your home. Bill Moyers is back on PBS, with an eye opening documentary, illustrating the depths of corruption that was occurring between Tom Delay and Jack Abramoff... These two were characters right out of a Dick Tracy movie: Dick Tracy vs.the Phantom Empire They thought their conniving deeds were going unnoticed, just like the Phantom in the 1941 movie who thought he was invincible because he could become invisible.
INVISIBLE, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? So many people knew exactly what they
were doing but with a majority of republicans in both houses and the pack
of neo-cons running around in the Whitehouse NO ONE COULD or WOULD DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT... Until the mighty forces of the dynamic duo Patrick J. Fitzgerald and Ronnie Earle came on the scene and to the rescue of good over evil.
WE'VE BEEN THROUGH A HELLAVA LOT FOLKS... Let's hope it will be over soon and the corrupt, absolute power gang will finally pay the price for their misdeeds! thinkingblue
PS: Click the theater above and watch the Oct. 2, 2006, episode on Democracy Now - "A Swashbuckling Spectacle of Corruption" - Bill Moyers Investigates Abramoff Lobbying Scandal, documentary airing on your PBS stations October 4, 11 and 18th at 9pm ...
Consult your local listings HERE
Bill O’Reilly labels Rep. Foley a Democrat
By: John Amato on Wednesday, October 4th, 2006 at 12:04 AM - PDT
See anything wrong with this graphic? The O'Reilly Factor ran it in not one, but two segments and posted it three times. I can understand if FOX and The Factor made an error the first time, but to post it repeatedly should be a firing offense, The most watched show on FOX News has now labeled the former Republican Congressman Mark Foley, who is in the middle of a sexual predator scandal that has Hastert's career on the ropes —a Democrat. Was it an error or done by choice? I report–you decide.

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