WORD OF THE DAY "anathema"
It seems Iraq is heading for CIVIL WAR! This was an inevitable outcome told to Bush and his Neocons even before they decided to go to war with Iraq (and this was well before 9/11)...
Below is a poignant note from Cindy Sheehan. She asks President Bush "What was the noble cause my son died for?" He has yet to answer her, in plain words, question.
Now with Britain not only stopping the pull out of some troops in Iraq but sending in 6000 more Desert Rats in what is being described as "an unexpected redeployment. This, to me, is an acknowledgement that is beyond a doubt, the leaders of Britain and the United States realize CIVIL WAR is not only looming but is already happening.
The Bush and his neocon's anathema in Iraq has begun... and with CIVIL WAR evolving into a reality, there are going to be numerous US and British deaths to follow.
I do not believe that Cindy will ever get an answer to her question from Bush nor will the Mothers of the many who have yet to be lost. Thinking Blue
PS: If the above isn't bad enough now it seems the Bush administration is trying to blame environmentalists for the levee breaks...
Click here or below:
Administration: Blame environmentalists for levee failures
Now for the word of the day
anathema n., pl. anathemas. 1. A formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication. 2. A vehement denunciation; a curse: "the sound of a witch's anathemas in some unknown tongue" (Nathaniel Hawthorne).
A denunciation invoking a wish of evil: execration - curse - damnation - imprecation - malediction - oath - evil spell - evil eye - whammy (slang)
Wake Up
By Cindy Sheehan
t r u t h o u t Perspective
Monday 19 September 2005
So we have come to cash this check - a check that will give
us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We
have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce
urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off
or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. -- MLK, Jr. Aug. 28, 1963, I Have a Dream speech
What Bush's Katrina shows once again is that my son died for
nothing. If you listen to Bush - and fewer and fewer are, thank goodness
- we are in Iraq in part due to 9/11. All our president has been talking
about has been protecting this country since 9/11. That's why people
voted for him in the last election. Katrina shows it's all a sham, a
fraud, a disaster as large as Katrina itself.
Hundreds of billions and tens of thousands of innocent lives
wasted later, what have we achieved? Nothing. Casey died for nothing and
Bush says others have to die for those that have died already.
Enough, George! What is disgusting is not, as the first lady
says, criticism of you, but rather the crimes you've committed
against this country and our sons and daughters.
Stop hiding behind your twisted idea of God and
stop destroying this country.
This week I arrive in Washington DC to begin my Vigil at the
White House just like I did in Texas. But this time I'll be joined by
Katrina victims as well. In your America we are all victims. The failed
bookends of your Presidency are Iraq and Katrina.
It is time for all of us to stand up and be counted: to show the
media, Congress, and this inept, corrupt, and criminal administration
that we mean business. It is time to get off of our collective behinds
to show the people who are running our country into oblivion that we
will stand for it no longer. That we want our country back and
we want our nation's young people back home, safe and sound, on our
shores to help protect America. That it is time for a change in
our country's "leadership." That we will never go away until our dreams
are reality.
We have so-called leaders in our country who are waiting for the
correct "politically expedient" time to speak up and out against the
occupation of Iraq. It is no sweat for our politicos to wait for the
right time, because not one of them has a child in harm's way. I don't
care if the politician is a Democrat or a Republican, this is not about
politics. Being a strong leader to guide our country out of the quagmire
and mistake of Iraq will require people of courage and determination to
stand up and say: "I don't care if I win the next election, people are dying in Iraq every day and families are being decimated." We, as the 62% of Americans who want
our troops to begin coming home, will follow such a leader down the
difficult but oh-so-rewarding path of peace with justice.
It is no longer time for the tranquilizing drug of
gradualism. It never has been the time for that. Our "now" is
so fiercely urgent. Like my daughter, Carly, wrote in the last verse of
her "A Nation Rocked to Sleep" poem:
Have you ever heard the sound of a Nation Being Rocked to Sleep?
Our leaders want to keep us numb so the pain won't be too deep,
But if we the people allow them to continue, another mother will weep,
Have you heard the sound of a Nation Being Rocked to Sleep?
Wake up: See you in DC on the 24th.
British Troops to Stay, Fears of Iraq Civil War
Moves to withdraw soldiers from Iraq have been
scrapped due to fears of civil war, a newspaper claimed. The
British Ministry of Defense insisted it had never set a timetable for
removing its 8,500 troops. But it confirmed that more soldiers would
be redeployed to Iraq before the end of the year, suggesting thousands
will remain in the country well into 2006.
"The formal anouncement of that redeployment will be made during the
autumn and they would be scheduled to go out around the end of
November," a MoD spokesman said. Britain, the main ally of the United
States in Iraq, has frequently said its soldiers will stay there "until
the job is done".
However, a Government document leaked to a newspaper in July
suggested London hoped to cut its forces in Iraq to 3,000 by the middle
of next year. The Sunday Telegraph said that plan had now been
scrapped amid "growing concerns that Iraq is heading into
full-scale civil war".
It said 6,000 Desert Rats would go to Iraq in what it
described as "an unexpected redeployment". The MoD described
the figure as speculative and said the redeployment was part of a
rotation of troops and did not mean Britain was increasing its presence
in Iraq.
Sliding into civil war
Simon Tisdall
Friday September 16, 2005
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's
declaration of war "against Shias in all of Iraq" has reinforced fears
that the country is sliding towards all-out civil war. This week's
toll included day-laborers in a Shia district of Baghdad and pre-dawn
executions of Shia men in the provincial town of Taji.
The Shia response has so far been relatively restrained. Shia
leaders are fully aware that al-Qaida is trying to draw them into
civil conflict. The main Shia parties, in government for the first
time, hope a constitution to be voted on next month and a general
election in December will confirm an historic shift of power in their
This prospect of permanent dispossession is anathema (DAMNATION)
to leaders of the Sunni Arab minority, accustomed under Saddam Hussein
to running the show, and may be a factor in the violence. But a
distinction should be drawn between the national concerns of
mainstream Sunni Arabs and al-Qaida's more grandiose, destabilizing
objectives, said Rime Allaf, a Middle East expert at Chatham House.
"It's not just about Sunnis versus Shias. Al-Qaida often makes no
distinction about who is being targeted. Some of these Baghdad
neighborhoods are mixed Sunni, Shia and others. They're all
civilians," Ms Allaf said. "There is already a civil war, but
it's primarily a war for power, not a war for religion. That's what
it's about for al-Qaida. And power is what it's about for the US as
well - power over the region."
Considered from this perspective, the Iraqi conflict lies at the
heart of two historic struggles that were given a modern dimension by
9/11. All-out sectarian warfare in Iraq, if not avoided, could inflame
passions in Shia Iran and among Sunnis and Shias in Saudi Arabia and
the Gulf states, possibly leading to the sort of regime-changing,
region-wide upheavals sought by al-Qaida.
At the same time, the US, wrestling with contradictory impulses to
keep control in Iraq and disengage, may be tempted to lash out.
Heavy-handed action against Syria and Iran could also spark a broader
Middle East conflict.
That is one reason why a compromise on Iraq's constitution that
satisfies moderate Sunnis is vital before the October 15 vote, said
Joost Hiltermann, Middle East director of the International Crisis
Group. "If no compromise is reached ...
the country will slowly dissolve into civil war and disintegrate," he
predicted. "Unfortunately, this scenario now seems likely."
*** SAD UPDATE ***
CAROLYNCONNETION - I've got a mind and I'm going to use
it!Thinking Blue

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