Stop Big Oil Bailouts
I know - petitions are a pain -- but before you give up on them, sign this one. Please, pretty please -- for our future which hangs in the balance. Remember: Big Oil is not our friend. Ditto for banks, doctors, insurance companies, brokers, etc. ad nauseum. Maddi
My Reply: Thanks Maddi, I signed the petition and will send it around. I hope it works, even if just a smidgen... It seems the more money you possess the more help you get if you gamble it all away. Makes no sense but who are we to question? It's always been that way and it always will remain that way... Pardon me for sounding so cynical... It seems, Pessimism and Skepticism is all they (Big Oil, Big Banksters, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Government {but only for the rich} Big nauseum) have left us with. thinkingblue
PS: Please sign STOP BIG OIL BAILOUTS petition here
or below.

www.stopbigoilbailouts.comI can't believe our government just
gave Big Oil (includes BP) $35 billion in tax breaks! Sign this
growing petition to help get them repealed.

America's richest oil companies are shaking you down.
While reaping the largest corporate profits in history, BP,
ExxonMobil, Chevron and other Big Oil companies have shaken more
than $35 billion in special subsidies and tax breaks out of the
U.S. taxpayer. Then, when Big Oil dumps millions of gallons of
oil into our oceans and waterways, they leave us with the cleanup bill.
BP and other Big Oil companies have been getting government
hand-outs that fleece billions from taxpayers every year. ExxonMobil,
the most profitable corporation in American history, avoided
paying ANY income taxes to the Federal Government last year and
then pocketed an additional $46 million from the IRS.
Surprised? We were.
Enough is enough. It's time to end federal subsidies and tax
breaks to BP and other Big Oil companies. Instead of subsidizing
the most profitable dirty fuel companies on the planet, we could
be supporting new startups that specialize in clean and green
energy. We can break our addiction to oil, create green jobs and
make sure disasters like the one in the Gulf of Mexico never happen again.
But we need your support to make sure our leaders follow through.
Sign now to tell Congress and candidates for office nationwide to
stop the shakedown, and stop taxpayer giveaways to Big Oil and
all the other Dirty Fuels.
RNC Document Mocks Donors, Plays on 'Fear'
Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV
Please sign this
very important petition "demand question time" (of our
political leaders) HERE..
We really need more dialog from those at the top... The
Republicans have got to be made to realize they can't hide behind
"NO" any longer! thinkingblue
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