Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Part Of Ending The Occupation Now Don't They Get?

This last week, the House failed to approve yet another 163 billion dollars in war profiteering, as pushed by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but ONLY because so many of you spoke out, that and because 132 Republican perversely voted "Present". Now the battle shifts to the Senate, where we need your voice to prevail there as well.

Stop It In The Senate Action Page:

What Part Of Ending The Occupation Now Don't They Get?

This last week, the House failed to approve yet another 163 billion dollars in war profiteering, as pushed by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but ONLY because 132 Republican perversely voted "Present".

How is it that still Congress is not listening to the overwhelming majority of the American people who want the indefensible occupation of Iraq to end now? This historically arrogant strategic blunder has done nothing but inflame hatred for America throughout the Muslim world, and has propelled oil prices to stratospheric levels, by destabilizing the entire region.

Yes, we stopped them this time. But to put a final end to it once and for all we need even more people to speak out. We need your voice to contact your Senators yet again, until they finally get the message, that only you can send as their constituents.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "No more Iraq occupation funding." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

thinkingblue's note to the senators:

How much longer must this illegal, extortionate war in Iraq go on? There has been so much damage caused by this war ranging from the loss of influence to the United States of America, around the world, to the endless casualties of Iraqi citizens. Totals (Especially from the Pro-war, Pro-neocons) are estimated at 84,050 to 91,713 but these figures, although quite shocking, are not the true estimate. A study in 2006 assesses the loss of life at over 655,000 Iraqis or more than 500 people a day (A report, which of course, President Bush does not consider credible.). That would mean, every single family most likely, has suffered a loss in this war.

Natural disasters that are inundating the news today, such as in Myanmar, where deaths from Cyclone Nargis stands at about 78,000 but the number will be higher, since another 56,000 people are still missing. And China's death toll from last week’s earthquake in southwest China has risen to 51,151, with 29,328 still missing. Alarming numbers but still dwarfed by the Iraqi totals. The world is reaching out to these natural disaster victims but in contrast no one hardly turns a head towards helping the people of Iraq and why should they? When the USA government is still approving Billions of dollars to PERPETUATE the war not end it. Sending aid $$$ to Iraq is like SPITTING IN THE WIND! How can anyone help a devastated country of people when a government (who appears to the world as militaristic) continues the devastation and ruination by financing and keeping troops there?? Stop the funding and start the healing! I'm not so naive as to think all will be on the mends once, the USA withdrawals their troops. But, as long as they are there, the mayhem will continue, making recovery impossible. Now tell me, you people who hold the purse strings and are in control over so many lives, DOES THAT MAKE SENSE TO YOU?

Barack Obama For President 08

Obama will Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive

Barack Obama, STAND BY ME (the USA)

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