APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH Today, I am going to digress from my usual political postings! April is just around the corner and it will mark a month of happenings to promote public awareness of the fact that too many children are victims of abuse, brutalized and molested, in their homes or elsewhere. They, being so young and innocent are victimized too often by adults, sick, deranged or victims of abuse themselves as children, thus creating a cycle of abuse. They beat, mentally abuse or sexually molest young ones, in their care or who just happen to cross their paths in some way. This is one subject so difficult to make comment on because of the horrific fact that we have such predators amongst us who are capable of committing unimaginable, unspeakable acts of brutality on little children. Young juveniles who should be protected and allowed their childhood years of purity without encountering some of the ugly side of adulthood. A young woman, Jayne Sachs wrote a song about a sad case of sexual molestation of a young girl who liked to dance as a ballerina. This song depicts what happens to young children when left alone with an adult pedophile. The story is fictional but the reality unfortunately is not. Jayne Sachs' song "Twisted Ballerina" has been selected for the grand prize in the John Lennon contest and could win "THE SONG OF THE YEAR" in the Pop catagory. Please read the information below and go to the John Lennon Awards site and vote for this young woman and her very dark song with a poignant message for us all. Thank you, Thinkingblue PS: After clicking the site http://jlsc.com/vote.php Click the " Pop" section and choose Jayne Sachs "Twisted Ballerina" you will need to have your email verified.
When you receive the verification click the link they send you and vote. Please do not try to listen to her song there it will take you to a plug-in and you won't be able to vote. Click here to hear a condensed version of the song on a wav file or go to her site and listen to it there. (Click the Jayne Sachs album cover.) CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE THINKINGBLUE SITE 'TWISTED BALLERINA"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jayne Sachs wins grand prize in Lennon Songwriting Contest By Rick Bird Post staff reporter 
 Little girl Little twisted ballerina Little steps
Little twisted ballerina pirouettes across the floor to the window where her daddy watches from the corner of his eye and her uncle watches her thighs
Little girl Little twisted ballerina Dance
Well her mom's at work down at the hospital today and her daddy decides to cash his paycheck today and her uncle says "Sure, I'll watch your ballerina dance." Well she's heard those words before She's seen that look before She's smelled his breath before She's felt his weight on her before
This ballerina And when her daddy leaves and when they're alone he's says "I just bought a ticket to your show."
Little girl Little twisted ballerina Dance "I just bought a ticket to your show."
Little girl Little twisted ballerina Dance Dance dance dance
Got to dance got to dance got to dance got to dance got to dance got to dance
Dance And she dances out the bedroom And she dances down the hall And she dances down the steps And out the front door And she goes up to the clouds that's where she find her stage And she does the dance that’s twice her age How did he get here? Who let him in up here? Who let him in down there? I was dancing here I was dancing here Little girl Little twisted ballerina Little steps
Little twisted ballerina pirouettes Little twisted ballerina pirouettes

```````````````````````````````````````````` A friend of mine sent me this email: thinkingblue This message is going out to everyone on my e-mail list. I will not normally be sending out messages to you (unless you want me to) but I felt this time the message was worth it. I hope you'll agree and help spread this message out too. From Dave, my friend Jayne Sachs is one of the two pop music grand prize winners in the John Lennon Song writing contest. Her song, Twisted ballerina, is a rough, moving account of child abuse. "Twisted Ballerina" is a song that some child protective service agencies believe is helping spread awareness about child sexual abuse. She'll be playing the song live for hundreds of social workers (who deal with this harsh reality everyday) to kick off April being national Child Abuse Prevention Awareness month. So we need your help! We need your vote. If the song can get passed this on-line voting battle and go on to possibly win "Song of The Year", there would be that much more awareness being spread. Information about the contest and the site to vote is at: http:// jlsc.com/vote.php
Information about Jayne and her song is at: http://www.jaynesachs.com/
To hear the song on-line...
http://www.sonicbids.com/JayneSachs click on "audio" at top of page and also on lyrics to read along. The contest is world wide, so please send this out to all your lists. I think there is only one vote allowed per e-mail address, so spread the word. When you go to vote, you will be asked for some information, because they want to make sure that there is only one vote per e-mail address. The voting started March 15 at 11:00, and continues until April 26th. If you are having problems voting (especially if you DON'T get the confirmation email/voting pass BACK from the Lennon people within minutes... you may want to check your spam filter settings and put it on low or less to allow the email to come through... also you should have spam go into a folder instead of getting deleted automatically. And right after you vote, you can switch their settings back.
MESSAGE FROM JAYNE: Also, as a last resort for people who can't vote for whatever reason due to something in the process, I'm asking people to email me with the email address that they tried to vote with and also who they voted for. I will collect all of these and send to the Lennon people for inclusion if they'll agree. Because everyone's vote SHOULD count.
Thanks.Peace dave

When I woke up this morning, I knew that she was mad; Cause she was crying awful hard, And yelling at my dad. I tried my best to be real good, And do just what she said; I cleaned my room all by myself, I even made my bed.
But I spilled milk on my good shirt, When she yelled at me to hurry; And I guess she didnt hear me, When I told her I was sorry.
Cause she hit me awful hard you see, And called me funny names; And told me I was really bad, And I should be ashamed.
When I said I love you mommy I guess she didn't understand; Cause she yelled at me to shut my mouth. Or I'd get smacked again.
So I came up here to talk to you, Please tell me what to do; Cause I really love my mommy, And I know she loves me, too.
And I don't think my mommy means, To hit me quite so hard; I guess grown ups forget. How really big they are.
So Teddy, I wish you were real, And you weren't just a bear; Than you could help me find a way. To tell mommies everywhere.
To please try hard to understand, How sad it makes us feel; Cause the outside pain goes away, But the inside never heals.
And if we could make them listen, Maybe they'd understand; So other children like me, Wouldn't have to hurt again.
But for now I guess I'll hold you tight, And pretend the pains not there; I know you'd never hurt me, So good night Teddy Bear...
Poem From: http://www.starrlyn.com 

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