Let's Make It a Million!
the number of people
who have already voted
in the referendum to Impeach Bush!
When I think back on the Clinton Impeachment fiasco, I still have moments of disbelief. How can a President or anyone for that matter, be accused of HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS for lying about sexual activity between two consenting adults? Mr. Clinton was guilty of adultery which does not qualify for High Crimes. He was also guilty of lying under oath which is a serious misdeed but given the circumstances that generated the reasons for him to falsify an answer to a grand jury, certainly did not warrant IMPEACHMENT. His ego was involved and the question he was asked was terribly embarrassing for him. If we could turn back the clock I am sure President Clinton would not have allowed his shameful behavior, devastate our country, especially knowing just how devious the extreme right-wing of the Republican party is in their lust for power.
Today, we are faced with a real threatening HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS perpetrated by the highest office holders of our country. The resulting horrors these High Crimes have lead to; death, maiming, torture, illegal wiretaps and countless other offenses against humanity, have brought untold shame to our Nation. The people who are responsible for all this atrociousness are trying to make us believe, they had to use such unfortunate tools because we are at war. (an unnecessary war planned by this same cabal over 12 years ago, a plan to set in motion an ideology that only a few deemed feasible.) If this group is not held accountable for their crimes against FREEDOM AND HUMANITY we are doomed as a Nation, a People and a Planet. Please send a personal note to your representatives to start proceedings on Impeachment, for all those responsible for the dishonor they have brought upon us. CLICK HERE FOR AN EASY FORM TO CONTACT YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Thinkingblue
Below is my statement to my Florida representative:
Our nation is in a state of peril and it is not just the threat of terrorism
that is causing this imminent danger. We are on the threshold of
becoming a police state...A state in which the government exercises
rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political
life of the people, especially by means of a secret police force or
clandestine wiretaps without court orders. An offense even the president
acknowledges as unlawful, yet still tries to sell his rationalizations
to the public for using such illegal means, as he claims, to keep us
safe. "SAFE?", I ask you, we are less safe today, then we were before
September 11, 2001. Our constitution is being shredded and that is the
highest, most ominous endangerment a free society could ever face. Our
President needs to be in-check. He needs to face, what any citizenry
must face when they break the law, retribution for their crimes. The
serious misdeeds of a United States of America, President requires
nothing less then impeachment. Thinkingblue
On to another topic, occasionally I will read one of the most informative on-line newsletters, Informative because it gives you so much world activities by the famous and the not so famous in only a few short paragraphs, illustrating just how bazaar and sad the human condition can be. Please sit back and watch the "theater of the absurd" go by via THE HARPER'S NEWSLETTER of a few weeks, in December 2005 and January 2006.Thinkingblue
Weekly Review
Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2006. By Paul Ford.
More than 170 people died in attacks in Iraq. They were: blown up at a Shiite shrine in Karbala; killed at a police recruiting center in Ramadi; and attacked with mortar, automatic weapons, and finally by a suicide bomber at a funeral near Baquba. [BBC News] Twelve U.S. soldiers were believed to have been killed when an Army helicopter crashed in northern raq, The New York Times] and a U.S. air strike north of Baghdad, intended to destroy a shelter for insurgents, killed a civilian family of 12.[Washington Post] The FAA took steps to lower the risk of space terrorism. [BBC News] A suicide bombing in Afghanistan killed ten
people, [Reuters] a landslide in Java killed at least 14 people, [BBC News] and the 12 men trapped in a mine in West Virginia were reported alive; all but one of them, however, were actually found dead. [ABC News] Lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to conspiracy and fraud charges. The offices of thirty-six U.S. lawmakers, including Tom DeLay, Roy Blunt, Eric Cantor, and President George W. Bush announced that they would return money linked to Abramoff. “You can't have a corrupt lobbyist,” explained Newt Gingrich, “unless you have a corrupt member.” DeLay also insisted that he was an ethical person and announced that he would permanently step down as House Majority Leader. [] [] It was reported that Ariel Sharon's family had been given $3 million in bribes, [BBC News] and British MP George Galloway announced that he would be appearing on the reality TV show “Big Brother.” [Reuters] A policeman in Florida tasered a bear. []
In Oklahoma City an anti-gay activist Baptist pastor and member of the Southern Baptist Convention's executive committee was arrested after he propositioned a male undercover policeman for sex. [] Three Christian ministers claimed that they had sneaked into a Senate hearing room to anoint with oil the chairs used during Samuel Alito's Supreme Court confirmation. [] Lou Rawls died, [The New York Times] as did Yao Wenyuan, the final surviving member of the Gang of Four, [BBC News] and Hugh Thompson Jr., who rescued Vietnamese civilians from U.S. G.I.s during the My Lai massacre. [AP] In San Francisco an air passenger was arrested for having the words “suicide bomber” in his journal; it turned out that the words referred to the name of a band or a song. [Reuters] Pet obesity was on the rise in Britain, [Reuters] and it was
reported that street vendors in Shanghai were secretly replacing mutton with cat meat .[Reuters] A man in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, caught a mouse and threw it into a pile of burning leaves; the mouse, on fire, ran back into the man's house, which then burned down. [BBC News] A woman in Vancouver, British Columbia, pleaded guilty to poisoning the trees in front of her condominium to improve her view of the ocean. [Reuters] 76-year-old performance artist was in trouble for chipping Marcel Duchamp's “Fountain,” a urinal valued at $3.6 million, with a hammer.In 1993 the same performance artist was arrested for urinating into the
artwork. [AP] Thirty-eight thousand people were dying each month in Congo, mostly from treatable diseases, [News 24] and Nigeria decided to
halve its prison population by freeing prisoners with terminal illnesses. [The Jamaica Observer] A building collapsed in Mecca, killing 76 people. [] The Hajj began, [] and Ariel Sharon had another stroke. Pat Robertson blamed Sharon's poor health on God. (more on this below...thinkingblue) Sharon later began to move his right hand, [] [] [ABC News] and oil rose to $64 a barrel. [Reuters] An earthquake struck Greece. [] An Australian woman died after three sharks attacked her, [BBC News] and a fuel truck in Boise, Idaho, ran into a jet. [] It was reported that author James Frey's best-selling memoir was heavily fictionalized, and that author J.T. Leroy was being played in public by a woman named Savannah Knoop. [The Smoking Gun] [NY Times] An artist in
California went to an abandoned mine shaft in a desert and bound his feet together with a long chain and a lock in order to sketch a self-portrait. He lost the key, however, and was forced to hop for 12 hours to get help. [] The New Orleans puppy population was out of control. [] Two teenagers in Turkey died of bird flu, [BBC News] Dick Cheney was retaining fluids, [BBC News] and a 2,300-year-old Irish corpse was found to be wearing hair gel imported from France. [Reuters]
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January 3, 2006
Seven people died in a suicide car bombing in Iraq, and a Norfolk, Virginia, man changed his name to Russia shut down a natural-gas pipeline to Ukraine; as a result, natural-gas supplies were diminished
in Hungary, France, Italy, Poland, and Germany. U.S. financial giant Citigroup was attempting to purchase about 85 percent of the state-owned Guangdong Development Bank of China. The U.S. Justice Department opened an investigation into who leaked information about the NSA's domestic wiretapping program to the New York Times. Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and
Times editor Bill Keller refused to answer any questions about the leak,
even though the questions came from their own public editor. A 2-year-old in Patchogue, New York, was found drunk, and a judge ruled that John Hinckley Jr. could make unsupervised visits to his parents. In Malaysia people were searching for a 10-foot-tall ape that walks upright. The New Year was postponed by one second to accommodate for the slowing rotation of the earth. It was flooding in California, and parts of Oklahoma and Texas were on fire. Twenty Sudanese migrants, protesting their treatment in Egypt, were killed by Egyptian police. A landslide in Yemen killed 30 people, and a collapsing ice rink in Germany killed 11 people. A police officer in Fremont, California, was attacked by a pack of Chihuahuas and was later treated for ankle bites. An airplane flying from England to Spain made an unscheduled stop in Porto Santo, a 10-mile-long, three-mile-wide island, to eject a disruptive passenger. A British woman married an Israeli dolphin after fifteen years of courtship. "I am just waiting for everyone to leave," said the woman, "so we can have a private moment." Wives in China were suing their husbands' mistresses to reclaim gifts the mistresses had received from the husbands. A judge ruled that it was illegal for the Bush Administration to continue to imprison several Chinese Muslims at Guantanamo Bay. Nine
months ago a tribunal determined that the prisoners in question were not actually enemy combatants, but U.S. law will not allow them to be sent to China because China persecutes Muslims, and no other country wants the prisoners. The judge also noted that he had no power to enforce his own ruling. In Utah a 13-year-old girl who became pregnant by her
12-year-old boyfriend was ruled a sex offender. The 12-year-old boy was also ruled a sex offender. "It's a paradox," said the girl's attorney.
Nepalese Maoist Pushpa Kamal Dahal announced an end to the four-month
truce with King Gyanendra's Royal Nepalese Army. It was revealed that
Pentagon contractors had hired Iraqi Sunni clerics to help them develop
propaganda campaigns. In Florida a 16-year-old named Farris Hassan decided to
complete a school project on the Iraq war by going to Iraq; he made it to Baghdad, and was sent back to Florida by United States authorities. "This place," explained an official, "is incredibly dangerous to individual private American citizens." A U.S. National Guardsman who served in Iraq was sentenced to 25 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to shooting an Iraqi soldier with whom he had had consensual gay sex. U.S. school buses were increasingly being plastered with advertisements, and the University of Michigan was boycotting Coca-Cola
products because of Coca-Cola's human rights policies. In West Virginia 13 miners were trapped more than one mile underground. A woman in New York City was under investigation for putting her dead husband in a suitcase and leaving him there until neighbors complained of the smell. "She wanted to take him to Arizona to be buried," explained a detective. Authorities in New Zealand shot
and killed 41 stranded pilot whales. A study found that Antonin Scalia is the funniest of the Supreme Court justices; in fact Scalia is 19 times funnier than Ruth Bader Ginsburg. A former clerk defended Ginsburg's sense of humor: "Maybe not often, perhaps not loudly or with great vigor and the wild waving of arms," said the clerk, "but laugh she does." Another study found that Americans have a
lot of stuff. Hunters in Spain were killing 50,000 hunting greyhounds each year by drowning, poisoning, and hanging them; those greyhounds that "humiliate" their owners by failing to win races or catch hares are often hanged in such a way that their paws barely touch the ground, and as they struggle against the noose, the dogs' nails make a clacking noise. This is known as "the typewriting death."
-- Paul Ford
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December 31, 2005
The number of people killed by the Indian Ocean tsunami rose to 230,000.
A study showed that 310,000 Europeans die from air pollution each year, and the U.N. predicted that 90 million Africans will have HIV by 2025. An international task force of scientists, politicians, and business leaders warned that the world has about 10 years before global warming becomes irreversible. The U.S. Congress officially ratified President George W. Bush's election victory after a two-hour debate over voting irregularities in Ohio. Terri Schiavo, Johnnie
Cochran, Frank Perdue, Mitch Hedberg, Arthur Miller, Saul Bellow, and the pope died, as did the man who wrote the theme song to "Gidget." An Australian tortoise named Harriet turned 175. General Motors was spending more for
health care than for steel, and an increasing number of Americans were heating their homes with corn. El Salvadoran police arrested 21 people for operating a
smuggling operation and seized 24 tons of contraband cheese. NASA announced that it wanted to return to the moon.
A study found that the worldwide percentage of land stricken by drought has doubled within the last 30 years. The Jordan River was filled with sewage, and the last of Gaza's Jewish settlers left their homes on armored buses. Terrorists in London set off bombs on four trains and a bus, killing 52 people; President Bush condemned attacks on innocent folks by those with evil in their hearts. A 13-year-old boy in Kalamazoo accidentally burned down the family meth lab.New Orleans flooded after levees broke in the wake of Hurricane Katrina;
many evacuees were not allowed to take their pets with them. "Snowball!"
cried a little boy after police took away his dog. "Snowball!" At least 42,000 people died in an earthquake in Pakistan. It was announced that Cookie Monster would cut back on cookies. Authorities in Malaysia
arrested 58 people who worship a giant teapot. Poor people rioted in France.
In North Carolina Kenneth Boyd became the 1,000th prisoner executed since the United States reintroduced the death penalty in 1976. A 1,600-inmate faith-based prison opened in Crawfordville, Florida. Police began random bag checks of subway passengers in New York City. It was revealed that the CIA had set up a secret system of prisons, called "black sites," around the world; it was also revealed that the National Security Agency was spying on Americans without first obtaining warrants. Journalist Judith Miller was released from jail and said she wanted to hug her dog. U.S. Congressman Tom DeLay was arrested; U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff I. Lewis
"Scooter" Libby was indicted. The Pentagon admitted to using white phosphorus
during the 2004 attack on Fallujah, Iraq, and allocated $127 billion to build a robot army. The total number of American soldiers killed in the Iraq war rose to 2,174, while the total number of Iraqi civilians killed rose to 27,636. "We are all waiting for death," said an Iraqi soldier, "like the moon waiting for sunset." The U.S. Defense Department, in violation of the federal Privacy Act, was building a database of 30 million 16- to 25-year-olds. The Department of Homeland Security announced that it had wasted a great deal of money and needed much more.
Starbucks came to Guantanamo Bay. Scientists began work on a complete,
molecule-level computer simulation of the human brain. The project will take at least ten years.
--Paul Ford
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December 27, 2005
It was Christmas. The Senate, with Dick Cheney casting the deciding vote, cut $40 billion in funding for foster care, child support, and student loans. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked Congress for $50 million to support
African troops in Darfur, but her request was rejected. Americans had spent $18.48 billion on gift cards this holiday season. The House voted to extend the Patriot Act by five weeks. President George W. Bush called nine U.S. servicemen and servicewomen and wished them a Merry Christmas, while British Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Iraq. It was revealed that undercover police in New York City had infiltrated anti-war protests, street vigils, and pro-bicycling rallies. At one march, police provoked protesters--some of whom they later arrested--by staging a fake arrest. The FBI was spying on Greenpeace, Catholic Worker, the
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and PETA. It was reported
that the United States had, without warrants or court orders, been monitoring
radiation levels at over 100 Muslim mosques, homes, businesses, and other sites in the Washington, D.C., area. It was also reported that the NSA had, with
Presidential approval but without warrants, spied on much more Internet
and phone traffic than was previously acknowledged. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said that there was "absolutely nothing wrong" with President Bush authorizing the NSA to eavesdrop on Americans. A judge in Pennsylvania ruled that teaching Intelligent Design in schools violated the constitutional separation of church and state, while an appeals panel in Kentucky ruled that a courthouse there could continue to display the ten commandments because they are of "historical" significance. "The First Amendment," wrote Circuit Judge Richard Suhrheinrich, "does not demand a wall of separation between church and state." The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that swingers clubs do not harm society. Montgomery County, Maryland, bought the original Uncle Tom's cabin. Workers for the New York City Mass Transit Authority went on strike for three days, and
4,000 London Tube workers voted to hold a 24-hour walkout on December 31. Investigators in New York City were trying to find out who stole Alistair Cooke's bones. Authorities in Vienna, Austria, determined that people dressed as devils can legally smack the rear ends of strangers on Christmas, and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ordered that all western music be banned from state-controlled radio and TV stations. In South Africa a mugger running from security guards fled into a tiger enclosure, where he was mauled to death. The United States denied Saddam Hussein's claim that he had been tortured while imprisoned. "I have been beaten on every place of my body," said Hussein, "and the signs are all over my body." It was discovered that bad hay had led to the deaths of 900 goats in Saskatchewan.
A senior member of the International Olympic Committee revealed that London probably only won the right to host the Olympics in 2012 because of a voting error. Prebiotic organic molecules--which are found in DNA--were discovered
n constellation Ophiuchus, 375 light-years from earth. The Pope was worried that "intellectual and technical achievements" were leading to "spiritual barrenness and emptiness of heart." A study found that good dancers are sexually attractive because they are more symmetrical. In Hubbard, Ohio, a Santa clutched his chest and collapsed as he appeared before 750 elementary schoolchildren, and in Warren, Michigan, a 14-year-old boy raped a 12-year-old girl in a church bathroom during a Christmas play. In Lawrence, Kansas, three women quit their gym because there was a Christmas tree decorated with plastic fetuses in its lobby. A Missouri woman swallowed a cell phone to keep it away from her boyfriend. New rings were found around Uranus, and gay marriage became legal in the U.K. Elton John married his partner David Furnish in Windsor, and two gay druids who perform in amateur pantomime productions were registered as legal partners in Wrexham. Scientists in Switzerland found that taking didgeridoo lessons cuts down on snoring, while scientists in Mauritius discovered the bones of 20 dodos. In the Isle of Wight,England, authorities were looking for Toga, a three-month-old Jackass penguin that they believe was stolen so that it could be given as a Christmas present. "Toga," said a zoo manager, "is very, very vulnerable."
-- Paul Ford
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December 20, 2005
President George W. Bush defended his executive order authorizing the
National Security Agency to spy on Americans without a warrant; Bush
said that he "absolutely" had the right to authorize the program, and that whoever leaked news of the program's existence had committed a "shameful act." Dick Cheney visited Iraq and informed American soldiers that he was not Jessica Simpson. He also watched as Iraqi soldiers holding imaginary guns practiced a vehicle sweep. The Iraqi military announced that they had captured Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, but accidentally released him, and 24 top officials from the Hussein regime, including "Dr. Germ" and "Mrs. Anthrax," were released from jail without charges. It was reported that agents from the Department of Homeland Security
visited a college student in New Bedford, Massachusetts, soon after he requested a copy of "Mao's Little Red Book" through interlibrary loan--although many librarians felt the story might be a hoax. The Senate voted not to extend portions of the Patriot Act. "It is time," said Senator Patrick Leahy, "to have some checks and balances in this country." President Bush was forced to approve the McCain Amendment, which will ban "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of terrorism detainees." Leaked Pentagon documents showed that the U.S. military was routinely collecting intelligence on antiwar groups and putting it into a database. The Pentagon also launched 1-800-CALL-SPY, a hotline that allows U.S. citizens to report suspicious activity directly to the military. Columnist Doug Bandow resigned from his position as a Cato Institute Fellow after it was revealed that he had accepted money from lobbyist Jack Abramoff for writing between 12 and 24 newspaper columns favorable to Abramoff's clients. Peter Ferrara, a senior policy advisor
at the Institute for Policy Innovation, said that he had also taken money from Abramoff to write op-ed pieces, but felt no remorse. "I do that all the time," he
explained. Senator Harry Reid said the current U.S. Congress was "the most corrupt in history." Iraq held parliamentary elections. Tookie Williams was executed in California, and 77-year-old John B. Nixon Sr. was executed in Mississippi. Nixon was the oldest person executed in the United States since the death penalty was reinstated. In Houston, Texas, a receptionist named Kristina Roberts was suing her boss, Jorge Garcia, for ejaculating on her as she worked. Garcia insists the ejaculation was consensual. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Holocaust was a myth, and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a stroke. Palestinians celebrated Sharon's stroke and leaders of Kahane, the ultra-nationalist Jewish group, called on members to pray for the Prime Minister's death. Evo Morales appeared to have won the presidency of Bolivia; he plans to legalize coca farming. Morales, who admires Fidel Castro, said that he wanted to maintain Bolivia's ties to the United States but did not want "a relationship of submission." An Ohio man named Wayne Green was suing a police drug dog for illegal search. "They've got a mean ol' dog," he explained. "You know what I'm saying?" The dog, Andi, signed with a paw print when served with the complaint. North of London, thieves used a crane to steal a two-ton
Henry Moore sculpture, "Reclining Figure," that was valued at more than $5 million; authorities fear the thieves may melt it down for scrap metal. A Romanian shepherd found 80 human fetuses in a forest, and a passerby found 30 dog heads in a Tokyo moat.
Scientists decoded the mitochondrial DNA of the woolly mammoth and confirmed that the mammoth was more closely related to the Asian elephant than to the African elephant, and researchers discovered that the lack of ice floes in the Arctic Ocean was causing polar bears to drown. A Florida owl was found to be high on marijuana. Forty Santas rampaged in Auckland, New Zealand, a flasher dressed as Santa was on the loose in London, and a man who works as a Santa at a New York Wal-Mart was arrested after he exposed himself to a 15-year-old boy and asked for oral sex. For the second time this year, someone stole the life-sized Jesus from a nativity scene in Cincinnati, Ohio, although this time they left behind baby Jesus's leg. Police in New Windsor, New York, destroyed
a snow penis, and a frog-shaped baby was born dead in Yemen. An increasing
number of U.S. women were having their hymens reattached. "It's the ultimate gift," said one woman who underwent the surgery, "for the man who has
everything."British scientists discovered that little girls like to torture their Barbie dolls by scalping, decapitating, burning, breaking, and microwaving
them. "Girls," explained a researcher, "feel violence and hatred towards
their Barbie." EBay was selling 85 toys a minute.
-- Paul Ford
If that wasn't enough material for the THEATER OF THE ABSURD, yesterday
I happen to pass by the channel that the "700 Club" was on and I got a quick glance at Robertson mentioning Ariel Sharon's stroke. Usually I push buttons frantically on that old remote to get away from this insane show but knowing that Pat and his delusional religiosity, spewed forth some disintegrated logic about Sharon the other day, I turned back to the Freak show and listened. THERE WAS PAT'S PUSS DENYING HE EVER SAID GOD MADE SHARON HAVE HIS MASSIVE STOKE. Wow, I thought, days before he said on this very show:
From the January 5 edition of CBN's The 700 Club:
ROBERTSON: I have said last year that Israel was entering into
the most dangerous period of its entire existence as a nation. That is
intensifying this year with the loss of Sharon. Sharon was personally a
very likeable person. I am sad to see him in this condition. But I think
we need to look at the Bible and the Book of Joel. The prophet Joel
makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who, quote,
"divide my land." God considers this land to be his. You read the Bible,
he says, "This is my land." And for any prime minister of Israel who
decides he's going to carve it up and give it away, God says, "No. This
is mine." And the same thing -- I had a wonderful meeting with Yitzhak
Rabin in 1974. He was tragically assassinated, and it was terrible thing
that happened, but nevertheless, he was dead. And now Ariel Sharon, who
was again a very likeable person, a delightful person to be with. I
prayed with him personally. But here he is at the point of death. He was
dividing God's land, and I would say woe unto any prime minister of
Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations
or United States of America. God said, "This land belongs to me, you
better leave it alone."
ARE THESE THE WORDS OF A SANE PERSON? I think not, but the curious thing that Robertson should go on his show and deny what he said 5 days earlier is mind boggling beyond comprehension! I thought about the poor souls who, for lack of a better word, religiously watch this man, seeing and hearing his contradictions, how can they be so hoodwinked by this charlatan? Please go to mediamatters to read about this and listen in real time to THE PAT ROBERTSON DISCREPANCY SHOW. Thinkingblue
n. A person who makes
elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a
quack or fraud. See Synonyms at impostor
For whom the bell tolls a poem
(No man is an island) by John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
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